The two of them were so happy that they had to wait for each other for a long time.

In Xu Mi'er's eyes, Yan Shu really didn't reject her.

After all, this person was too lazy to even reject her, and he just threw her love letter into the trash can.

Thinking of the little love letter that was still in her drawer, Xu Mi'er's eyes became even colder.

It was full of her youthful thoughts as a 14 or 15-year-old girl.

Well, and then Yan Shu threw her joy into the trash can together with her.

Xu Mi'er regretted coming here.

She glanced at the door. Anyway, Uncle Yan had already gone out, so she might as well go back. She said that a classmate had asked her out at noon and she would not come. Although she felt a little sorry for Uncle Yan, she felt uncomfortable seeing Yan Shu at this time.

Yan Shu saw her eyes rolling towards the door and guessed that she wanted to go home, so he quickly said, "Hey, I was just talking nonsense. I was just curious. Why didn't you believe what I said? So I thought..."

I thought I had done something at that stupid age that made her so untrustful of me.

Xu Mi'er said, "Are you still studying?"

"Are there no other topics between us besides studying?" Yan Shu's tone was full of sighs.

Unexpectedly, Xu Mi'er nodded directly, "Indeed, there are no more topics between us now?"

Yan Shu:...

He took a deep breath, "Then how about we have a relationship?"

Xu Mi'er's heartbeat began to get out of control again. In the past two days, Yan Shu has gone from hinting to explicit, right?

From the initial anger, Xu Mi'er has begun to doubt whether he is serious now?

Yan Shu looked at Xu Mi'er and was a little worried. "Don't be too excited. I'm serious. Can you have a relationship with me? No, I should pursue you first, right?"

Yan Shu was a little worried when he thought about this. He had never pursued anyone in his previous life. Even if he was with Xu Mi'er later, it was more of a natural outcome.

And it was Xu Mi'er who took the initiative in the early stage.

Now thinking about it, how much psychological preparation did she have to take the initiative at that time?

No one knows Xu Mi'er's awkward personality better than Yan Shu.

When he thought of this, Yan Shu felt that his previous guess that she had confessed to him was a bit redundant. If she really confessed, according to Xu Mi'er's personality, she probably wouldn't take the initiative again later.

But Yan Shu just denied his guess when he heard Xu Mi'er say, "Yan Shu, you lost the love letter I wrote to you before. Are you insulting me now?"

"Fuck? It's not that I didn't, don't slander me!" Yan Shu blurted out without thinking, and he was sure that he had never lost the love letter written by Xu Mi'er. Not to mention losing it, he had never seen it.

Yan Shu looked at Xu Mi'er's expression very seriously, "I really didn't, I know I was a jerk before, but when did I stop caring about you?"

Yan Shu still felt something was wrong after he finished speaking, "Ahem, the past six months don't count."

Xu Mi'er's dark eyes just looked at Yan Shu, and his eyes were full of scrutiny.

Finally, he slowly said, "So you mean you like me seriously? Want to have a relationship with me?"

"Ah? Yes!" Yan Shu's eyes lit up, as if he saw the dawn of victory.

But the next moment Xu Mi'er spoke, her tone was really flat, "Oh, we have known each other for eighteen years, you hated me for the first seventeen years, and suddenly you want to fall in love with me when you are eighteen years old, have you been possessed by someone else, Yan Shu?"

Her tone of voice was even flat.

But Yan Shu, who had been holding it back for two lifetimes, finally had the chance to clarify, "I didn't hate you for the first seventeen years."

"I don't want your strawberry milk because you like it too. I originally exchanged their milk for sugar..."

I originally wanted to give it to Xu Mi'er, but he saw many little boys giving her milk, so he drank it himself out of anger.

"When I was in elementary school, I took the apple from that girl because I won the bet with her. I got the first place in math at that time!"

But Xu Mi'er ate the girl's apple instead of the apple he prepared for her. Yan Shu got angry and didn't take her apple.

As for junior high school...

"Speak some sense, I was planning to reject that girl at that time..."

But Xu Mi'er brought the teacher over, and put the hat of premature love on his head!

This is when Yan Shu began to think Xu Mi'er was troublesome.

As for Yan

Why did Yan Shu start explaining these things?

Because this is what Xu Mi'er said the most after they were together in the last life, and it can be seen that she really cares about this.

In the last life, Yan Shu wanted to explain at first, but later he was happy to see her being petty and bringing up old things, which was really cute.

After that, she would take the opportunity to ask him to do something, which was actually just acting like a spoiled child.

But he couldn't not explain in this life!

If he didn't explain, his wife would run away.

Xu Mi'er really didn't react when he heard Yan Shu's words.

How did he know that these were the things he cared about?

And is that the case?

Is this what he thought?

Xu Mi'er blinked and looked at Yan Shu, "But, Yan Shu, you are really weird."

Since Yan Shu left Jin Lili and the others, he seemed to have become a little weird.

Yan Shu said without blushing, "Can't I turn back from my wrong path?"

Xu Mi'er said, "Maybe. But you shouldn't like me."

No, after all, I haven't felt anything for so many years, how can you like me!

And he threw her love letter!


Xu Mi'er couldn't help but pout, Yan Shu was really annoying!

Seeing that there was a play, Yan Shu unconsciously moved closer, "Why shouldn't I? I just like you."

As he approached, Xu Mi'er wanted to step back. Now there were only the two of them at home, and Yan Shu would inexplicably give her a sense of oppression.

Xu Mi'er took a small step back, "Do you really not remember throwing my love letter?"

Yan Shu's expression froze, "Ah?"

This is really not daring to admit it, "I didn't!"

But after saying it, it seems to explain why Xu Mi'er reacted like this to his confession.

Yan Shu couldn't help but wonder if he had really done such a beastly thing?

It shouldn't be like this, I don't have any memory of it at all?

"When?" Yan Shu couldn't help asking.

"Oh, when you were caught in premature love, I was just taking revenge on you. I was narrow-minded. Why did you throw away my love letter and accept someone else's confession?" Xu Mi'er looked up at Yan Shu, his eyes were clearly full of grievances, and his tone was still fierce.

Yan Shu felt a little distressed, and then denied it, "It's impossible. At that time, the object of my first dream was you, how could I lose your love letter!"

The words ran ahead, and the brain chased behind.

The air froze instantly.

Yan Shu froze too.

I felt so mad!

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