The two of them have been together for almost a week.

Xu Mi'er estimated that the results would be out in the next two days.

After the two of them were together, she could feel Yan Shu's eyes on her face from time to time...

Okay, to be more precise, it fell on her lips.

Once he reached out and touched her lips directly.

Xu Mi'er was always very nervous, always feeling that he would kiss her in the next second.

In fact, since they were together, Xu Mi'er was also ready for kissing and hugging, which was definitely inevitable. So although she was nervous, she could accept it.

But she was ready, but Yan Shu didn't take any action...

Xu Mi'er was more sensitive, and she couldn't help but think of how she got angry when Yan Shu told her that he liked her...

Will Yan Shu be too nervous because of this? He felt like a fragile doll...

So he didn't dare to touch her.

Xu Mi'er felt uncomfortable thinking this way.

She hoped that she was just an ordinary girl in Yan Shu's eyes, and she didn't want to see Yan Shu being too nervous.

So she suddenly had a brainwave and sent a message to Zhang Xian, [I have a friend who has just been with her boyfriend for a short time, and they haven't kissed... Is it normal? ]

The clumsy opening remarks of "I have a friend" naturally couldn't be hidden from Zhang Xian, and she called immediately, and the first thing she said was, "Mi'er! Are you with Brother Yan?"

The voice was quite excited, and Xu Mi'er only had time to hum embarrassedly, and the other party didn't give her a chance to speak again...

At this time, she quickly interrupted Zhang Xian who kept asking her to press on, "But... I don't dare..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Zhang Xian took a deep breath and tried to calm her excitement. "Mi'er, do you know what the biggest difference between you and a royal sister is? Do you know how royal you are? Except for the lack of height! All your appearance fits the image of a cold and royal one! Now, you tell me softly that you don't dare?"

Knock! Too foul! Too cute!

Zhang Xian felt that it was fortunate that Brother Yan was not blind!

Those who don't like Xu Mi'er are really blind!

Xu Mi'er heard her excitedly say this and asked hesitantly, "Then I... should be more royal?"

"Of course!" Zhang Xian's tone was firm, even with a little excitement, "You use one-third of your straightforward attitude towards others to Brother Yan! Can he still bully you? It's impossible!"

Zhang Xian felt that Yan Shu could not thank her for a meal. They got married and she couldn't even have a table alone. At least the bride and groom had to accompany him to eat and drink, right?

Not too much, right?

Zhang Xian imagined the scene of Xu Mi'er kissing Yan Shu with a cold face. Ah, so exciting!

Can she go and peek...

Xu Mi'er felt something was wrong, but that was her nature. She always trusted people she was familiar with too much and was more obedient.

So in the end, she was fooled by Zhang Xian and thought what she said made sense.

Yan Shu always bullied her because he knew she would be shy, but she was obviously... not like that!

She thought about other people's comments about her, and then how she looked in front of Yan Shu.

Well, Xu Mi'er felt that Zhang Xian was right, and she had to rise!

She couldn't let Yan Shu control the overall situation every time!

So when Xu Mi'er saw Yan Shu's message, she replied, [Okay! ]

It just so happened that she didn't have to find an opportunity or an excuse to ask Yan Shu out.

When you go out to play, you can always find a place where there is no one... Well, do a wall-bang against Yan Shu, right?

Xu Mi'er's eyes were shining. For her, this was a small adventure that her heart could bear.

Besides, what Zhang Xian said was so inspiring. Maybe this time she could see Yan Shu blushing with astonishment and helplessness?

Thinking about it, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up.

She was looking forward to the date tonight.

Yan Shu went to take a shower when he saw Xu Mi'er hadn't replied. When he came out, he saw the message she sent.

There was also a message from Zhang Xian, "No need to thank me."

Yan Shu felt a little puzzled. Maybe it was sent to the wrong person?

He didn't reply, but confirmed the time to go out with Xu Mi'er. She said she was going to take a shower.

Yan Shu simply did the test paper by himself.

After all, he still wanted to go to school in the same place as his wife.

When Yan Shu was doing the test paper, his phone vibrated a few times. Some of the "friends" he met when he went out with Jin Lili before.

They had contacted frequently before, but later found out

Yan Shu stopped replying to the message.

I guess Jin Lili also told them that she broke up with her, but I don’t know why this group of people contacted me again today.

Yan Shu had forgotten about this group of people, so he never deleted them.

Now looking at the dirty words all over the screen, I feel that it is necessary to delete them.

Actually, it’s nothing, but I can’t talk to Yan Shu properly and ask him why he hasn’t come out to play for so long.

They ask to play games and go to Internet cafes all night.

Most of these people have entered society early or are just hanging around in school.

They like to find Yan Shu just because he spent money generously and didn’t care.

When Yan Shu was repeating the grade, this group of people also looked for him, but later they saw that he really went back to be a good student and dispersed.

Yan Shu didn’t plan to pay attention to it now, and it dispersed after a long time.

Yan Shu packed up and went out, and just as he went out, he saw that the door opposite was also opened.

Xu Mi'er, wearing a white T-shirt and a small skirt, tied her hair into a fluffy high ponytail. She was young and beautiful, and her already beautiful facial features and small face looked even more delicate.

Although Xu Mi'er looked good in school uniform, it was obvious that Xu Mi'er in casual clothes attracted Yan Shu's attention more.

Because casual clothes can better show her figure advantages.

Xu Mi'er seemed to have grown taller recently, and the high-waisted small skirt made her already slender legs more perfect.

In just a few tens of seconds, many words of praise flashed through Yan Shu's mind, and in the end he just smiled and said, "It looks good. And we match well."

Because Yan Shu also wore a white T-shirt and jeans today.

In fact, this combination is quite common in summer.

But Xu Mi'er still felt happy for his compliment and that we match well.

Yan Shu walked over and took her hand. Maybe because they had just come out of the air-conditioned room, their hands were only warm in the summer. He muttered, "Don't be greedy for coolness. The air conditioner is blowing in the opposite direction, right?"

Xu Mi'er nodded obediently, "I know."

The little girl was too obedient, so Yan Shu wanted to bully her.

The elevator arrived, and he led her in. There was a mirror in the elevator where they could see their figures.

Yan Shu smiled and said, "Let's take a photo?"

Xu Mi'er screamed, but he stretched out his hand to hug her waist. Her body instinctively crashed into his arms.

Yan Shu said, "Look in the mirror."

Xu Mi'er looked up and saw a tall and thin boy in the mirror half hugging a girl who was a little petite compared to him. He lowered his head with a smile on his face and kissed the girl's exposed neck. The girl opened her mouth slightly and looked surprised.

The photo was frozen at this moment.

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