The Arrival
13 Burn it All
It had been normally loud evening in Archorhead. The hutts and black suns had been fighting just south of the city, and it had been getting progressively worse by the day. This night however something felt off to the natives of Tatooine. Like the clam before the storm, and if any one person would have looked up in the sky south of where the battle had been raging. They would have spotted a larger number of troop transports entering the atmosphere.
The transports silently entered the battle field just south of the hutt forces. As the transports made land fall, all of the troopers jumped out and headed to predetermined positions. The Hutts never suspected enemy forces to appear behind them. Let alone that the enemy would be a Mandlorain army. Considering most of the galaxy only saw mandlorians as guns for hire.
Just before midnight with the three moons high in the sky they mandlorians attacked in full force. The hutt forces had just started to wined down for the night in their camp when the attack happened. The mandlorians attacked from all sides, snipers on a near by ridge killed anyone of the hutt troops that ran away from the battle. While shock and heavy mandlorian troops caught the hutts in a hammer and anvil style attack. Forcing the hutts to try and regroup near the black sun strong hold. The black suns having noticed the battle in the hutt camp cheered believing they were final being reinforced.
They continued believing that right until Canderous-class assault tanks started taking shoots at the fortress. With both forces taken by surprise the mandlorians continued landing more and more troops soon most of the 15,000 had entered the battle in one form or another. Well atlest the normal troops had, the commando on the other hand where still in orbit. This was about to change ,however as the 80 commando did final checks on their modified basilisk war droids.
Sharia had informed each group of an objective they need to compete before they would all meet up at the spaceport. Jack's group would need to fly down and take out the heavy blaster cannons on the black suns' fortress to take some pressure off of the main forces. After that they would need to head to Archorhead and locate Watto and meet the others at the space port.
This had work out just fine for Jack as getting a hold of Watto had become all of the commandos true objectives which was keep from Sharia. When Jack asked where she would be she simply told them she would be meeting with a mandlorian informant before meeting them at the space port.
No Jack was worried for the other commandos he did not know what objectives Sharia had given them but he knew what ever it was it wasn't going to be easy. All he could do was pray that they would make it through with all of their people. returning his focus to the count down his grip on the controls tighten. "10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1....dropping ...dropping"
The war droids were shot at the planet with intense speed and precision. Inside Jack could feel every bump and joint the droid was experiencing and it was exhilarating. However they had a job to do so switching over to his platoon com net he sent a message telling everyone to form up on him and prepare for their attack run.
On the ground a mandlorain sniper team hidden on a ridge takes pop shots at any hutt or black suns forces they can see. In the middle of their fun the got a call across coms. "Any recon team on this net, this is Demon dog actual need lase on heavy blaster cannon for attack run, how copy." The lead sniper quickly responded, " Demon dog actual, this is recon 3 we read you loud and clear setting up for lase we will guide you on target how copy?" "Thats a good copy Demon dog out."
The team quickly sets up the laser designation device taking aim at the 6 heavy cannons taking shots at anything out side of the fortress. No sooner had they done that had they heard the scream of an object breaking the sound barrier, as 20 war droids fly over head. Taking aim with their heavy ion and blaster cannons the 20 war droids completely shredded they 6 cannons. Taking this chance to cause a bit more chaos Jack leads his platoon on an other attack run on the fortress it self.
Dropping ion bombs they destroy most of the fortress auto defense turrets they fly off heading to Archorhead. Leaving compete destruction in there wake as the hutt forces took advantage of the fortress now lack of defense to try ,and get inside if only to have to face an enemy one front for a time. Jack's platoon now just north of Archorhead touched down in a field on the outskirts of the city as to not draw too much attention on to themselves.
After coving their war droid in a ray shield they move in a spread wedge formation towards Wattos last known location. A local club and spicy den called Shnooks, Jack and his group had only been a few blocks away when they landed so they arrived at the building with out much issue. At this point Jack had Trish and her squad fan out and take up security ,and took Keith and three of his men inside to secure the target.
As the enter all movement from the patrons ceased, which is to be expected when what looks like five heavy armed mandlorains bounty hunters enters any building. Walking through the establishment Jack and Keith eye up ever person they come across. Of course they could simply walk right up to Watto and grab him, but these two couldn't help but want to show off a bit. (A/N I mean come on who wouldn't want to act like a badass in front of people who don't know you)
Making their way over to Watto who had his back turn away from them at the bar. Jack nods at Keith, and the man grabs Watto by the should and turns him around saying," Watto...Watto the junk dealer from Mos Espa..Your coming with us." In a voice that almost sounded like Jango Fetts. It took everything in Jacks power not to start laughing as he watched Wattos' eyes go huge as he stuttered through a response. " must be some mistake...I..I.was told I would be able to pay Jabba in a week for the two slaves...its only been 6 days...I still have a day right...come on fellas give me a break here."
The moment Watto had said slaves Jack immediately turned to Keith, being the man's best friend Keith knew what his friend wanted to do. " No it became 7 days and hour ago so we are here to collect the slaves and bring you to the space port so we can go meet with Jabba. Now get up and move." Dragging Watto by the neck Keith pulled the man from the bar as his wings flapped violently in every direction. Screaming like a stuck pig the man yelled for help right up until Keith shoved a blaster in his face and asked where are the slaves.
Watto explained that they were in his hotel next to the spaceport Jack nodded and threw a bag over his head as the headed out the door. Seeing her friends exit unharmed Trish had her squad reform as they headed to the space port. Jack informed her what they had learned on the way, when they received a call over the com. " Jack...Jack come in its Hans we are pinned down just south of your position we need some support."
" What the hell are they doing south of us." Trish stated, and Jack also wanted to know as their shouldn't be anything of strategic worth to the south. He would find out answers later for now he need to help Hans and his men out. Jack told Keith to take his squad to the hotel near the spaceport and secure Anakin and Shmi then wait for them there.
Jack took Trish and her squad south to provide support for Hans and his men. Moving quickly they soon hear the sounds of blaster fire just ahead of them so Jack radios Hans to get the enemy position. " Hans...I am here we are to your west where are you taking fire from..." At first Jack got no response then the com came to life." The platoon leader was hit we are patching him up now but if you don't take out the guys shooting at us to our north we are going to have more casualties."
Jack nodded at Trish then took off running north of them just as they about to round a corner.Trish spotted what looked like other Mandlorains using a blaster turret mounted on a speeder to keep Hans' group pinned down. There also looked to be about 25 others taking pop shots at Hans' group. Jack had everyone line up a shot. Using the force Jack slowly moved the speeder so that the gunner would be in line with Jacks shot.
Just as The gunner came into view Jack and the other in sync fired off one shot everyone killing their mark. With Jack killing the gunner and the person that had been right beside him. With that the gun fight finally broke out. Though Jack and the others had taken out 11 people that still left 14 others. Weaving in and out of the side alleys that lined the street Jack slowly made his way to the enemy.
Trish and her people provide suppressing fire cause the other group to take cover from the blaster bolts. Two however did not make it in time and where riddled with bolts before their bodies hit the ground. Hans' group seeing the pressure on them had been relived charged forward driving them into a near by building.
During the enemies retreat one of them fell behind and screamed for help from one of his comrades. They however ignored him and ran inside and sealed the door. The man pounded on the door screaming to let him in but he received no response. Jack walked up to the man his metal boots making soft impact sounds in the sand. The man finally notices Jacks presents and quickly turned around with a vibroblade. " I want to challenge your leader in one on one combat if I win you let me go."
Jack laughed," And what do I get if I win seeing how I will claim your life if you lose it had better be something good." The man panic then he remember something. " I know the hanger number for a republic prototype Kom'rk-class fighter its on a data pad in the building you can get it afterwords win or lose." Well this was a nice surprise that transport ship was better than the current versions they had been fielding taking that back to earth would be a great boon.
Jack slowly took out the Beskad he had attached to his pack, " I accept kill me and go free, but I don't think thats going to happen. The man ran at Jack with the blade held high and swung down with all his strength. Jack merely deflected the blade to his left side, taking a step to the right jack sent a kick to the mans gut, and watched the man keel over holding his stomach.
When the man final go up any manner of technique he might have had went out the window as the man swung wildly in all direction. Jack dodged left, right,and back moving effortlessly. Waiting for the man to tire himself out. When the moment came and the man lowered his body Jack quickly swung his beskad between his neck and head separating the two. With one swift motion he swung off any blood and returned his blade to his back before turning to the building. The mans body hung in the air as if still trying to process what happened, before his head left his body and they both dropped like a sack of rocks.
Jack looked at the building he didn't have the man power or the time to try and clear it out, just as he was thinking about what to do Hans walked up to him. The man had a burn mark that covered half of his face but he looked like he could still continue the mission. " Hans did your objective involve anything inside this building." Hans looked at the building then shook his head no. " Good " Jack turned to Trish and her group," Burn it all...if the Fighter is in the hanger we will find it when we get there."
And just like that the opposing mandlorains were burned alive. Any that came running out of the building were meet with blaster bolts. After insuring the blaze could not be stopped Jack turned his group toward the spaceport at a double time. They had places to be and people to kill.
[A/N for anyone who wants to see the war droid here is a link]
The transports silently entered the battle field just south of the hutt forces. As the transports made land fall, all of the troopers jumped out and headed to predetermined positions. The Hutts never suspected enemy forces to appear behind them. Let alone that the enemy would be a Mandlorain army. Considering most of the galaxy only saw mandlorians as guns for hire.
Just before midnight with the three moons high in the sky they mandlorians attacked in full force. The hutt forces had just started to wined down for the night in their camp when the attack happened. The mandlorians attacked from all sides, snipers on a near by ridge killed anyone of the hutt troops that ran away from the battle. While shock and heavy mandlorian troops caught the hutts in a hammer and anvil style attack. Forcing the hutts to try and regroup near the black sun strong hold. The black suns having noticed the battle in the hutt camp cheered believing they were final being reinforced.
They continued believing that right until Canderous-class assault tanks started taking shoots at the fortress. With both forces taken by surprise the mandlorians continued landing more and more troops soon most of the 15,000 had entered the battle in one form or another. Well atlest the normal troops had, the commando on the other hand where still in orbit. This was about to change ,however as the 80 commando did final checks on their modified basilisk war droids.
Sharia had informed each group of an objective they need to compete before they would all meet up at the spaceport. Jack's group would need to fly down and take out the heavy blaster cannons on the black suns' fortress to take some pressure off of the main forces. After that they would need to head to Archorhead and locate Watto and meet the others at the space port.
This had work out just fine for Jack as getting a hold of Watto had become all of the commandos true objectives which was keep from Sharia. When Jack asked where she would be she simply told them she would be meeting with a mandlorian informant before meeting them at the space port.
No Jack was worried for the other commandos he did not know what objectives Sharia had given them but he knew what ever it was it wasn't going to be easy. All he could do was pray that they would make it through with all of their people. returning his focus to the count down his grip on the controls tighten. "10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1....dropping ...dropping"
The war droids were shot at the planet with intense speed and precision. Inside Jack could feel every bump and joint the droid was experiencing and it was exhilarating. However they had a job to do so switching over to his platoon com net he sent a message telling everyone to form up on him and prepare for their attack run.
On the ground a mandlorain sniper team hidden on a ridge takes pop shots at any hutt or black suns forces they can see. In the middle of their fun the got a call across coms. "Any recon team on this net, this is Demon dog actual need lase on heavy blaster cannon for attack run, how copy." The lead sniper quickly responded, " Demon dog actual, this is recon 3 we read you loud and clear setting up for lase we will guide you on target how copy?" "Thats a good copy Demon dog out."
The team quickly sets up the laser designation device taking aim at the 6 heavy cannons taking shots at anything out side of the fortress. No sooner had they done that had they heard the scream of an object breaking the sound barrier, as 20 war droids fly over head. Taking aim with their heavy ion and blaster cannons the 20 war droids completely shredded they 6 cannons. Taking this chance to cause a bit more chaos Jack leads his platoon on an other attack run on the fortress it self.
Dropping ion bombs they destroy most of the fortress auto defense turrets they fly off heading to Archorhead. Leaving compete destruction in there wake as the hutt forces took advantage of the fortress now lack of defense to try ,and get inside if only to have to face an enemy one front for a time. Jack's platoon now just north of Archorhead touched down in a field on the outskirts of the city as to not draw too much attention on to themselves.
After coving their war droid in a ray shield they move in a spread wedge formation towards Wattos last known location. A local club and spicy den called Shnooks, Jack and his group had only been a few blocks away when they landed so they arrived at the building with out much issue. At this point Jack had Trish and her squad fan out and take up security ,and took Keith and three of his men inside to secure the target.
As the enter all movement from the patrons ceased, which is to be expected when what looks like five heavy armed mandlorains bounty hunters enters any building. Walking through the establishment Jack and Keith eye up ever person they come across. Of course they could simply walk right up to Watto and grab him, but these two couldn't help but want to show off a bit. (A/N I mean come on who wouldn't want to act like a badass in front of people who don't know you)
Making their way over to Watto who had his back turn away from them at the bar. Jack nods at Keith, and the man grabs Watto by the should and turns him around saying," Watto...Watto the junk dealer from Mos Espa..Your coming with us." In a voice that almost sounded like Jango Fetts. It took everything in Jacks power not to start laughing as he watched Wattos' eyes go huge as he stuttered through a response. " must be some mistake...I..I.was told I would be able to pay Jabba in a week for the two slaves...its only been 6 days...I still have a day right...come on fellas give me a break here."
The moment Watto had said slaves Jack immediately turned to Keith, being the man's best friend Keith knew what his friend wanted to do. " No it became 7 days and hour ago so we are here to collect the slaves and bring you to the space port so we can go meet with Jabba. Now get up and move." Dragging Watto by the neck Keith pulled the man from the bar as his wings flapped violently in every direction. Screaming like a stuck pig the man yelled for help right up until Keith shoved a blaster in his face and asked where are the slaves.
Watto explained that they were in his hotel next to the spaceport Jack nodded and threw a bag over his head as the headed out the door. Seeing her friends exit unharmed Trish had her squad reform as they headed to the space port. Jack informed her what they had learned on the way, when they received a call over the com. " Jack...Jack come in its Hans we are pinned down just south of your position we need some support."
" What the hell are they doing south of us." Trish stated, and Jack also wanted to know as their shouldn't be anything of strategic worth to the south. He would find out answers later for now he need to help Hans and his men out. Jack told Keith to take his squad to the hotel near the spaceport and secure Anakin and Shmi then wait for them there.
Jack took Trish and her squad south to provide support for Hans and his men. Moving quickly they soon hear the sounds of blaster fire just ahead of them so Jack radios Hans to get the enemy position. " Hans...I am here we are to your west where are you taking fire from..." At first Jack got no response then the com came to life." The platoon leader was hit we are patching him up now but if you don't take out the guys shooting at us to our north we are going to have more casualties."
Jack nodded at Trish then took off running north of them just as they about to round a corner.Trish spotted what looked like other Mandlorains using a blaster turret mounted on a speeder to keep Hans' group pinned down. There also looked to be about 25 others taking pop shots at Hans' group. Jack had everyone line up a shot. Using the force Jack slowly moved the speeder so that the gunner would be in line with Jacks shot.
Just as The gunner came into view Jack and the other in sync fired off one shot everyone killing their mark. With Jack killing the gunner and the person that had been right beside him. With that the gun fight finally broke out. Though Jack and the others had taken out 11 people that still left 14 others. Weaving in and out of the side alleys that lined the street Jack slowly made his way to the enemy.
Trish and her people provide suppressing fire cause the other group to take cover from the blaster bolts. Two however did not make it in time and where riddled with bolts before their bodies hit the ground. Hans' group seeing the pressure on them had been relived charged forward driving them into a near by building.
During the enemies retreat one of them fell behind and screamed for help from one of his comrades. They however ignored him and ran inside and sealed the door. The man pounded on the door screaming to let him in but he received no response. Jack walked up to the man his metal boots making soft impact sounds in the sand. The man finally notices Jacks presents and quickly turned around with a vibroblade. " I want to challenge your leader in one on one combat if I win you let me go."
Jack laughed," And what do I get if I win seeing how I will claim your life if you lose it had better be something good." The man panic then he remember something. " I know the hanger number for a republic prototype Kom'rk-class fighter its on a data pad in the building you can get it afterwords win or lose." Well this was a nice surprise that transport ship was better than the current versions they had been fielding taking that back to earth would be a great boon.
Jack slowly took out the Beskad he had attached to his pack, " I accept kill me and go free, but I don't think thats going to happen. The man ran at Jack with the blade held high and swung down with all his strength. Jack merely deflected the blade to his left side, taking a step to the right jack sent a kick to the mans gut, and watched the man keel over holding his stomach.
When the man final go up any manner of technique he might have had went out the window as the man swung wildly in all direction. Jack dodged left, right,and back moving effortlessly. Waiting for the man to tire himself out. When the moment came and the man lowered his body Jack quickly swung his beskad between his neck and head separating the two. With one swift motion he swung off any blood and returned his blade to his back before turning to the building. The mans body hung in the air as if still trying to process what happened, before his head left his body and they both dropped like a sack of rocks.
Jack looked at the building he didn't have the man power or the time to try and clear it out, just as he was thinking about what to do Hans walked up to him. The man had a burn mark that covered half of his face but he looked like he could still continue the mission. " Hans did your objective involve anything inside this building." Hans looked at the building then shook his head no. " Good " Jack turned to Trish and her group," Burn it all...if the Fighter is in the hanger we will find it when we get there."
And just like that the opposing mandlorains were burned alive. Any that came running out of the building were meet with blaster bolts. After insuring the blaze could not be stopped Jack turned his group toward the spaceport at a double time. They had places to be and people to kill.
[A/N for anyone who wants to see the war droid here is a link]
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