The two-week military training successfully made everyone darker.

Yan Shu was not very white originally, with wheat-colored skin, but in fact, he was still relatively white among boys.

He was not the type that would get tanned easily.

Whatever he wanted.

But now he was too dark to look at.

Thinking of wearing a white T-shirt to get a small earring with this skin color tomorrow...

Yan Shu's expression twisted for a moment, he should have changed the couple's T-shirt to black.

Anyway, black earrings would definitely look good.

Zhuang Nan came out of the toilet and saw him still looking in the mirror, "No, Brother Yan, you are already very handsome, no need to look."

Yan Shu turned his head and looked at him, his eyes a little resentful, "You call this coal ball handsome?"

Liu Ye had just pushed the door to hang clothes, and heard the words, "No, Brother Yan, you are already very handsome, look at us!"

The dormitory of the military training base is a large bunk bed for 16 people. Liu Ye's voice is not small, and the students inside also heard it.

Many people said, "Brother Yan, you are already very handsome~"

"If you think so, even if you are a coal ball, you are the most handsome one!"

Yan Shu directly scolded them with a smile, "Get out! I still have to pick up my wife!"

"Hey, anyway, we don't have a partner, so we are not afraid of being black!"

"Brother Yan, think about it, black and white are also good-looking, your appearance can handle it!"

Yan Shu really thanked them.

Finally, he looked at the mirror and sighed, so that's it, he actually applied the sunscreen prepared by Xiao Erduo for him, why is it still like this?

But at least he didn't get sunburned, while many of his classmates did.

He was lucky.

Today was the last day of military training, and there would be drills in the afternoon.

We could get our phones to rest in the evening, and go back to school together tomorrow morning.

Yan Shu's mind was on his phone, because he could contact his wife with it.

Everyone should be very happy, and no one lay down to rest at noon.

The boys were chatting in groups of three or four.

Yan Shu came out and Ding Wen waved to him, "Brother Yan, come here."

Yan Shu raised his eyebrows and walked over, "What's wrong?"

"As the only one of us who has a partner, how do you chase a girl?" Ding Wen asked excitedly.

This question really stumped Yan Shu.

How can I say this? He chased Xiao Erduo, but it didn't seem like he did much...

In the last life, she was the one who took the initiative to bring it up, and he confessed to her

In this life...

Going to get out of class together every day, buying her snacks and food?

And writing a love letter?

But did they make these little ears for him?

Yan Shu was in a good mood when he thought of this. Just as he smiled, Ding Wen urged him, "No, brother, don't smile yet, tell me something."

After half a month of getting along, everyone was already familiar with each other.

Yan Shu was not the oldest among them, but everyone followed Zhuang Nan and called him Brother Yan.

Yan Shu was used to it. He looked up at the people who were looking at him with bright eyes, "I really can't help you with this. Do you know the word called mutual affection? Or two-way running?"

Ding Wen & other classmates: ... careless, Brother Yan is a show-off love demon!

Even the silent Guan Sen was made more silent by him.

Yan Shu teased them and they became more serious, "It's not that I don't help, but my wife and I are childhood sweethearts, you know, there is no reference, so who of you wants to chase a little girl?"

A boy sitting opposite Yan Shu raised his hand. Yan Shu remembered that his name was Lin Liang?

Lin Liang pushed his glasses on his face, a little embarrassed, "Brother Yan, it's me."

Yan Shu raised his thumb, "You are so tired from training every day, you can still like a little girl? Amazing?"

This is true, the amount of training is getting heavier day by day.

A group of people returned to the dormitory and many fell asleep, and they were almost unwilling to take a shower.

In this situation, Yan Shu really didn't expect that someone would still want to fall in love.

"No, he doesn't have time to look at little girls..." Ding Wen said with a smile, "This kid likes the senior sister."

Senior sister?

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, is it Jian Yiyi?

Jian Yiyi has indeed been accompanying them in military training these days, and occasionally brings them watermelons and ice cream.

Compared with the assistants in other classes, it is much better.

Often heard envious shouts from the class next to him.

But Yan Shu always felt that Jian Yiyi's eyes looking at him were a little strange.

But he really didn't have any impression of her, probably because he didn't recognize her.

You know him, right?

Lin Liang whispered back, "Senior sister is so nice, she's pretty and gentle, right, Brother Yan?"

Yan Shu came back to his senses and looked at him, "I don't know, except for my wife, other girls look the same in my eyes."

"Learn, learn," Zhuang Nan popped out from behind, "This is one of the reasons why my brother Yan has a girlfriend, you guys should learn from him~"

Yan Shu stretched out his hand to push him away, "Get out!"

Everyone laughed, and the topic quickly changed.

After the military exercise in the afternoon, everyone cheered.

This feeling of liberation is really great.

Yan Shu also breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw Lin Liang stood up and whispered, "Brothers, I'm going."

Yan Shu shouted with everyone, "Come on!"

But before Lin Liang walked over, Jian Yiyi came over.

She wore a white dress today, which was a bit conspicuous among a group of students who had just finished military training in the dark.

She walked in front of Yan Shu, "Yan Shu, come here, I have something to tell you."

The crowd who were originally cheering Lin Liang: ...This is a commotion.

Yan Shu: ...

Glanced at Lin Liang. P face.jpg

Yan Shu felt that he was also quite innocent. Who knew that Jian Yiyi would come to him by chance?

He looked at Jian Yiyi, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

Hearing this address, Jian Yiyi raised her eyebrows and looked at him. It seemed that Yan Shu did not call her senior sister like other boys from the beginning.

Jian Yiyi smiled, "I have something to tell you."

Yan Shu exhaled and walked to the side with her.

Jian Yiyi wanted to move forward, but Yan Shu said, "This is fine, teacher?"

After all, there are people here, it doesn't look so ambiguous.

Jian Yiyi was a little surprised and turned to look at him, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Not really, I just feel safe here with so many people."

Jian Yiyi laughed, "I won't do anything to you, how can you say I'm not afraid?"

She sighed helplessly, "Yan Shu, do you still remember me?"

Do you really know him?

But Yan Shu has no memory at all?

In the last life and this life, he doesn't remember anything at all.

Jian Yiyi knew from his expression that he definitely didn't remember.

Originally, I thought it was normal not to recognize his face, after all, she had done some minor adjustments.

But how come he didn't even remember his name?

"I confessed to you when I was in junior high school," Jian Yiyi said, "and then we were called to the office by the teacher together."

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