The question was asked, and Yan Shu almost laughed out loud. This guy is still useful.

He glanced at Xu Mi'er and said with a smile, "Yes."

The other people winked at each other, and Xu Mi'er's heartbeat was very fast...

The look Yan Shu gave her just now, and the few people here, excluding the same sex...

Yan Shu is not familiar with Zhang Xian and Zhang Feifei, so... it can only be her, right?

When Xu Mi'er thought of this possibility, he couldn't control his heartbeat.

Yan Shu looked at Feng Zheng and the others, waiting for these people to continue asking, so that he could speak out.

It's not wrong to speak the truth, right?

Yan Shu was calculating very loudly in his mind.

Unfortunately, someone had to cooperate!

Zhang Feifei and the others did want to ask more questions, but they were stopped by Feng Zheng, who was so mean, "Hey, Brother Yan only lost one game, one question!"

Yan Shu now wanted to throw him into the artificial lake not far away! This kid was doing it on purpose!

Yan Shu took a deep breath and squeezed out a gritted smile, "Okay! You kid, wait for me!"

Unfortunately, Yan Shu and Feng Zheng didn't have a chance to play against each other until later.

Yan Shu, who always wanted to lose again, had a very good luck and never lost.

There were only a few people, and everyone got tired of playing quickly.

Finally, they sat together and chatted. Yan Shu drank a Coke, and he was really bloated, and he stood up and walked around.

He saw Jin Lili, not far away, surrounded by a group of people.

Zhang Sheng was also there. It was estimated that someone saw him. Jin Lili quickly turned around and looked over.

Yan Shu had no expression on his face, and there was no ripple in his heart.

The Jin Lili incident was a long time ago for Yan Shu. He didn't like her at the beginning, so it was not good to drag her, but she didn't do anything good.

So there is no guilt or indebtedness.

Yan Shu retracted his gaze and turned back to sit next to Xu Mi'er.

Some classes had already started to gather, and several people packed up their things and packed up the garbage.

Zhang Feifei was still asking, "Will everyone go to the temple fair tonight?"

There is a famous temple fair street here at night.

Yan Shu could see that Xu Mi'er should want to go. There are many places to play that cannot be played, but there are still things to eat.

"But the teacher may not let us go out, right?" Xu Mi'er asked worriedly.

"It should be possible. The last class was all right, but we have to come back within the specified time. Let's see. I guess the boys in the class will also ask the teacher..."

Sure enough, someone asked Teacher Xu on the way back to the hotel.

In fact, Teacher Xu was a little worried about the safety, and it seemed that he didn't want to agree.

But Teacher Zhou tried to smooth things over, saying that they were all old, so they could just go in groups like they did in the afternoon and come back at the appointed time.

Seeing that they all wanted to go, Teacher Xu also gave in, "Meet at 9:30, hotel lobby."

"No, teacher, 10:30! There will be fireworks at 10!" Chen Fang said with a stiff upper lip under everyone's gaze.

With him taking the lead, others followed one after another.

Teacher Xu was so pestered by them that he finally agreed.

Xu Mi'er was infected by the cheers of her classmates, and there was more smile in her eyes.

Yan Shu turned his head and saw it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. No matter how old Xu Mi'er was, she liked to go to the night market and the snack street.

Actually, she eats a lot, but she is picky about food and can't gain weight, and she has a cold face.

In her previous life, she complained to Yan Shu several times that every time she went out to eat with unfamiliar people, they thought Xu Mi'er should eat very little, so Xu Mi'er didn't dare to eat more every time.

Yan Shu was still laughing at that time, "You eat yours, why do you care what others think?"

The arrogant little girl reached out and patted him, "I'm afraid they will be embarrassed..."

He is obviously a little hedgehog with a soft heart.

Xu Mi'er felt his eyes on him and turned his head to look over, "What are you looking at?"

Yan Shu said without thinking, "Look at you..."

Xu Mi'er: I'm too embarrassed to continue the conversation.

How can he be so righteous?

Yan Shu saw Xu Mi'er, who was expressionless but with red ears, find the earplug again and put it in his ears by himself, and the familiar English sounded again.

The little girl who had just put on the earphones turned her head and looked out the window.

This time, each of them had one earplug, and they were listening to the same English poem.

It was already a little dark outside, and the street lights were on. Yan Shu could see himself vaguely on the glass

's reflection, he knew Xu Mi'er was also looking at that reflection, although she probably wouldn't admit it.

Yan Shu's heart became peaceful at this moment, because of the love poems in his ears and the people around him.

He has been very anxious since his rebirth, always wanting to go faster and faster.

But at this moment, he looked at her profile and suddenly felt that there was no need to be too anxious, they still had a lot of time this time...

Yan Shu took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Yan Shu, don't be anxious, don't scare her.

The distance from the park to the hotel is not far, only half an hour.

They had dinner in the hotel, and they sat in the same seats as they had lunch.

The hotel room is a standard room.

Xu Mi'er and Zhang Xian shared a room, and Zhang Feifei shared a room with her former deskmate.

As for Yan Shu, he "kindly" invited Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng refused, but was later violently coerced.

After distributing the room cards, Teacher Xu reminded, "Students who want to go out should form a team and come to me to register before going out!"

Although it was a bit troublesome, everyone was happy to go out and play and agreed.

I heard from the side that there was a class whose teacher would not let them go out.

The boys and girls were not on the same floor, so Yan Shu and Xu Mi'er and the others parted in the elevator and agreed to go out at 7:30, so they had time to rest.

When Yan Shu and Feng Zheng went up, they heard the boys in Class 9 scolding the teacher for being perverted, saying that other classes could go out but their class could not.

It turned out that it was Jin Lili's class that could not go out, which just happened not to affect Xu Mi'er's mood.

Yan Shu's mood also improved.

Feng Yan opened the door with a room card, "Brother Yan ~ You can accept this rippling smile." Yan Shuyang was going to beat him, "Call me brother Yan, I beat you!" "Here. I laughed at Feng Yan, "Don't you understand this? We are called fun." Feng Yan: How can there be such shameless people?

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