The life of senior high school makes Yan Shu feel that he is almost the same as the year he repeated in his previous life. The main reason is that Xu Mi'er is as cold-blooded and ruthless as in his previous life.

It's like a ruthless learning machine. Although the two have confirmed their relationship, Xu Mi'er does not allow Yan Shu to be distracted in his studies.

Yan Shu actually knows that she is under great psychological pressure.

It mainly comes from the shadow of his mother asking him to go abroad.

In fact, his family is now very satisfied with his stable and improved grades, and they will not think about letting him go abroad.

The results of this final exam came out very quickly, and they all came out in two days, and the papers were back in their hands.

Yan Shu's results surprised Xu Mi'er.

He has been making progress. No matter whether the test paper is easy or difficult, he is making progress every time the results come out.

The total score has now reached more than 600.

The progress is slower here, but even if it is slow, he is still making progress.

This makes Xu Mi'er feel a little magical. Yan Shu is basically not scolded now. The teacher always praises him when he mentions him.

Even in physics, which he hates the most.

After the final results came out this time, Yan Shu's grade ranking jumped up a few places, and his current results are already in the upper middle.

Feng Zheng looked at Yan Shu's test paper and said resentfully, "Do you not sleep at all at night and just do the test paper?"

Yan Shu deliberately looked at Feng Zheng's score sheet. The total score was three points lower than his. He looked shocked, "Oh? What's wrong? How come I have a few more points than you?"

Feng Zheng hissed and was about to beat him.

The two chased each other out again.

This afternoon, Xu Mi'er and Chen Fang were called to the office by the teacher again. I guess they can't go out for lunch.

So Yan Shu wanted to pack her a bag, and today he went out to eat with Feng Zheng and the others.

When Chengxu walked downstairs slowly, he saw the two of them hugging each other, and the girls passing by would point at them and laugh.

Chengxu thought it was amazing, as long as the two of them were together, they seemed to be no more than five years old.

Obviously, as long as they were not together, Feng Zheng was a little irritable, but he was also mature, not to mention Yan Shu, Chengxu often felt that his thinking mode was much more mature than theirs.

But every time the two of them were together, they seemed to be no more than five years old.

Five years old was an exaggeration!

"Brother Yan, Brother Zheng is leaving!" Chengxu sighed and called the two of them.

Yan Cheng pressed Feng Zheng's head before letting go.

Feng Zheng cursed.

The three of them walked out together. Yan Shu noticed that Chengxu seemed to be in a bad mood. He thought that his final exam results seemed to be not ideal this time. "What's wrong?"

"No, I just feel that senior year is really tiring." Chengxu sighed and glanced at Yan Shu. "It would be great if my grades were as stable as yours."

Yan Shu sighed, "No, your grades are already very good. It's a bit difficult to keep them stable!"

Indeed, Chengxu's grades are very high in the class and grade. If they keep rising steadily, he can only sit steadily in the first place in the grade, which is a bit difficult.

Chengxu himself also laughed, "Brother Yan, are you unhappy about the deputy class? The deputy class is also very good. This time, Zhou Jiayi is really awesome. He has never fallen out of the top three..."

Yan Shu was talking to him about the results, and suddenly found out why Feng Zheng was so quiet?

Turning around, he saw that the boy was grinning at his phone.

Yan Shu's eyebrows jumped inexplicably. If it wasn't for this reaction, it would feel a little wrong.

Seeing him tilt his head to look at Feng Zheng, Cheng Xu also looked over, and then said, "I suspect he is in an online relationship."

Feng Zheng heard this and said unhappily, "How can you talk like that? Can this be called an online relationship? We are just in different schools!"

Yan Shu got to the point, "So you are really in love?"

No, wasn't he still sighing and saying he was single on the night of the final exam?

It's only been two days!

Yan Shu really wants to know what happened in the past two days?

Feng Zheng: Why does this guy sound so unlucky?

He put away his phone and rolled his eyes, "No, get ready, okay? I just met a girl I like very much."

Yan Shu originally thought that his butterfly effect had changed something, but he didn't expect that it would be too late...

He looked at Feng Zheng's silly face, "You, like a girl? When did it happen?"

Yan Shu really didn't know, he was with Feng Zheng at school

You have a lot of time, right?

The other person is from another school...

Yan Shu has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Feng Zheng has already clicked on a photo and handed it to Yan Shu, "Let me show you, is it pretty?"

What a pretty face!

Yan Shu almost couldn't breathe when he saw this face.

Isn't this the girlfriend who delayed Feng Zheng's college entrance examination in his previous life?

The main thing is that there is a follow-up to this matter. Feng Zheng repeated his grade and the girl went to college.

After studying for one semester, the girl broke up and said that long-distance relationships were insecure...

Feng Zheng almost broke down again at that time and cried bitterly.

Feng Zheng is a person who is mean and soft-hearted. He looks like a scumbag every day.

That was the first time Yan Shu saw him cry like that.

The woman behind him turned into Bai Yueguang. Every girlfriend of Feng Zheng has her shadow.

Did Yan Shu suspect that Feng Zheng had done something to let this girl down in his previous life?

This is simply his lifelong disaster!

Looking at this face, Yan Shu was speechless for a moment.

What a joke!

Feng Zheng took back his phone with a vigilant look, "No, why are you looking so seriously? Don't you have a deputy class?"

Yan Shu looked at his baby and was speechless, "No, I was stunned for a moment, I didn't look very seriously, and my wife is not as pretty as her."

The programmer beside him nodded silently, and he had also lied down under the influence of Luo Yulin.

Xu Mier is super pretty and cute.

His wife is a mother fan of the deputy class...

Well, Luo Yulin's original words, should he call himself a father fan?

It always feels a bit perverted!

Feng Zheng sighed at the two of them, but didn't argue, "You don't understand, she just meets my aesthetic standards in every way, and a lover's eyes see beauty in everything, shouldn't you understand that when you're in love?"

Yan Shu took a deep breath, thinking that he couldn't let this kid repeat a grade in his life, right?

"No, wait, you said this girl isn't from our school, how did you know her?" There's no chance, we're all in the third year of high school.

Yan Shu and his wife were in the same class for a day and couldn't hold hands, how did this guy know a girl from another school?

"Huh? I met her on the way home after the final exam that day." Feng Zheng thought about it, "Fuck, she's so beautiful."

Program & Yan Shu: I know you like it, but don't giggle, just say it first!


Thank you again for the five stars and rewards. I don't write about abuse! It's impossible to abuse! What are you thinking! Rabbit Head Sweet Writer! (It’s really not sad, it’s warm and healing!)

I’ve read all your comments~

Let me tell you about the car accident. My family is fine, but there are bones in the waist that are fractured. They are still in the hospital.

The other party was drunk driving and wanted to flee, which is a big problem.

The police have been called to deal with this matter.

The follow-up results have not come out yet. Thank you for your concern and blessings. Everyone should pay attention to safety when going out~

This time it was a completely unprovoked disaster. I was waiting for the traffic light and was hit by a drunk driver. I’m really speechless.

Anyway, everyone should be safe, and pay attention to safety at gatherings~ 啾咪啾咪

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