The Arrancar

Chapter 23 - The Conspiracy Begins

Szayelaporro ended the projection as he looked at the rest of the Espada. "From the data I have collected so far, it is possible to turn Faccion ranked Arrancar into fully-fledged Arrancar. Also it seems that the level of mastery we have with our Resurreccion determines whether or not we earn the Resurgimiento." This last line was aimed at all the Arrancar but specifically Luppi and Aaroniero.

Luppi looked at Szayelaporro and made a slight frown. "Don't be so high and mighty just because you're a little smart."

"No need for all that sass just because you're a little dumb"



The spiritual pressure of Luppi and Szayelaporro clashed as the other Espada looked on unbothered. "If you're gonna fuċk just do it already, I'm sick of you interrupting the damn meeting with your petty arguments." Tier said this as she placed her hand on her chin watching as the cups started to crack under the pressure.

Both of their heads snapped in Tier's direction but neither said anything, their faces contained an endless rage due to their inability to do anything. 'Just because she's ranked higher than us she thinks she can bully us like this.' Little did they know even their thoughts were in tune.

"Tell me more about this research you were doing." reeling the meeting back in, Nel spoke as the other became serious once again.

"The Arrancar that you each trust the most will undergo treatment by Szayelaporro other than that Numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 you will have to learn Resurgimiento before the showdown in two months. If you don't there is a high possibility you will die. The 13 Court Guard Squads are only taking Aizen seriously while we are nothing more than mini-bosses that they think they can defeat at any time." Layla took a large sip of her Tea while she let her words sink in.

The 13 Court Guard Squads' way of thinking is correct, while they were wary of the Espada and the Arrancar, they weren't cautious in their way of interacting with them as a whole. From what they have seen so far the Arrancar's abilities are largely unknown, yet they do not insight fear or panic the way Aizen's abilities do.

After the meeting ended there was slow movement throughout Las Noches, on the surface, all things continued as normal. Yet while everything seemed normal a change was being made, yet in the shadows, the strength of the Arrancar grew.

While that was happening Layla moved to the next step of her plans, walking through Las Noches she found Gin sitting in the control room watching the Arrancar train. The Control room was similar to the surveillance room of a large store or mall as there were many different screens displaying a different part of Los Noches.

Walking over to one of the Empty seats in the Room Layla sat down as she looked back and forth between the screens and Gin, looking for whatever it was that aroused his interest.

"What brings the oh so elusive Espada number Zero to me? You bȧrėly give Captain Aizen the time of day so what is so special about me?" Gin said this which caused Layla to stare at him for a brief second before sending the Arrancar on guard out of the room.

After the Arrancar left and the door closed she said "I know all about you Gin. From the Rukongi with Rangiku, to when Aizen stole a portion of her Spirit energy hindering her growth heavily and you vowed to kill him. I know it all, every single step that you took to arrive at the point you are at today."

Gin's face lost its permanent smile as he opened his eyes and looked at Layla seriously, his face was no longer that of the everyday joker but a Beast that was about to strike. "Now now no need to look at me like that. If I wanted to out you to Aizen don't you think I would have told him and not you? And if you think I'm so daft as to think Blackmail would work please spare me."

"So what do you want?" Gin looked at Layla with killing intent as he was coiled ready to strike.

"If I do this, what exactly is in it for you?"

"The History of the Arrancar is a complicated one, in the beginning, only the world of the living existed. All was as the Soul King willed it but-"

"Wait, you knew about the Soul King before we came along?"

"Of course, why do you think Nel, who was a Vasto Lorde at the time, showed no sudden movements? She had enough power to put up a decent fight with Kaname and You, but adding Aizen into the mix she would have died a dog's death or fell under the effects of his Zanpakuto which at the time I had no way of countering." Layla smiled at Gin, it was a smile that made him feel as though his deepest secrets were laid bȧrė before this woman, 'Espada Cero, it seems you are far more powerful than you let on.'

"So as I was saying, All was as the Soul king willed it, he created the Soul Society to house the souls that passed on, which allowed them to live another Life full of wonder before they once again returned to the World of the Living anew. That was until someone died that was not supposed to die at that time, they were murdered by far more evil individuals. The Soul King didn't know what to do with a soul that refused to accept its passage, so he created the Hollow and Hueco Mundo, which in turn caused the first Soul Reaper to be born, Head Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto." Layla paused, allowing the story to sink in as she looked at the screens watching her Arrancar train.

"So the Head Captain was born due to the will of the Soul King?"

"The Soul King is a God, a legitimate being that can bring about change to the very concept of existence. Aizen may think his power is enough to reach that man but he is far from correct, even in his current state the Soul King isn't something a Soul Reaper can contend against. But back to my story, as more and more Hollows were born, the older ones grew stronger until an Arrancar was born. As this Arrancar defied the natural order of things Hell was created as a natural response from the Universe. Shortly after the Soul King's son, the very first Quincy came to be. And from there as you were a Captain I'm sure you know the rest."

Gin fell into deep thought as he looked up at Layla once again, "The story of the Arrancar was locked away deep in the archives but as soon as the Head Captain saw one he immediately knew what it was. However, all Arrancar were exterminated long before almost every captain in the 13 court guard squads was born with the exception of the Head Captain and the Captain of Squad 4."

"It's because they are the ones that fought in the Arrancar war against Hexxius, the First Arrancar."

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