The swimming pool was full of water, and the swimming pool was full of water.

There are indeed many people learning to swim. One of the girls even wore a bikini to learn swimming. I don’t know what she was thinking.

Yan Shu glanced at it and looked away, looking at Xu Mi’er who was eager to try, "Then, go change clothes?"

"Okay," Xu Mi’er happily took her bag from Yan Shu.

The swimming equipment Yan Shu bought for her was actually quite ugly.

It looked like a diving suit, but it was indeed professional swimming clothes, and it was not exposed at all. After all, most of the arms and legs were covered.

It was the tightness that still made Yan Shu a little dissatisfied.

But there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, although Xu Mi’er disliked it a bit ugly, she still bought it obediently.

After all, she came here to learn how to swim, so the swimsuit is not the point.

The main thing is that the last time she went to the beach, Yan Shu looked like that. If she really showed more, she would not need to learn.

She said she was jealous every day, but Yan Shu was obviously like that.

Yan Shu changed into his swimming trunks and waited at the door of the girls' locker room.

It was not long after the military training, and the color difference on his body was quite obvious.

Fortunately, the six-pack abs were still stable during the military training.

The boy looked stronger than in high school.

Not so thin anymore.

When Xu Mi'er came out, he saw a girl, or a lady, talking to Yan Shu.

The smile on her face was very bright, but Yan Shu waved his hand and rejected the other party.

But the other party did not leave.

Xu Mi'er came over at this time.

He called Yan Shu, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief. The lady in front of him just came out and suddenly stopped walking.

Her eyes lingered on him for a long time, and suddenly asked him if he was interested in doing part-time work.

To be honest, at that moment, Yan Shu's mind flashed some social news about men who went astray in his previous life.

He politely refused, but the other party didn't seem to want to give up. Fortunately, Xiao Erduo came.

He reached out and held Xu Mi'er's hand, "It won't take long, let's go swimming?"

He glanced at the woman in front of him who called herself Ms. Chen, "Goodbye, Ms. Chen."

Unexpectedly, Ms. Chen's eyes brightened when she saw Xu Mi'er, "You young couple are so good-looking, are you really not interested in doing part-time work? It's very formal, we are a photography studio, this is our business card, consider it."

Then he stuffed a business card into the hands of the two.

Yan Shu: ... the kind that takes nude photos? It looks really scary.

But Yan Shu knew that if he continued to refuse, the other party would probably continue to insist.

So he took the business card, "Thank you, we will consider it."

Ms. Chen seemed to know what he was thinking, but she didn't bother him too much. She pointed to the business cards in their hands, "You can also check online, regular studios, consider it."

Then she slightly moved aside, "Excuse me."

Xu Mi'er took a look at the business card in his hand, and a surprised expression appeared in his eyes.

When Yan Shu was about to leave, he pulled his hand.

Yan Shu looked at her with surprise in his eyes.

But Xu Mi'er took the business card in his hand, "Wait, I'll put it away."

Then he turned and ran back.

Yan Shu: ??? Are you so serious?

He and Ms. Chen were left staring at Xiao Yan, which was even more embarrassing.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to see through the embarrassment in his eyes, smiled and said, "Have fun" and turned and left.

So when Xu Mi'er ran out again, only Yan Shu was standing there.

She looked around, "Ms. Chen Cui is gone?"

Hearing her tone, Yan Shu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, stretched out his hand and gently pinched her face, and sighed, she was still too thin, "left, come to think of it, do you know each other? You just left your boyfriend alone? Aren't you afraid?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Mi'er opened her eyes and said seriously, "I know her."

Now it was Yan Shu's turn to be speechless, "Ah? Know her?"

In fact, it can't be said that she knows her, after all, Xu Mi'er has only heard of and seen her works.

She is very beautiful, so she has an impression.

She saw Chen Cui's works from Zhang Xian.

Zhang Xian likes her very much, or likes her works.

That's why she chose to come here for college after the college entrance examination. Zhang Xian thought it would be great if she had the opportunity to intern in Chen Cui's studio in college.

After hearing Xu Mi'er's words, Yan Shu was a little surprised. His memory

I am not sure what major Zhang Xian studied in her previous life and what job she found after graduation.

After all, their relationship in the previous life was not as good as this life. Yan Shu only knew that she was Xu Mi'er's best friend, they had a good relationship, and she was a freelance photographer...

Then there was nothing else. I think she was a freelance photographer in the end. It is very likely that she did not go to Chen Cui's studio or did not stay in the end.

At this time, Xu Mi'er was still explaining seriously, "I want to leave a business card. I just told Zhang Xian that, and she said she would come in a while..."

Yan Shu let go of the hand that was pinching her little face and sighed, "Okay, I know, you didn't leave mine on purpose."

The voice was deliberately aggrieved, but not obvious.

It sounded like Xu Mi'er had abandoned him.

Xu Mi'er shut up, stared at Yan Shu's face with big eyes, and whispered, "Yan Shu, you are so cute."

After that, she smiled and tiptoed to kiss Yan Shu on the face.

Yan Shu couldn't hold it in at all, but he had no choice. He held her hand and walked to the swimming pool with a helpless tone, "You don't have to say it, just kiss me directly. What bad intentions can I have? I just want you to coax me, right?"

There was a lot of resentment in his voice.

Xu Mi'er smiled and apologized, "Then I won't say it next time."

Xu Mi'er is good-looking. Although the one-piece half-sleeved "diving suit" is not very attractive, she has a good body. The tightly wrapped figure will still attract many people's attention. She also wore a swimming cap on her head, completely revealing her delicate facial features.

Yan Shu noticed those eyes falling on her, and he still felt a little regretful in his heart. He should have known not to bring her here.

The two came to the shallow water area. Yan Shu turned to look at Xu Mi'er and told him, "I haven't taught anyone before. I'll go down first. You learn to kick the water with the floating board. I'll be next to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Mi'er's face suddenly changed and he squeezed Yan Shu's wrist tightly.

Yan Shu was pinched by her and felt pain, "What's wrong?"

"Look..." she whispered, raising her chin.

Yan Shu turned his head and saw that there were many people in the shallow water area, but Yan Shu saw what Xu Mi'er wanted him to see at a glance.

A man swam from their side to the other side, and the water behind him left a yellow line following him...

This brother is a little angry...

Yan Shu coughed lightly, holding back a smile and looked back at Xu Mi'er's pale face, his eyebrows were furrowed, his face was pale, and he could still see the disbelief in his eyes.

"It's... quite normal." Yan Shu said with a suppressed smile.

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