The Arrival

52 Black Out part 3

Ro Bretra was confused at the situation she was finding her self in. On the one hand she had somehow survived the massacre that took place just a few minutes ago at the CIC building, but on the other hand she was now at the mercy of the same people who had done the massacre just minutes earlier.

She and a few others had seen their attackers when they had boarded the front of the shuttle, and she was utterly shocked that 6 people had caused so much death in the spand of a few minutes. During the ride to where ever they were going a few of Ro Bretra officers had gotten the idea that they could take the 6 on now that they were in an enclosed space.

That idea had quickly been shut down when one of the attackers entered the back room. The began checking for hidden weapons and taking the means to unlock the cuffs that where placed on them. A few officers had indeed slipped their cuffs and had keep a few weapons on them. When the man or machine had gotten close they tried to get the jump on it.

Key word in this is tried, and the man quickly grabbed on of his attackers by the neck and held him as a shield as another officer attempted to open fire on him. Instead he hit the officer being used as a shield. Tossing the now dead officer he punched another attacker right in the chest caving the poor women's chest cavity killing her. The giant of a man walked up to the last attacker as he struggled to get the dead body off of him.

Only to find a boot right on his neck. With out a word the man crushed his windpipe leaving the officer to choke to death, and went back to his orderly task. No one tried anything after that as their original number of 25 just dropped to 22 it was plain to anyone else that their leader had been speaking the truth he really did not give a damn one way or the other about them.

So Ro just focused on getting through each moment one step at a time hopefully she would live to tell the tale but at this rate it did not seem like this was likely.

John and Blue Team had their own problems at the moment. Trying to get thro6the city in what amounts to a military tank without being noticed was proving to be more difficult then first imagined. They had to stay off of any many speeder lanes as to many people would see them. So forced to take lanes less traveled but them into a maze of some sort. They were quickly becoming turned around.

With the stile radio inside of the vehicle they new that the planet's security forces where on the look out for the vehicle they were in. So going back was not an option. With only 4 minutes left until they need to reach the pick up zone John decided stealth was now off the table. He gunned the transport straight up and over the skyline of the city. Spotting the landing zone he gunned it towards the point.

John had let command know they had hostiles following behind them. In response a second pelican was launched this one not caring about stealth in the lest screamed into the atmosphere to catch up with the first one to lunch. The QRF was informed that they now how a time limit to get all assets off the ground before parted of the city was glassed to cover up the operation.

Blue them were now flooring it to get to the exit point as more and more speeders where following behind them. Blue 5 and 6 were now tossing out the explosives and nailing a few of the speeders in the process. Causing massive fire balls to crash into part of the city. John knew it was only a matter of time till the whole planet was aware of their actives. At that point their would be no way for them to get out of the system.

Pushing the transport to his limits they arrive to the drop off point in minutes. After landing the force their prisoners behind the transport and in to cover while they take up defensive positions to hold out until their evacuate arrives. With in seconds the first of the many speeders following them start to arrive. The passengers in them are killed as quickly as they exit their vehicles. Pouring rounds down ranger Blue tram turns the field in front of the blue with Neimoidian blood as more than 30 bodies litter the ground.

It is not enough however as more and more security forces start to land. Their suppressing fire is enough to make Blue team take cover and start to fall back. Things begin to lock grim as the enemy forces slowly try and box them end. Seeing that these unknown forces have stopped firing back the security force take the chance to rush their positions.

This rush is cut short by a barrage of missile fire sent out but two pelicans. As they scream arcoss the sky and into the landing point. 30 Arc troopers coming pouring out of one ship as they lay suppressing fire down on the security forces stopping their advance cold.

John uses this chance to get his HPVs on top the second transport and out of the combat zone. With all parties loaded The Arc Troopers reload onto their pelican and both transport take off straight into space. With the transports safely out of the combat zone John calls in a strike on that position as well as the building they had just been at. As the pelican leave atmosphere John looks out of the front just in time to see a purplish beam go screaming into the planet from the Ravenger. If they were on the ground they would see the area they were just in hand been turned into molten glass.

Along with anyone who was still in that vicinity. Another beam went flying into the planet only this one set fire to the area around the CIC building. All evidence of Blue Teams attack had been wiped from existence, and thanks to the virus that Blue 2 had placed into the computer system in the building the rest of the planet would believe a gas leak caused and explosive and set that block on fire killing everyone in the area.

"Blue 1 to command mission complete no KIA reported inform Mand'lor of mission success, as well as the capture of 23 surrendered and 1 HPV." " Blue 1 this is Command good copy sending report now. Welcome back team hell of a way to start your first battle. I think with this you guys just kicked off the war...if they ever firgure out who attacked them."

John just shuck his head if these poor bastards ever firgure out who attacked them I don't believe they would enter the war. Look at how much damage One frigate could do. What if a hundred show up or a thousand. No one in their right mind would want to fight something like that over their planet. Well this would serve as a messages to Mand'lor's enemies in the Senate. Cross us and this can happen to you too.

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---New Mandalor---

Jack was in the middle of a war council when his holo com got and incoming messages. Opening it up on the table the council went quite as Sharia furgure came on screen, " Mand'lor I report mission complete we have 1 HPV on board and 23 captured security forces from the planet. We are making our way back into friendly controlled spaces and should arrive at New Mandalor in six hours." That had Jack excited, " Any casualties to report Sharia?" Sharia shook her head no, " I am pleased to say all troops involved with the operation are safe and uninjured. Some of their armors are going to need have clan markings now though. Especially Blue Team that have a confirmed kill count of 160 between the six of them."

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