The boys of this age were still making noises, and the people in other classes looked at them curiously.

Yan Shu's face turned red when he saw Xu Mi'er.

He was about to speak to stop them from making noises.

Before he could speak, Teacher Xu and the others came over.

Because they were going out with the whole class, there were two teachers watching each class.

Yan Shu's class was lucky, with the head teacher, Teacher Xu, and the physical education teacher.

The physical education teacher's surname was Zhou, and he was very young and had a good temper.

At this time, he still asked with a smile, "What are you talking about? Let me hear it too."

Feng Zheng looked at Yan Shu with a sly look, "Yo~ Ask our Brother Yan!"

Yan Shu reached out and grabbed his neck again, "You are the only one who has a mouth!"

"Brother Yan, tell me about it," Teacher Zhou asked Yan Shu with a smile.

It was rare for them to go out to play, and Teacher Xu did not have a stern face, "You are almost there, Chen Fang, Mi'er, are all here?"

Xu Mi'er handed over the roll call list with a red face, "All are here, Teacher Xu."

Chen Fang was also holding back a smile, "All are here, Teacher."

"Okay, everyone get on the bus, and go up to roll the names again!"

"Got it, Teacher!"

"Lao Liu, sit with me!"

"Get lost!"

A group of people got on the bus one by one.

Yan Shu glanced at Xu Mi'er, and just met Xu Mi'er's gaze.

He smiled and made a mouth shape, "Sit with me?"

Xu Mi'er quickly looked away.

Yan Shu was in a good mood, so he agreed without refusing.

He turned around and got on the bus to find a better seat.

Chen Fang and Xu Mi'er were the last to get on.

Two teachers were behind them.

After getting on, the bus seemed full.

There were two empty seats in the front.

Xu Mi'er saw Yan Shu at a glance. He was sitting with Feng Zheng, and Feng Zheng was holding something in his hand.

Xu Mi'er's eyes flashed with disappointment.

He clearly said that he would sit with him!

Chen Fang glanced at the empty seat, "Mi'er, are you sitting inside or outside?"

Zhou Jiayi was in the second row, and he frowned slightly and wanted to speak.

Before he could speak, Feng Zheng over there had already stood up, "No, deputy class, that's my seat, yours is here!"

Everyone had just made a noise, and now someone in the bus started to make noises after Feng Zheng shouted like that.

Yan Shu sighed, "You guys are almost done, you're not done yet, are you?"

Feng Zheng said with a smile, holding snacks in his hand, "Yes, you're not done yet!"

He walked over.

Yan Shu also stood up, leaving the window seat empty and looking at Xu Mi'er.

Sure enough, Xu Mi'er pursed his lips and looked at Yan Shu for a while, but still walked over with his schoolbag on his back.

Amid the noise of the crowd, his face became redder and redder, but he walked towards Yan Shu without any hesitation.

The smile on Yan Shu's face became even brighter.

Xu Mi'er sat down in the window seat, and the schoolbag was in Yan Shu's hands again.

He didn't put it in the luggage compartment above, but on his legs.

Teacher Xu and Teacher Zhou came up and shouted, "Okay, why are you making trouble again? Call the roll first..."

"Why don't you put it up..." Xu Mi'er asked, looking at the schoolbag on his legs. There were actually quite a lot of things.

It takes two or three hours to get there from here. It's so tiring to just leave it there.

Although she didn't really want to put it on, it was different for her to feel tired when she held it and Yan Shu held it.

Yan Shu said without thinking, "Let me hold it, it's clean, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable again."

Xu Mi'er was silent for a while and looked at Yan Shu.

Yan Shu turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Xu Mi'er shook her head slowly, "No, sometimes I feel that you know me very well."

This is not something Xu Mi'er said shamelessly, she really has this feeling.

In some details, many people would not notice except Xu Mi'er, but Yan Shu seemed to know them.

Including some of her little habits.

In fact, this feeling is quite inconsistent.

Especially with Yan Shu.

Xu Mi'er is very sure that their relationship in the past few years was indeed quite ordinary. If there is anything unusual, it is probably because she has been following him all the time.

She also knows many of Yan Shu's habits, because her eyes have always been on him.

But Yan Shu is different. Yan Shu is the one being chased, so he knows that his habits will appear very strange...


Shu didn't expect her to say this. His hand holding Xu Mi'er's schoolbag froze for a moment. This is a habit.

Habit is a very strange thing. It's like Xu Mi'er has been gone for two or three years, but Yan Shu still buys her favorite desserts when he passes by her favorite dessert shop when he goes out for dinner...

Even if he goes back, no one eats it.

Yan Shu doesn't like sweets, but after Xu Mi'er left, he always eats all the desserts he bought for her.

When cooking noodles, he adds poached eggs and luncheon meat. She says it tastes good this way.

When washing the quilt, it must be washed separately from the pillowcase. She is used to it.

Always use the left hand to be free, because you can hold her hand at any time...

When you are on a business trip, you must sit by the window, otherwise you will get carsick...


Xu Mi'er left, but Yan Shu lived like her.

It's as if she has never left, she has always been there, and Yan Shu remembers all those little actions and habits.

And then there was no strangeness until he was reborn.

He was still used to accommodating these inconspicuous habits.

But Xu Mi'er saw it.

Yan Shu smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, it's a very strange feeling." She whispered, "In fact, I always feel a little strange..."

The car started to move and began to set off.

Yan Shu heard her say, "Many times I feel that you seem to be very familiar with me. I'm not talking about how long we have known each other, but you sometimes give me a weird and strange feeling."

Xu Mi'er looked at the boy next to her, her eyes full of confusion, "But why?"

She should be very familiar with Yan Shu.

Yan Shu looked at her eyes, full of doubts and confusion at this time.

And with his familiar concentration.

Xu Mi'er's eyes have always been focused when looking at him, no matter what he is doing.

Even when the two are doing very intimate things, the concentration in her eyes will not disappear.

It seems that only in this way can he be remembered in his heart.

Yan Shu's heart ached suddenly. He felt that maybe there was something wrong with his heart, otherwise why would it hurt so much?

He smiled, "Maybe this is another side of me that you haven't discovered yet?"

Xu Mi'er said, "Is that so?"

"Then, do you still like me like this?" Yan Shu suddenly asked.

The car was actually a bit noisy, everyone was whispering something, laughing.

There was also the sound of the car engine.

But Xu Mi'er heard his heartbeat starting to speed up again.

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