The girl was petite and wore a pair of black-framed glasses with thick lenses.

She was a class committee member named Chen Huihui.

Chen Huihui looked at Xu Mi'er and smiled, "Don't be nervous. I know you are not in good health. I just can't find anyone to talk to. I am a little stressed."

Xu Mi'er waved at her, "Then come and talk to me? Can't we change places? It's a bit windy here."

At this time, she regretted not bringing her mobile phone, mainly because she was afraid that her mobile phone would vibrate if there was any message coming in, which would be embarrassing in the teacher's office.

You should know that the school tacitly allows them to bring mobile phones, but they should not be so blatant.

Xu Mi'er didn't think much when Chen Huihui came to call her just now.

But when they arrived at the office, Chen Huihui said that Teacher Xu was in the teaching department.

The teaching department was not in Shanhai Building, so Xu Mier didn't think much about it and followed her.

When they came, they didn't see anything unusual. Chen Huihui was still holding the test paper in her hand, and Xu Mier thought she was going to give it to the teacher.

Until she asked Chen Huihui, "What does the teacher want us to do?"

But Chen Huihui didn't answer, but asked, "Xu Mier, are you under a lot of pressure? But you shouldn't be, your grades are very stable."

Xu Mier knew that she had failed the final exam. Before, Chen Huihui's grades were always in the top ten, and occasionally she could get into the top three if she performed well.

But this time she ranked 25th in the grade.

Xu Mier quickly discovered that her mood was not right. She was not good at comforting people, but she also said, "Who can be without pressure in the third year of high school? One or two grades don't mean anything. Just keep your mentality stable."

Chen Huihui said, "Oh," and smiled at her.

They came to the old building, which has only six floors in total.

The teaching department and the principal's office are both on the fifth floor.

But as soon as Xu Mi'er went up, she saw that the door of this office had been closed.

Then, before she could say anything, Chen Huihui reached out and pulled her.

Xu Mi'er's strength was not as great as hers, and she was basically pulled up to the rooftop, which was locked.

I don't know where Chen Huihui got the key, but she pulled Xu Mi'er in.

School ended early today, and the sky is still bright now.

It's just that the wind is very strong, and Xu Mi'er is actually scared.

Fortunately, Chen Huihui pulled her up to the rooftop and let go of her hand. She walked to the fence alone, and then threw the stack of papers in her hand down little by little.

Xu Mi'er wanted to leave, but she was not sure about Chen Huihui's mental state. What if she left and stimulated her?

Xu Mi'er didn't want to see whether she jumped down or caught up.

After all, with her running speed, anyone with legs can catch up with her.

So she could only try to calmly persuade Chen Huihui, who had already thrown away the test paper, "I'll invite you to the newly opened milk tea shop opposite? The taro paste bubble in that shop is delicious."

Chen Huihui took off her glasses, her eyes narrowed habitually, but she still looked in the direction of Xu Mi'er, "Actually, I envy you, Xu Mi'er, are you with Yan Shu? I saw you secretly holding hands, you are beautiful, your grades are good, and it seems that being in love will not affect your studies..."

She sighed softly, "By the way, you have a lot of friends around you, which is completely different from me."

Chen Huihui whispered, "Your family treats you well, right? You will definitely not be scolded or ridiculed when you return home, right?"

Xu Mi'er looked at the girl, her voice was already crying.

But she did not show any intention to hurt Xu Mi'er, and even stopped her when Xu Mi'er took two steps forward, "Don't get too close, it's dangerous here, I just want to find someone to chat, I feel you should be a good listener..."

Yan Shu had never run so fast before, and behind him was the voice of Feng Zheng and others.

They should have called the police or looked for the teacher.

More and more people looked at the building opposite.

It was too far away, and it was probably a girl.

There was also a person standing in the distance, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

Yan Shu didn't dare to bet whether one of the two people was Xu Mi'er, he had to go and see for himself.

Feng Zheng quickly caught up and ran with him, "Don't get excited, it may not be the deputy class, they called the police, and someone went to find the teacher..."

Yan Shu's face was not good.

Feng Zheng glanced at him and didn't say anything more, just ran up with him.


There is only the sixth floor.

Unlike what they expected, they did see Xu Mi'er after they went up. At this time, she was squatting in front of a girl who was hugging her and crying. She comforted her helplessly, "Don't cry, I didn't bring tissues either. It's cold here. If you don't want to study, don't study. It's not a big deal. Just don't regret it. If your parents put pressure on you, just ask them how many points they got in the exam. If the teacher criticizes you, just report anonymously and say that he is cold and violent to students..."

Yan Shu & Feng Zheng:...

The two still had nervous expressions on their faces, and there were footsteps behind them. I don't know if it was from the teacher or classmates.

Yan Shu's hands and feet were shaking, and his voice became a little hoarse, "Little ears."

Xu Mi'er turned his head sharply when he heard the voice, with a surprised expression on his face, "Yan Shu, you brought tissues..."

When he saw the expression on Yan Shu's face, he couldn't say the rest of the words.

Yan Shu felt that his legs were weak now, and Feng Zheng helped him up.

"Deputy class, you scared us to death..."

Before she finished her words, the teacher and school police rushed over, "Who wants to jump off the building?"

What happened next can only be described as a bit panic.

Chen Huihui was still mentally broken, so Xu Mi'er roughly told her what happened.

In fact, she really didn't plan to jump off the building, but she used to think that this was her secret base, where she would review and relieve stress.

This time, she thought that the teachers had all gone to the meeting, so she came up to throw a test paper...

She found Xu Mi'er because she felt that she was very silent, and she would not tell anyone after listening to her today... Chen Huihui's original words were like this.

Anyway, it was a big mistake caused by a student under great pressure.

While Xu Mi'er was talking about what happened in Teacher Xu's office, she couldn't help looking outside. She could see a figure standing at the door waiting under the projection of the light.

She knew it was Yan Shu.

Yan Shu's face just now flashed in her mind uncontrollably.

His face was very pale, his eyes were full of fear, his eye sockets were red, his forehead was covered with sweat, and the way he shouted hoarsely at Xiao Erduo made her mind dazed for a moment.

"...Okay, Mi'er, you go back first, you are really fine, right?" Teacher Xu's caring words brought Xu Mi'er back to her senses.

She nodded obediently, "Teacher, I'm really fine."

"That's good, go back, you asked us not to notify the parents, it's late now, can you go back by yourself?" Teacher Xu said and glanced at the door.

Then she heard Xu Mi'er say obediently and calmly, "Yan Shu is waiting for me, we are neighbors and can go back together."

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