The Arrancar

Chapter 3 - Understanding The Timeline

The Soul Society is an afterlife. This is also where Shinigami live and where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the Human World. Rukongai is the largest portion of Soul Society and the most populated. It is divided into 320 districts (80 in North Rukongai, 80 in West Rukongai, 80 in South Rukongai, 80 in East Rukongai). District 1 is closest to the Serietei while district 80 is the furthest. The Seireitei is in the center of Soul Society, a circular shiro with four main entrances, each guarded by a Gatekeeper. The Seireitei is where the 13 Court Guard squads are located.

Currently, Layla is in District 80 of the west Rukongai. As the Souls residing here do not have Spirit Energy they are unable to see Layla as she roams about listening to the conversations they are having. Most of their conversations are pretty useless but together they could lead to something larger. Soon Layla overheard a conversation that a large group was having.

"Did you hear about the Academy Admissions this year? Captain Hirako will be present!"

"Huh? Who is that?"

"That's the Captain of Squad 5 you idiot!"

Layla who was silently listening from the sidelines started to piece it all together. 'No wonder my presence here was detected yet, Kiskue Urahara is not yet the Captain of Squad 12 or he is in the Begining of his tenure as the Captain which means the Department of Research and Development has not yet been founded. This means the Hollow detection systems aren't yet in place.'

Inwardly Smiling while outwardly stoic Layla began her massacre quickly getting the necessary Human souls and a peculiar notification from the Spiritual Matrix.

*Fragment of Futan 1/1000 Found*

"Fragment of Futan?" Perplexed Layla directed the question to Zuex.

"I am also unsure of what that is. However! Futan is the God of wind in Japanese Mythology. That's all I know haha." Zuex's voice was slightly dejected as he said this.

Far away from Layla within the Seireitei, there was a figure seated within a Squad room.

"This is unexpected, a Hollow actually able to slip into the Soul Society without anyone knowing. Outside of my expectations but it seems things will be interesting in the future."

Adjusting his glasses the Seating Figure continued reading.

"So it's about 100 years before the true start of the main storyline, I will have to establish myself in Hueco Mundo before Aizen starts his work there." Opening up the Garganta Layla slipped away back to Hueco Mundo as her mission was complete.

Rubbing her large paws through the sand Layla took a look at the area around her. "Beneath the desert of Hueco Mundo is the Forest of Menos. As this is prior to when Aizen creates Arrancar with the Hogyoku there shouldn't be many Adjucha class Hollows down there but this should be the perfect place for me to start battling."

The Small needle-like trees that are on the surface of Hueco Mundo are actually the top of the trees that grow from below the surface in the Forest of Menos. Walking towards one of these quartz-like trees Layla starts to dig around the tree with her powerful paws and claws. Like an expert excavator, the sand is moved at a rapid pace as her body starts to sink below the surface at a visible rate. She continues to dig until she reached the hard rock like surface that supports the sands of Hueco Mundo.

Rubbing her paws across the cool rock surface she hardens her heart for what is to come. "Clearly becoming a Hollow has changed my mentality a decent amount as I didn't even flinch when I killed those people in the Soul Society." The Spirt Energy in her body began to swirl and concentrate into her paws.

Her strong front Legs flexed as she used her entire body as a battering ram.


When her Paws struck the rock surface it sounded like an explosion. The sand around the area of impact flew into the air when it fell back down it sounded like the sky was falling.


Cracks spiderwebbed the surface.



The rock face along with Layla fell.

Although she expected this she was still surprised, not by the actual fall but by the fact that her hollow body did not have the instinctual fear of falling like the Human Body before. The Fall lasted for 4 seconds, when her body made contact with the soil like substance below the sound echoed through the forest.

As her body pieced itself back together after her fall, Layla's eyes never stopped looking around. The Menos Forest was not as dark as one would expect from a place that was underground, while it was still dark the light from the Hole she just created seemed to reflect and refract off of the tree trunks and light up the dark world sufficient enough to see at least 5 feet in front of you.

The small sapling like trees that were on the surface are now at least 10-20 meters in circumference at their base. They shot at into the sky literally supporting all of Hueco Mundo, from within their depths the occasional screech of a hollow would cry out.

"Hollows usually are driven by instinct to seek out and devour human souls for sustenance, however, there is a point where they no longer think humans are enough and begin to devour Hollows. These cannibalistic Hollows start to grow and evolve here in the Menos Forest." Layla was thinking internally about this not realizing that she has already become prey in another's eyes.

The Hollow looked at Layla who seemed injured as a meal ready to be devoured, it hollow mask covered the majority of it's upper body as it stood bipedally. It's body contained a degree of muscle mass only found in Olympic strongmen.

Suddenly it started to gather spirit energy as a red orb started forming in front of it's hollow hole, feeling the disturbance in the area Layla turned her eyes around to see what was locked onto her as the beam was released.


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