The countdown to the college entrance examination is 2 days.

Today the weather is very good. The classroom is still very quiet during the evening self-study. It seems that only the sound of the pen tip touching the test paper can be heard.

Teacher Xu walked in and looked around, exhaled, "Have you finished the test paper?"

Several boys in the back row sighed, "Teacher, when can this test paper be finished?"

It's actually very strange. No matter how bad the students' grades are, they seem to pick up books and pens at this time, even if they seem to have said that they don't care before.

But under the influence of this environment and atmosphere, they still don't want to be isolated.

In recent days, there are few people even outside the corridor.

Students and teachers seem to have no concept of going to and from get out of class. Whoever is in a hurry goes to the toilet.

The others continued to write the papers, and the teacher sat at the podium and watched them. Occasionally, someone would come up and ask a few questions.

No teacher would lose his temper, and no teacher would stare at your grades as before.

The tighter the time, the more relaxed the school seemed to be, but the lines in everyone's hearts also tightened.

Yan Shu put down his pen, and he looked at Teacher Xu on the podium, as if he knew what she was going to do.

Sure enough, Teacher Xu said, "If you can't finish it, don't write it. Do you want to go out for a walk?"

The originally quiet entry into the classroom was like a drop of water splashing into a frying pan, and it exploded in an instant.

"Can I go out?"

"I want to! I'm suffocating!"

"But the paper hasn't been finished yet..."

"Where is the teacher going to take us?"

Teacher Xu looked at them and smiled, "Do you want to go to the playground?"


Said in unison, the voices of boys and girls mixed together.

Yan Shu smiled. In his previous life, Teacher Xu also took them to the playground. He didn't force them. Those who wanted to go out could go, and those who didn't want to go could stay in the classroom.

Yan Shu went, of course, and Xu Mi'er went too.

That night she kept walking behind him, but she still didn't say a word.

This time Yan Shu looked at Xu Mi'er sideways in the noise, and sure enough she was looking at him.

"Are you going?" Yan Shu made a mouth shape.

Xu Mi'er nodded, "I want to go."

Probably because they were too depressed, most of the class followed Teacher Xu out quietly.

The teacher said that they couldn't affect people from other classes.

But with such a large group of people walking outside the window, how could the people sitting in the classroom not notice it?

All kinds of eyes fell on them.

Yan Shu and Xu Mi'er walked at the back.

Yan Shu also noticed that Zhou Jiayi turned his head and glanced at Xu Mi'er.

In fact, although the two of them were not completely public, anyone with eyes should be able to see it.

In the past year, Yan Shu had not seen any other blind people trying to steal his girlfriend except for hearing Zhou Jiayi's confession in the empty classroom (Xu Mi'er interrupted him before he finished speaking).

After all, the two of them were together almost every day, so there couldn't be anyone so blind, right?

But when Yan Shu saw Zhou Jiayi's look at him, why did he feel that this guy hadn't given up yet?

But it didn't seem strange. In his last life, when he was in college, he was with Xiao Erduo, and Zhou Jiayi still confessed to him once.

At that time, he had already started an internship, and it seemed that his starting point was very high.

Later, he even opened his own company. Anyway, he was indeed a very good boy.

If it were in a novel, it would probably be the kind of person who fell from the sky and was particularly outstanding and attractive.

Childhood sweethearts can't beat the one who fell from the sky? Damn, this thought is really annoying.

So Yan Shu looked at Zhou Jiayi coldly.

Zhou Jiayi looked at him and retracted his gaze.

Xu Mi'er's hand, which was originally hanging by the side, was suddenly held by Yan Shu.

She was stunned for a moment. Aren't they still in school?

She turned her head quickly and looked at Feng Zheng and Chengxu at the back, who were mumbling something and didn't notice them.

Zhang Xian walked in front of the two of them. Next to her was the cultural and entertainment committee member of the class. At this time, he was holding Zhang Xian's hand and talking about something, and he didn't notice them.

Xu Mi'er breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yan Shu, "What's wrong?"

"No, why are you so nervous?" Yan Shu finally squeezed her little hand gently and let go.

Xu Mi'er pursed her lips and looked at him, "Didn't we agree to be low-key in school?"

"Well, I just saw someone looking at you, and I was unhappy." Yan Shu said frankly, which made Xu Mi'er unable to respond for a while.

After a while, she said jokingly, "If you don't want to be seen, you hide me?"


Thinking of what she said, Yan Shu looked thoughtful.

Xu Mi'er's eyes widened instantly, "You..."

Yan Shu couldn't hold back and laughed, "What are you thinking about? I can't bear it."

Although I like someone, I have a possessive desire, but I want to see her go higher and farther.

I can't bear to trap her by my side.

Xu Mi'er looked at his smiling face and smiled, "I know you can't bear it."

People surrounded by love always have confidence.

Xu Mi'er is now a person who is super confident in front of Yan Shu.

Teacher Xu took them to the playground, and took out a whistle from nowhere. After blowing it, he said, "Come on, jog."

Everyone didn't know what happened, and reflexively started running in the one, two, one of Teacher Xu's full energy.

Teacher Xu ran beside them.

Feng Zheng shouted, "No wonder the teacher didn't wear a skirt today!"

Teacher Xu smiled, "So does the teacher look better in a skirt or pants?"

"Both look better~" Although the voices were not very consistent, the answers were very consistent.

Teacher Xu also smiled, and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes could be seen under the street lights.

Everyone was in a trance for a moment.

In fact, when they were just in the second year of high school, their homeroom teacher was not Teacher Xu, but their original Chinese teacher.

But the Chinese teacher was about to give birth at that time, and she went back to give birth a week after school started.

The homeroom teacher was vacant, and the position of the Chinese teacher was also vacant.

A new Chinese teacher was replaced, but it was said that he would not be the homeroom teacher.

In the end, the position of homeroom teacher fell to Teacher Xu.

Teacher Xu is actually very young, only in his early thirties, and his children are only in elementary school.

As we all know, English teachers are very magical.

Teacher Xu was very gentle at the beginning, but gradually became strict.

Yan Shu and his classmates were the first senior high school graduating class she led.

She said, "I didn't dare to be a class teacher in the second year of high school before, because it meant that I would have to teach the graduating class, and I didn't know if I could do it well."

At this time, she was jogging with them, and her originally delicate face actually showed signs of aging.

After running a lap and a half, Teacher Xu slowed down, "Hey, walk slowly, the teacher is old."

Her voice was filled with a helpless smile.

"Nonsense. Teacher, you are still very young." A girl whispered.

The boy also smiled and said, "That's right, our teacher Xu is super young and super beautiful, okay~~"

"Hey, don't say that, I will take it seriously." Teacher Xu smiled and replied.

Everyone laughed.

Her eyes swept across the young faces, with complex emotions in her eyes.

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