The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

Yan Shu also thought so, but it was useless for them to think so.

No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't interfere with the relationship between the two people.

The four of them walked around the village and it was time for dinner in the afternoon.

After dinner, there were programs at the B&B, such as a bonfire party.

All were free.

Anyway, there was nothing to do in the village at night, so the four of them were looking forward to the bonfire party.

They had dinner directly at the farmhouse and asked for a small private room.

The weather was too hot, and there was no hall here. If there was no private room, they would have eaten directly in the yard.

It was a different flavor, but it was a bit unbearable without air conditioning.

They simply asked for a private room.

Feng Zheng also ordered a few bottles of beer and a bottle of fruit wine.

He and Yan Shu drank beer, and the two girls drank fruit wine.

Yan Shu reminded, "Little Ear can't drink."

"How about a small sip? Taste it." Xu Mi'er whispered. The fruit wine was what she and Zhang Xian wanted to order just now.

Otherwise, it would not be right for two boys and two girls to order wine for girls.

Yan Shu glanced at her and saw that she was full of expectation, with her fingers pointing a small distance, pitiful and cute, "Just drink this little bit."

Yan Shu helplessly reached out and pulled her hand down, "You can't drink."

"I asked about it on the day of the review. It's okay to taste it." Xu Mi'er said confidently.

Zhang Xian and Feng Zheng didn't speak at this time. Isn't this a family affair between the young couple?

They couldn't interrupt.

In fact, Yan Shu could never win over Xu Mi'er.

The wine was still served with the food.

It was green plum wine, 3 degrees, which was not too high.

Xu Mi'er happily got a little bit.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

She had only seen other people drink it before.

It was okay when they were young, because children did not drink alcohol, and everyone drank beverages.

Later, when they were older, Yan Shu and the others could drink.

She still could not drink.

So she was quite curious about this.

Yan Shu was also poured a glass of wine by Feng Zheng, and the two of them clinked their glasses and took a few sips.

Zhang Xian had a good alcohol tolerance, and she drank a lot at the graduation class party before.

She didn't fall down in the end.

She said her parents had a very good alcohol tolerance.

Today, she first drank some green plum wine with Xu Mi'er, and then drank with Yan Shu and the others.

The four of them had a good relationship, eating and drinking, and the meal lasted almost three hours.

The bonfire party was about to start at 9:30, and the boss knocked on the door to remind them.

Feng Zheng drank a lot, probably a little drunk, his face was red, he stood up and said, "Then I'm going to the toilet."

Zhang Xian also stood up, looking very sober, "I'll go too, can you?"

"I can!" Feng Zheng said loudly, looking at her, "You're asking an inappropriate question."

Zhang Xian sighed at him, "I'm sorry, I'm not sensible."

Yan Shu asked Feng Zheng, "Do you want to accompany you?"

Feng Zheng waved his hand and opened the door to go out.

She walked steadily, so she shouldn't fall into the toilet, right?

Yan Shu watched Zhang Xian follow him out.

He realized that his little ears were a little quiet.

When he turned around, he saw that the glass that originally had wine was empty...

Yan Shu:...

His eyes fell on the little girl's rosy face.

Her eyes were very beautiful, and at this time they were shining with a layer of watery light, which made them look brighter and more beautiful.

She smiled at him obediently.

It was just like when she was a kid, sitting on a chair and waiting for him after school in kindergarten.

Yan Shu sighed, moved closer, and smelled a faint scent of plum wine on her, "Why are you still drinking secretly?"

But the alcohol content is so low, it should be... okay, right?

Yan Shu was not sure, because he knew that Huang Yi, the mother of the little boy with small ears, was the kind who could not drink at all.

She was the kind who would get drunk after drinking one sip.

At present, Yan Shu had only seen one person, Aunt Huang, with this kind of physique.

Xu Mi'er had never drunk alcohol from her previous life to this day in this life, so Yan Shu was really not sure how much she could drink.

But she looked okay.

Facing his questioning, Xu Mi'er blinked and said clearly, "It's a waste if you don't drink it, just one sip."

It sounded quite normal.

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Xu Mi'er shook her head, "No."

Yan Shu stood up, "That's good, let's go, let's go to the bonfire party."

As he said that, he reached out and pulled her up.

Xu Mier was also pulled up by him.

Zhang Xian had just closed the door of the private room when she went out.

Yan Shu walked over and just reached out to hold the door handle, a soft hand with a higher temperature than usual covered his hand, stopping his movement, "Yan Shu."

Yan Shu hummed and turned to look at her.

But she leaned on him. She was too light, and she didn't weigh much even if she leaned like this.

Yan Shu reached out to hold her waist, "What's wrong?"

She leaned in Yan Shu's arms, looked up at him, and shook her head, "I seem a little dizzy."

Yan Shu:...

His eyes fell carefully on the little face in front of him. Except for the blushing, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Even the eyes were very clear, and Yan Shu could see himself clearly in them.

"Have you drunk too much?" Yan Shu's voice was still a little helpless, and he reached out and held her little head, "Don't shake it."

Xu Mi'er said obediently, and really stopped shaking. She just stared at Yan Shu and said, "I don't know if I drank too much, but I really want to do something now."

Yan Shu said, "Are you going to vomit?"

Xu Mi'er shook her head, "No."

Yan Shu reached out and touched her face, which was a little hot, "What do you want to do? I'll go back with you first?"

I guess I can't watch the bonfire party like this.

How can someone get drunk after drinking 3 degrees of alcohol?

But it makes sense when I think of Xu Mi'er.

But Xu Mi'er said directly, "No, I want to do it now."

"What is it..." Yan Shu didn't finish his words, and he felt the weight on his body became heavier. She pressed on him, and he took a small step back and was pressed behind the door panel.

The little girl tiptoed and kissed his lips.

As if she was afraid that he would push her away, her hands were still tightly pressing his wrists.

Yan Shu's first reaction was soft, the taste of green plum wine seemed to be quite delicious.

The soft tip of the tongue gently licked his lips.

Yan Shu's lips loosened, and he thought, I can put some wine in the house in the future...

There should be a lot of people at the bonfire party outside the door, and you can hear the lively shouting and laughter.

The thin door panel can't block the liveliness.

But Yan Shu only felt that the sound seemed a little far away, probably because all his thoughts at this time were on the person who put all the weight on him.

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