After the wedding, the two of them were still in the same place.

Yan Shu still roughly repeated what Li Ping had just said.

After listening to it, everyone knew that the girl probably still thought Yan Shu's girlfriend was Jin Lili.

After Yan Shu finished speaking, he still looked at Xiao Erduo with a guilty conscience.

He was still thinking in his heart, why didn't he be reborn earlier after he was reborn?

This is not awkward, and there is an ex-girlfriend...

Oh, life is not easy, Xiao Yan sighed.

There was no special expression on Xu Mi'er's face. If she really cared so much, wouldn't she be angry every day when she thought that Jin Lili was in the same school with them?

It can only be said that she is really good at adjusting her mood.

Don't worry too much about unnecessary people and things.

Her heart couldn't bear it either.

The few of them didn't dwell on these things and had already started discussing where to eat.

In the end, they chose hot pot. There was no other way, everyone wanted to eat something different.

Zhang Xian simply said, "Hot pot, order whatever you like!"

Everyone thought it was right, and finally chose hot pot.

The hot pot was boiling hot, and while waiting, Luo Yulin mentioned a topic, "What do you want to study?"

There were less than 20 days before the college entrance examination, and they really should think about what to study.

Zhang Xian's goal was very clear, "Photography, maybe one day I can open my own photography exhibition."

When she said this, she raised a bright smile at the corner of her mouth, "Of course, if I'm too rubbish, I can still be a studio photographer or something, anyway I won't starve to death."

Yan Shu remembered that Zhang Xian did win a lot of photography awards in her previous life.

She was a friend of Xu Mi'er for a long time. Although she often traveled around the world, she would come to Xu Mi'er after she came back.

They have always been very close.

She also said that sentence after a meal and drinking, "When I was in school, I knew that Mi'er treated you differently. You are so lucky."

Xiao Erduo directly covered her mouth with his hand at that time, and said fiercely, "You are talking nonsense~"

They agreed to let Zhang Xian help take wedding photos when she came back next time...

At this time, Yan Shu raised the drink beside him, "I will definitely get what I want, but I hope you will not dislike us in the future. Please take care of our wedding photos."

Xu Cheng was shocked, "What the hell? This is also possible? Then please take care of ours too!"

Luo Yulin and Xu Mi'er were a little unresponsive, and reached out to pull their boyfriends, "What are you doing!"

Zhang Xian smiled and raised her glass, gently clinking it with them, "Okay, okay, I agree~"

Feng Zheng: ? ? ?

He sighed, sourly, "I'm redundant... No, I have a good figure, how about being a nude model for you? Aren't there those photos of back shots or something?"

"Some of those seem to require taking off clothes?" the program followed.

"I have such a good figure, I'll take off my clothes!" Feng Zheng said, looking at Zhang Xian, "What do you think? Will you consider it, sister Xian? Otherwise, I feel so redundant~嘤~"

Xu Mi'er couldn't help, "Have you ever thought about having a partner in the future?"

What is killing someone and destroying their heart?

His wife is!

Yan Shu couldn't help but laugh first.

Feng Zheng:...It seems so!

Zhang Xian was about to die of laughter, "Okay, okay. I'll take photos of you if you have a partner, but I'll only take photos of you if you're sure of that type. Otherwise, I'll be exhausted if you keep changing girlfriends."

After that, she said happily, "Hey, after hearing what you said, I feel like I'm really going to hold a photography exhibition. Although it's just a fantasy, I'm still very happy with your cooperation~"

She raised her glass to everyone, then drank the Coke in the glass, and finally commented, "Is it leaking? It feels like there's not much air."

Originally, the topic was a bit heavy, but it was instantly broken by laughter.

Xu Cheng actually wanted to study at a normal school, which surprised Yan Shu.

Luo Yulin wanted to study fashion design, and Xu Mi'er wanted to study animation design.

As for Feng Zheng, he hadn't decided yet, just like Yan Shu.

Feng Zheng knew Yan Shu hadn't expected that tears would well up in his eyes, "Brother Yan, we are in the same boat, right? I really haven't made up my mind."

He sighed, "There are too many majors, right? I really haven't made up my mind."

Xu Cheng asked, "Did your parents give any advice?"

Luo Yulin glanced at him and was silent.

Xu Cheng didn't notice it.

But Xu Mi'er noticed it at a glance, and thought of what Luo Yulin had said just now, which was not very happy, and he was a little worried.

Feng Zheng heard this

He said indifferently, "They have no objection, they always respect me, and if one of them makes any suggestion, the other will definitely oppose it, so it is probably agreed that neither of them will make any suggestion."

The program said "oh" and asked Yan Shu, "What about you, brother Yan?"

"Me? They have no objection either, no, they have some, they said as long as I don't do forensic work." Yan Shu smiled and told about the last time he teased his father in the hotel.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere became relaxed.

Only Xu Mier looked at Yan Shu a few more times,, does he really not like being a doctor?

After the meal, Feng Zheng originally asked if they wanted to go to the movies.

Since they were out, they should just have fun, because the next holiday will be after the college entrance examination.

They can't think about this too much, because they feel empty when they think about it.

But the few of them took a look at the movies that were recently released, and to be honest, none of them wanted to watch them.

In the end, it was over. It was already 9:30, so they could only go home separately.

Xu Mi'er asked Zhang Xian if she wanted to go back with them, after all, they were on the same way.

But Zhang Xian said with a very sensible look on her face, "No, no, I'll go back in a while."

Yan Shu laughed a little, "No, there's no need to do this, right?"

Xu Mi'er was also a little embarrassed, "What are you doing, we're all going the same way..."

"I really have something to do, I have to go to the supermarket to buy things for my mother, you guys go back~" Zhang Xian smiled helplessly, "I can't let you guys accompany me to the supermarket, right? It's boring."

In the end, Yan Shu and Xu Mi'er had to leave first.

Originally, Yan Shu wanted to take a taxi, but Xu Mi'er said it was still early, so how about taking the bus back?

Today was Saturday night, and this was also in the city center, so it would probably be difficult to get a taxi.

Yan Shu thought about it and nodded in agreement, but he was a little worried about Xu Mi'er.

Xu Mi'er smiled and said, "I used to take the bus to and from school, but my father didn't have time to pick me up every day."

Later, when she was with Yan Shu, Yan Shu would pick me up.

It's been a long time since I took the bus.

It's hard to call a bus at this time, but there are many people on the bus.

We waited for two buses before we got on successfully.

We were actually quite lucky because we were at the back, so a seat was vacant just after one stop.

Yan Shu let Xu Mi'er sit down, and he stood next to her.

The hand hanging by her side was gently held by Xu Mi'er's soft little hand.

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