After the wedding, the two of them finally got married.

Zhou Jiayi's school must be one of Peking University and Tsinghua University. This kid studied computer science just like in his previous life.

Their schools were not very far apart.

When they parted, Zhou Jiayi politely said that he would keep in touch.

Yan Shu really just took it as a polite remark, but he didn't expect that he was serious about it. Of course, this is a later story.

Now he and Yan Cheng arrived at the hotel first.

The father and son booked a room.

Yan Cheng also asked Yan Shu if he wanted to go to the school to have a look.

Yan Shu said no, let's go tomorrow.

It's not like he hadn't seen it in his previous life.

Yan Cheng didn't force it, and the father and son rested in the hotel for one night and went to the school to register the next day.

In fact, Yan Shu really wanted to see the gift Xu Mi'er gave him.

But didn't he promise her that he could only see it when he got to school? In fact, Xu Mi'er might not know even if he peeked.

Yan Shu did have such thoughts in mind.

But he knew Xu Mi'er, and Xu Mi'er knew him.

From time to time, she sent him messages asking him not to peek.

Yan Shu felt as if he was being monitored.

Fortunately, he could go to school on September 1.

The school gate on that day was really crowded.

Many freshmen were accompanied by their parents or even grandparents.

Yan Shu was very familiar with the process and quickly found the booth of his major to get the information. A senior enthusiastically took him to report and wanted to help him with his luggage.

However, Yan Shu and Yan Cheng refused. They were both men, so they could still carry this little luggage.

The senior did not force them. He led the way to the dormitory and introduced the school.

He also introduced the campus card.

It was probably a side job, so Yan Shu also bought one for face.

It was uncertain whether it would be useful, but it didn't cost much to buy a phone card.

The senior was very happy, and after adding WeChat, he said he could contact him anytime if he had any questions.

Because he didn't need to help with the luggage, he took Yan Shu downstairs and said, "Your dormitory is on the fifth floor, so I won't go up. If you have any questions, just call or send me a message."

Yan Shu and Yan Cheng thanked him.

After the senior left, Yan Cheng glanced at his son, "Hey, universities nowadays are all about relationships and worldly affairs. We didn't have that before."

Yan Shu also glanced at him, "Old Yan, times have changed."

Yan Cheng wanted to slap him.

The father and son went straight to the fifth floor.

Yan Shu arrived early, and there was only one boy in the dormitory, who was already making the bed.

Hearing someone knocking on the door, he turned his head and looked over, then stood up straight, "Hello."

Yan Shu walked in with a smile, "Hello, my name is Yan Shu, and I'm also in this dormitory."

"Oh, my name is Guan Sen." Guan Sen seemed a little shy, and the whole person seemed a little nervous, "Oh, yes, hello uncle."

Yan Shu and Yan Cheng both smiled, "Hello, hello, don't be so nervous."

Yan Cheng's flight was going back in the afternoon, and he was really worried about his wife being alone at home.

In addition, Yan Shu repeatedly assured that he was really okay.

So Yan Cheng didn't say much, he could really see Yan Shu's growth these days.

I always feel that he is more mature than him.

After Yan Cheng made the bed for Yan Shu, he gave a few instructions and took a taxi to the airport.

After Yan Cheng left, Guan Sen was visibly relaxed.

Yan Shu thought his roommate was quite interesting.

The two chatted casually.

Soon the remaining two roommates came.

They were all sent by their parents, and both have good personalities.

One is called Liu Ye, and the other is called Zhuang Nan.

Coincidentally, they are all from other places in the same dormitory.

Zhuang Nan is from the same place as Yan Shu.

He even knows Yan Shu.

"Brother Yan, you may not know me, but I know you. I am from No. 1 Middle School. When the college entrance examination was approaching, our teacher used you as a positive example every day. You know." Zhuang Nan said happily, "Counterattack, what is counterattack, Brother Yan is it."

Yan Shu did not expect that he could come to college with a dark history.

But after such a chat, the relationship in the dormitory was also eased a lot.

At noon, because the parents of Liu Ye and Zhuang Nan were still there, they had to eat with their parents.

They agreed to have dinner together in the same dormitory.

Yan Shu and Guan Sen were the only ones left in the dormitory.

He glanced at Guan Sen, "Let's have a meal together? The canteen of Q University is not bad."

Guan Sen looked at him with some surprise, "Have you eaten there?"

"No, I heard about it. Do you want to try it?" Yan Shu said with a smile.

Finally, the two of them went to the cafeteria together.

On the first day of school, after they finished lunch,

I have to go to a meeting in the afternoon.

I was notified in the class group, and I went to get the military training uniforms by the way.

After all, they will go to the military training base tomorrow morning to start a 15-day military training.

They can't bring their mobile phones during this period.

Yan Shu felt that he was going to be sick.

This means that I can't contact Xiao Erduo for 15 days.

I feel depressed when I think about it.

There are not many girls in their major, only four girls in a class.

Yan Shu thought his jealous wife should be relieved.

Their counselor is a young male teacher, which is a bit unexpected.

It seems that most college counselors are women now.

His surname is Yan, which is a fierce surname, but his personality is very gentle.

It seems that he is their senior and stayed in school after graduation.

"...I won't be there every day during military training, but the assistant class teacher will be there every day. She is also your senior classmate. If you have any questions, you can find her." Teacher Yan said and called to the back, "Jian Yiyi, say hello to everyone."

Everyone looked at the row at the back.

Yan Shu thought, it turns out that there are not four girls in their class, but three.

The one who stood up was their senior classmate and assistant classmate, and she was also the best-looking one among the four girls that Zhuang Nan and the others whispered just now.

Jian Yiyi walked from the back to the side of the podium and greeted everyone with a smile, "Hello, I am Jian Yiyi. I should be your assistant classmate this semester. You can find me if you have any questions. I hope we get along well."

The boys cheered, which was very respectful.

Jian Yiyi's eyes swept across everyone and stayed on Yan Shu's face for a few seconds.

During the previous orientation, someone said that there were several good-looking freshmen in this class.

This Yan Shu should be one of them, and it turns out that they are not the same name, but the same person.

Then her duty was not in vain.

The next step was to get the military training uniform and introduce herself.

After this, the afternoon was over.

The atmosphere in the class was still good, and Yan Shu felt quite comfortable at the moment.

He reported his current situation to his wife seriously, but his wife's focus was, [Is your assistant pretty? ]

Yan Shu: ...

I just said that Zhuang Nan and the others thought the assistant was prettier than the remaining three girls in the class.

He smiled, [I don't know, I didn't look closely, but she is definitely not as pretty as you. ]

The class meeting was over, and Liu Ye and the others had already stood up, "Brother Yan, let's go, what are you looking at your phone? Is there a beauty in your phone?"

After saying that, he smiled.

Yan Shu looked up and said seriously, "There is a beauty on the other side of the phone."

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