After a while, the two of them were in a mess.

Feng Zheng, who was confused, got on the car in a daze.

Yan Shu waited for a while before his car came.

When he got on the car, Yan Shu was thinking about whether he liked the type.

Everyone has an ideal type, but they all say they are ideal types, which is too idealistic. Who can really be as lucky as him?

Yan Shu made a bet with himself that Feng Zheng and Zhang Xian would have something sooner or later.

After a few days, Cheng Xu seemed to have talked to Luo Yulin, and the two began to be affectionate again.

Of course, going abroad was a done deal.

Their admission letters were received one after another in late July.

Finally, they made a dinner appointment.

This is probably the most complete gathering of the six people before the start of school, because Luo Yulin will fly over in early August to adapt.

What surprised Yan Shu was that Chengxu seemed to have really let it go. Although he couldn't avoid feeling a little disappointed during the meal, he was generally quite emotional.

In his words, since nothing can be changed, try to make everything better.

Luo Yulin will definitely go abroad, so they will be happier when they are together. Quarrels and tempers can't change anything.

Chengxu can't say such words to let her stay now.

Her family has prepared everything for her.

During the meal, Luo Yulin also apologized for his concealment.

"It's true that there is a bit of temper, I don't know how to say it..." She punished herself with a glass of wine, "I'm not good at saying goodbye, and I believe we will see each other soon. When we meet again, we will have become better~"

The meal lasted more than three hours, and everyone drank some wine except Xu Mi'er.

She was still taken care of like a good baby.

Since she couldn't drink, Feng Zheng took the opportunity to give Yan Shu a few more cups.

He probably wanted to do this a long time ago.

Yan Shu smiled and accepted everything. As long as it involved the three words "Xu Mi'er", he accepted everything.

As a result, Xu Mi'er felt that he seemed to be a little drunk.

When the taxi arrived two intersections away from home, he insisted on getting off and taking a walk.

Xu Mi'er had no choice but to ask the driver to stop.

After getting off the car, she held his hand and walked to the sidewalk. Yan Shu obediently let her hold his hand.

He walked slowly when she was told to walk slowly, and walked inside when she was told to walk inside.

Xu Mi'er thought Yan Shu was very cute like this.

In the past, Yan Shu always held her hand and walked forward. The experience of holding his hand to go home like this can really be regarded as nothing, right?

In fact, Yan Shu was not drunk, which was completely different. Although his current alcohol tolerance has not been fully developed, it is not as good as in his previous life.

But Yan Shu's alcohol tolerance is probably inherited from Liu Ya, who is completely opposite to Yan Cheng, which is very good.

Although his face was red and he looked drunk at this time.

But he was still conscious.

He heard Xu Mi'er call out, "Yan Shu."

Yan Shu lazily responded, "Hmm...?"

"Are you drunk?" She asked again in a low voice.

Yan Shu found it a little funny, but still said honestly, "No, I can still walk in a straight line."

He was about to walk to show her.

But he was stopped by Xu Mi'er.

He said happily, "Then you are drunk. Those who say they are not drunk on the Internet are basically drunk."

He nodded happily after saying that.

Yan Shu: ... No, there is also a possibility that he is really not drunk?

Yan Shu narrowed his eyes and looked at her like a little mouse who stole sesame oil, happy.

In the end, he didn't say anything to see what she wanted to do.

Seeing that Yan Shu was silent, Xu Mi'er was more certain that he must have drunk too much.

She held Yan Shu's hand and walked forward, "I should have known not to let you drink. If I had stopped them, they probably wouldn't have let you drink..."

She paused, "But, I'm so happy to see you blocking my drink."

After saying this, she pursed her lips and smiled happily.

Yan Shu also smiled. Was it because he was drunk and wanted to tell the truth?

I guess it's just her temper. There are many things that she can't say when she's sober.

Now she dares to say anything.

The two walked hand in hand on the sidewalk. The wind at ten o'clock in the evening in summer was still warm.

There were not many pedestrians on the road. The residential area was just one more intersection away.

There were probably even fewer people.

They had walked this road together for thirty years.

Thirty years in Yan Shu's heart, nineteen years in Xu Mi'er.

Her voice passed through his ears gently with the night wind

"Yan Shu, how can I like you so much?"

When you were not so good before, you could persuade yourself to like yourself more and not love too much.

But Yan Shu is so good now. I couldn't persuade him before, and I can't persuade him now.

Xu Mi'er's eyebrows were curved and unscrupulous. I guess Yan Shu won't remember it after he wakes up now.

So she didn't feel any pressure when she said a lot of things.

Just like Yan Shu was unwilling to say that he liked you even if he coaxed you before.

For example, the birthday gift that Yan Shu had always been curious about before.

"Actually, the cake on your birthday was also a gift, but you didn't eat it. I prepared the other gifts for a long time and waited for you to ask me for them, but you seemed to have forgotten them after the love letter." She seemed a little unhappy, "I wanted to show it to you, but you didn't ask, and I felt a little embarrassed to give it to you myself..."

She suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yan Shu, who was being led by her.

She met his eyes that had been on her.

For a moment, Xu Mi'er always felt that Yan Shu seemed to be sober now.

But seeing his flushed face, he felt that he was overthinking. With such a red face, he didn't look sober.

Xu Mi'er smelled the alcohol on him when he got closer, "You are asking me for a birthday present now, hurry up."

The girl's tone was quite fierce.

Yan Shu's eyes curved slightly, "Okay, I want to see my birthday present."

Xu Mi'er smiled happily and nodded, "Okay, you asked, I didn't take the initiative to give it."

In fact, how could Yan Shu forget it? He always remembered it, but he originally thought that he had finished writing his love letter and exchanged it with her.

But now it seems that the girl is more anxious than him.

Xu Mi'er continued to lead her forward, muttering a lot along the way.

Yan Shu suspected that it was not him who drank but Xu Mi'er.

Until they entered the community and walked in the garden, there were not many people at this time.

Yan Shu thought in his mind that he must be "drunk" tonight, otherwise if he was known, Xiao Erduo would probably ignore him for a few days.

The little arrogant turned into a little chatterbox, still very cute.

When walking to the side of the pavilion, Xu Mi'er's steps suddenly slowed down.

Then she stopped, and Yan Shu hummed.

She suddenly turned around and her eyes fell on Yan Shu's face.

She turned around and finally stopped on Yan Shu's lips.

Yan Shu: ? ? ? Hmm?

The little girl in front of him suddenly tiptoed and her little face came towards him.

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