The two of them had agreed to go camping on the 3rd with Feng Zheng and Zhang Xian.

So they were free on the 1st and 2nd.

So when Yan Shu saw the two words "Are you there?" sent by Feng Zheng at 1 or 2 in the morning on the 1st, he hesitated for a second and replied, "Tell me first, and then I'll decide whether I'm there or not."

Although it was 1 or 2 in the morning, except for Guan Sen's head, everyone else in the dormitory was obviously still playing with their phones.

How can contemporary college students not stay up late and play with their phones during holidays?

Yan Shu was a doctor in his previous life. Of course, he knew that staying up late to play with his phone was unhealthy, but this did not affect him to continue to stay up late to play with his phone unhealthily.

Feng Zheng on the other side sent another message, [Can I call? ]

Yan Shu: ...

He sighed and thought, it’s a good thing it’s summer, otherwise he wouldn’t want to talk to Feng Zheng in winter.

He still got out of bed.

Looking for him at this time, it must be something on his mind.

Yan Shu still has a certain understanding of Feng Zheng.

If this person is heartless, he can fall asleep as soon as he lies down, but if he is worried, he can’t sleep at all.

It was the same in his previous life, but at that time, he couldn’t sleep more often and asked Yan Shu to go out for a drink.

If Yan Shu didn’t have time, he would find other friends.

At that time, Feng Zheng obviously had more experience and was more mature. He would drink and say nothing, just hold it in.

Now he is willing to say that Yan Shu really wants to hear it.

Yan Shu walked out of the balcony and heard someone talking in a low voice upstairs, probably on the phone.

He called Feng Zheng back and the other side picked up the phone quickly.

Their school didn't seem to have the habit of cutting off the Internet and electricity during the holidays. Feng Zheng's voice was quite normal, unlike Yan Shu who had to lower his voice to speak, "What's wrong?"

"Hey. Are you going to cut off the Internet and electricity? Our school doesn't need it, I forgot to ask you." Feng Zheng's voice was a little apologetic.

Yan Shu was speechless listening to the lively voice over there, "No, if you don't have to cut off the Internet and electricity, it won't be so lively at two o'clock in the morning, right?"

"That's right," Feng Zheng's voice was also helpless, "So I couldn't sleep, so I cast a wide net to see who was still awake, but hey, you didn't sleep."

Yan Shu:... He thinks too much, there is no young heart, this person is just idle and has nothing to say, right?

"It's okay, I'm hanging up." Yan Shu rolled his eyes, it's better to go to sleep.

Feng Zheng hurriedly said "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, "Don't, I've already called, just chat for a few cents."

"We'll meet in two days, what are you going to talk about?" Yan Shu said unhappily.

"Hey, you can't sleep anyway, right?" Feng Zheng chuckled a few times over there, and then said, "Do you know who I met today?"

After saying that, he didn't keep anyone in suspense and said directly, "I met Zheng Xiaoxi."

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment and asked back, "Who is Zheng Xiaoxi?"

It's no wonder that Yan Shu didn't know. In his previous life, Feng Zheng never told him what his first love was called, and in this life, he only heard about it twice, and this person seemed to have disappeared from Feng Zheng's life.

Yan Shu's heart and eyes were full of his little ears. Li Ping had been in front of him for so long before he remembered her name. He really didn't remember who Zheng Xiaoxi was.

Feng Zheng was silent for a while, and it seemed that he had never told him who Zheng Xiaoxi was, right?

He sighed, "Actually, it's not important. Didn't I say I fell in love with that girl at first sight when I was in high school? She also studies here, and I met her today."

Yan Shu understood now, and asked curiously, "So who Zheng Xiaoxi is doesn't matter, so what's important?"

Although Yan Shu had no substantial evidence for the speculation that Feng Zheng couldn't forget Zheng Xiaoxi because she accompanied Feng Zheng through the blow of his grandmother's death in his previous life.

But he knew that Feng Zheng had no contact with Zheng Xiaoxi in this life.

If he said it's not important at this time, then it's really not important, right?

So Yan Shu was curious about what he thought was important.

As soon as Yan Shu said this, Feng Zheng fell silent again.

Yan Shu felt something, but didn't urge him.

It was really lively over there, probably because it was too noisy, and he heard the sound of a whistle, probably from the dormitory manager.

It was much quieter over there, and he could still hear the sound, but it wasn't as loud as before.

Feng Zheng also spoke up, talking about the previous encounter with Zheng Xiaoxi in the small restaurant today

Afterwards, he told it again.

He also told Zhang Xian what she said before getting on the car. His last voice was a little heavy, "That's right, Brother Yan, I always feel uncomfortable when I hear her say that."

Yan Shu just wanted to laugh at this moment. What is a slap in the face!

Who said it's impossible? Don't like her?

Do you feel uncomfortable when she says one thing?

When it comes to feelings, it's often only bystanders who see things clearly.

Before, Feng Zheng and Zhang Xian both swore that they were not interested in each other.

But they didn't think about why their good friends would ask them if they were interested in each other?

This must be because the aura of the two of them gave people the feeling that it was like this!

But the two of them were firm in their tone at the beginning, as if they were going to join the party.

Naturally, everyone didn't say much.

In fact, although Yan Shu was also gossipy and curious, he had seen Feng Zheng's appearance before and wondered when these two people would really develop something.

I didn't expect that when Zheng Xiaoxi came out, there would be such a good show.

Feng Zheng's voice was still full of annoyance, "Brother Yan, I can't say I'm angry, I just feel uncomfortable, but this feeling is quite inexplicable, right?"

Yan Shu coughed lightly, suppressed his desire to laugh, and asked him, "How do you feel when you see Zheng Xiaoxi?"

"Ah? Feeling?" Feng Zheng didn't expect that the first person he asked was Zheng Xiaoxi, "No... I don't remember what I felt? It's just the feeling of meeting a classmate?"

Feng Zheng felt that his question was a bit inexplicable, "Why do you suddenly ask her? I was a little impulsive and fell in love with her because of my hormones, but I feel that it was also influenced by you guys, you guys are showing off your love every day..."

Feng Zheng's voice was very resentful, but also serious, "But later I really didn't feel that way. I should be considered to have liked her, but I just liked her. I don't have any other feelings."

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Zheng Xiaoxi will not be Feng Zheng's obsession in this life.

He asked again, "Then you are not happy that Zhang Xian asked you to pursue Zheng Xiaoxi?"

"Why should I be happy?" Feng Zheng asked back, muttering softly, "This feeling is like being betrayed, you know?"

Yan Shu's third question was also very sharp, "If I asked you to pursue Zheng Xiaoxi today, would you feel betrayed?"

"No." Feng Zheng said without thinking, "I would think there is something wrong with you."

After saying that, he fell silent.

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