The Arrancar

Chapter 26 - Grimmjow's Displeasure

"Oh? I was noticed so quickly. It seems the Arrancar Aizen created are far better than I expected." Standing up, Shinji looked at Grimmjow as he adjusted his Hat.

Grimmjow's face turned sour as he looked up at the newcomer. "Shinji Hirako, Former Captain of Squad 5. Now let's make one thing clear: Aizen didn't create me."

"Well, it doesn't really matter." Shinji said this as he threw his hat, placing his hand on his head as he spoke. "A dead Arrancar is one and the same, it doesn't matter if he created you or not."

Lowering his hand Shinji's Hollow mask appeared on his face, Using flash step he arrived in front of Grimmjow who used his Zanpakuto to deflect the blow. The Shockwave of the clash sent Ichigo flying back.

"You have enough strength to block my Hollowfied attack, that's pretty good." Shinji, still clashing with Grimmjow says as he looks into the Unphased eyes of Grimmjow. 'I thought that would at least force him back but it seems this won't be an Easy opponent.'

Shinji raised his Spiritual Pressure to the limit pushing Grimmjow back causing the Arrancar to lose his balance and be sent flying a few meters crashing into a Building. Using Flash step Shinji closed the distance, delivering another blow that set Grimmjow into the air. 'He isn't this weak, why isn't he fighting back?'

Grimmjow regained his Balance and stood in the air attempting to stop the momentum on his invisible foothold. Looking up Grimmjow saw Shinji charging a Cero, the red energy dyed the surroundings.

In response, Grimmjow raised his left hand and charged a Cero as well, the Sky Blue energy collected dying the surroundings in its light. Down below Ichigo looked at the fight between the duo. 'They are on a completely different Level.'

Sparks flew as their Zanpakuto clashed over and over. Moving at speeds normal people could only dream about. 'It's been two minutes, I have three minutes left of Hollowfication, I should end this soon.'

Shinji separated from The Espada and put a small amount of distance between the two of them. "You are much better than I expected, your swordsmanship is far beyond what they teach at the Soul Reaper academy! Who taught you?"

Grimmjow's mind flashed back to Hueco Mundo when he was just turned into an Arrancar. Along with the other new Arrancar stood before Espada Cero. "Currently you are Blank slates, you know nothing about fighting with a sword but instinct. For some of you that may be an acceptable level, however, I am not looking for acceptable."

"Wielding a sword is a burden." Saying this she placed her hand on the hilt of her Zanpakuto. "Life, Death, Dismemberment, the list goes on but these are the sorts of injuries that you can inflict."

Slowly she unsheathed her Zanpakuto. "Now who wants to be my sparring partner?" Her bright eyes scanned the crowd until she locked onto someone that wasn't fully paying attention to her words.

"You. Come, stand across from me." Pointing to Grimmjow, Layla let out a smirk.

Back then Grimmjow still had this idea of 'King' running through his head, he ȧssumed he was the strongest, he ȧssumed that he was better, he was very, very wrong.

Back to the fight Grimmjow shuddered as he remembered her 'Mental Training' looking at Shinji he smiled slightly and said. "The one that sits at the Peak of Arrancar, Espada Cero."

Shinji was taken aback as he didn't expect there to be such a strong sense of Comradery between the Hollows turned Arrancar.

Yet before the two could clash a Garganta opened and Ulquiorra stepped out. "The Mission has been completed."

Nodding his head Grimmjow sheathed his Zanpakuto, he looked towards Ichigo. "Think about it, I am number 5. You couldn't even force me to release my Zanpakuto, you're simply useless."

Ichigo watched on as the Espada turned his back and walked through the Garganta. Clenching his fists the orange-haired Soul Reaper slammed into the dirt. "DAMMIT!"

"Sounds good, I'll summon them with Nagicion in another Hour, let's see what happens. I'll also summon the lower Ranking Espada, could you ask the higher ranking ones to come along? We need to start planning for the Invasion." Grimmjow said this as he removed the dirty jacket off of his torso leaving it exposed, tossing the discarded garment into the void he placed his hands in his pockets as the two made their way back to Hueco Mundo.

On the other Battlefield, it was a War of Attrition. Standing at the forefront of the Battlefield was Aaroniero he looked at the Soul Reapers and stood in the air leisurely. "It seems the Spiritual Pressure limiter was removed this time rather quickly, Luppi what do you think? Shall I go or shall you?"

"Well, earlier Grimmjow wanted me to test the capabilities of my Zanpakuto, but I feel that in this particular fight you should have the first go. If you are in trouble I will help you but, I doubt you will need my head, us Espada aren't so weak." Luppi said this as his usual playful demeanor changed, he took a seat in the distance where he could oversee every aspect of the battlefield.

The Soul Reapers looked on puzzled "Isn't that the Lieutenant of squad 13?" Rangiku said this as she placed her hand on her chin. While Aaroniero smiled widely.

"You can say that I am the former Lieutenant of Squad 13 as I do have all of his memories, but in fact, he was devoured by a Hollow that I devoured." Both Luppi and Aaroniero then felt a powerful gaze fall on them which caused them to stiffen slightly before calming down once they recognized the Spiritual Pressure.

'Lord Aizen, Lady Layla, Lady Nel, Lord Hexxius, they are all watching us..' the Arrancar locked eyes for a second then nodded.

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