The two of them were very close.

"Okay, okay, kiss, kiss, it's only right." Yan Shu said with a smile, and reached out to touch her face, "Don't be unhappy, you can do whatever you want to me."

Xu Mi'er felt like she was a little dirty...

Hearing Yan Shu say "you can do whatever you want to me", it always felt a little ambiguous.

Her heartbeat was still chaotic, of course it wasn't an attack, it felt like a normal girl's heartbeat should be like this when she just kissed her boyfriend, right?

Seeing her blushing and silent again, Yan Shu really didn't dare to tease her.

After hugging for a while, he whispered, "Little Ear, I'm very happy."

Xu Mi'er looked up at him. From the beginning, Yan Shu's eyes were always filled with smiles and undisguised joy.

Xu Mi'er's mouth corners also slightly raised, "Me too... You, don't be unhappy... It's all over."

Yan Shu knew that she was always sensitive to his emotional changes, but he was also a little surprised that she was unhappy just now, but she could still notice Yan Shu's emotional changes.

He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her cheek, "As long as you are not unhappy, I will not be unhappy..."

He paused for a moment, and for the first time he told Xu Mi'er about the past frankly, "Have you seen Bingge and the others? There was a time when I was one of them. I'm afraid that you will see them and think of me at that time."

Yan Shu said this and laughed at himself, "I'm afraid that you will suddenly think that people like me are terrible and not worth it."

The light in Xu Mi'er's eyes was very bright, and Yan Shu felt that it was brighter than the street lights on the roadside. There was a little self in those eyes filled with the Milky Way and the sea of ​​stars.

Her voice was very light, "But Yan Shu, I always know what you are like..."

Xu Mi'er looked at Yan Shu as if she was dissatisfied, "Yan Shu, who do you look down on? I like you much more than you think."

She smiled, "Do you know why I still insist on looking for you after so long?"

Because I know that he will only go to those Internet cafes every time, so she won't find him.

Because every time she goes in, Yan Shu will come out, and she won't stay in there for a long time.

The boy's face was full of impatience but he didn't allow others to do anything excessive to her, even if the tone was bad, "...Don't mess with her, she's not in good health. Xu Mi'er, go back, this is not a place for a good kid like you..."

Because Xu Mi'er knew that Yan Shu was just a child waiting for someone to take him home, it didn't matter if his parents forgot, he remembered it.

Many people think that rebellious period is just a waste of time.

But Xu Mi'er doesn't think so. Don't judge anything easily if you haven't experienced it.

Anyway, she just knew that Yan Shu was still the Yan Shu she had known for more than ten years even in the so-called "rebellious period".

It was Yan Shu who held her hand and went to school in kindergarten.

It was Yan Shu who fought with other little boys for her and had a nosebleed, and said to her, "Why are you crying? It's so ugly!"

It was Yan Shu who said viciously after being beaten by his father, "If they bully Xu Mi'er again, I will beat them!"

It has always been Yan Shu.

Xu Mi'er is sensitive and precocious, so she remembers everything.

Childhood sweethearts is not an adjective for Xu Mi'er, but a verb.

In the past ten years, Yan Shu fought countless times for her, and impatiently called her little ear again and again. He was Xu Mi'er's.

It was also him who always protected Xu Mi'er.

So Xu Mi'er secretly ran away from home again and again, looking for the little boy who was waiting to take him home.

"If you are still like that, I will still go to find you. Yan Shu, I am your childhood sweetheart."

I will take you home.

You protected me before, so it is right for me to protect you now.

All feelings are mutual.

Yan Shu's eyes were red.

In his previous life, he actually thought she was stupid, but he couldn't help looking forward to the moment when she came to find him.

He didn't dare to change the Internet cafe, and he went to the less complicated ones.

Every time there was a new Internet cafe, they called him, Yan Shu would just impatiently say that he was lazy...

It turned out that Xu Mi'er understood him better than she thought.

The two stood on the corner of the street, and there were always people walking on the sidewalk next to them.

Yan Shu blinked, "What should I do, little ear... You're going to make me cry."

Xu Mi'er reached out and touched his eyes, but didn't touch them, "Don't cry, otherwise I won't know how to comfort you, I've always been a bad mouth."

Yan Shu reached out and grabbed her hand, gently put it to his lips and kissed it, "Okay, don't cry, let's go home."

Xu Mi'er

But she stood there with her lips pursed.

Yan Shu looked at her in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Xu Mi'er looked a little embarrassed, "My feet are numb..."

Yan Shu: ...You are standing there without saying anything even though your feet are numb?

He smiled helplessly, then squatted in front of Xu Mi'er, and reached out to touch her delicate and slender calf, "Which one?"

Xu Mi'er hissed, "Numb, don't touch it."

Her voice was trembling.

Yan Shu's hand touched her delicate skin without hindrance, and he couldn't help but rub it gently out of habit.

Feeling that Xu Mi'er wanted to retreat, her soft little hand was placed on his shoulder, "Yan Shu..."

The voice carried a different emotion, shy, afraid...

Yan Shu looked up and saw that her face was a little red and unnatural.

Her legs have always been sensitive...

Yan Shu's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and finally he let go of his hand and turned his back to her, "I'll carry you back?"

Xu Mi'er looked at her skirt with some hesitation. It seemed a bit indecent to carry her on his back...

Although she was wearing leggings and it wasn't a short skirt...

Xu Mi'er hesitated, but looking at Yan Shu's back, she couldn't help but bend over.

It didn't matter if it was indecent, Yan Shu couldn't see it anyway.

Yan Shu felt a soft body pressed against his back, and the pleasant smell of camellia on her body was still there. Maybe it wasn't because the camellia smelled good, but because the camellia smelled better on Xu Mi'er's body.

Yan Shu stood up with Xu Mi'er on his back, and said with a sigh of dissatisfaction, "Too light."

He walked out with Xu Mi'er on his back, "Fortunately you are not wearing a short skirt today, otherwise I can only carry you like a princess, and everyone will look at us when we walk on the street..."

Xu Mi'er's little face leaned on Yan Shu's shoulder, and she could see Yan Shu's face in front of her by slightly turning to the side, "Now there are many people looking at us..."

"Well, look, let them envy you."

"What is there to envy?"

"I carry the whole world on my back, and they haven't found it yet."

"Yan Shu... is a little rustic." Xu Mi'er's voice was very low and hesitant.

Yan Shu laughed and nodded, and admitted frankly, "I learned the cheesy love words on the Internet, but my love for you is real."

Xu Mi'er smiled at the corners of his mouth, and held Yan Shu's hand a little tighter, "I know."

It's like I don't like love words, but I like them even if you say cheesy love words.

Because Xu Mi'er really likes Yan Shu.


Recently, the temperature in Guangdong has dropped. I have been running to the hospital with a fever for the past few days. Then, someone scolded me for stalling the plot. Thank you. I just bounced back. (I mean the malicious ones. I have explained to those who urged me to update! Humph (.-`ω´-))

The author is a human, not a machine. I am busy at the end of the year.

That's it. I will correct the typos later these days.

Thank you to the big guys who gave me rewards and five-star reviews. I am really busy and I am sorry that I did not reply to them one by one.

Ps: Does anyone want to see the child bride extra? Several people have privately chatted with me. I will sign up here and take a look.

Tomorrow's plot is to go to the beach, the sun, the beach, and the little ears in bikinis are coming! (If I don't have a fever...)

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