After a while, the two of them were still asleep.

Yan Cheng shouted several times from behind but failed to stop him.

Yan Shu took a taxi to the hospital directly, and Xu Mi'er was in her mother's hospital for emergency treatment.

Yan Shu looked tired. He didn't sleep well last night. Maybe his emotions were too up and down, and he kept dreaming about the past.

They didn't tell their families about what happened at school yesterday because they were afraid that they would worry about them.

So today, Yan Cheng just said that he went out to throw away the garbage in the morning and met Xu Wang who was rushing home. Only then did he know that Xu Mi'er had a fever at three or four in the morning.

It was only when she knocked over the cup on the bedside table that Xu Wang and his wife found out, and hurriedly drove her to the hospital.

Although Xu Mi'er was in poor health, she rarely got sick.

She and her family would take good care of her.

But every time she got sick, there were a lot of troubles.

Yan Shu reached out and rubbed his eyes. He was a little worried, even though Uncle Xu told his father that everything was fine.

Yan Shu sent a message to Xu Mi'er in the car, but as expected, there was no reply.

He called Xu Wang directly when he arrived at the hospital. Xu Wang was a little surprised that he came so early in the morning, but still told him the ward number.

Huang Yi still had to go to work and was sitting in the outpatient clinic.

So when Yan Shu went in, he only saw Xu Wang.

It was not a single ward, so it was a little noisy and crowded.

Yan Shu saw Xu Mi'er lying on the bed with his eyes closed and his face pale, and his face became not so good.

Some bad memories rolled in his mind, which made Yan Shu begin to doubt whether he would really choose to be a doctor?

He seemed to be afraid of the ward and the hospital now.

Or maybe he wasn't afraid of the ward or the hospital, but was afraid of Xu Mi'er appearing in the ward...

Xu Wang saw him coming and waved, "Why are you here, Yan Shu? Is it snowing on the road?"

He sounded a little worried. It often snowed heavily during the day recently, making it inconvenient to travel.

Yan Shu came back to his senses as if he was awakened by Xu Wang's voice.

He slowly walked to the bedside, and his eyes finally moved from Xu Mi'er to Xu Wang's face. Seeing his concerned expression, he slowly shook his head, "No, uncle, the weather is good today."

His voice was a little wrong, so he coughed lightly, "How is Xiao Erduo?"

"It's okay, the fever has subsided, and there are two more bottles of drips before you can go home." Xu Wang looked at his daughter distressedly, and muttered, "Why did you suddenly have a fever?"

Yan Shu whispered, "Maybe she was caught in the wind yesterday. I didn't pay attention. I'm sorry, uncle."

Yan Shu's apology at this time was completely an instinctive reaction. In his previous life, he habitually took care of Xu Mi'er. She was a little uncomfortable, and Yan Shu was more uncomfortable than her. Facing Xu Wang and her concerned inquiries, he was also habitually apologizing.

But at this time, Xu Wang was a little surprised, smiled helplessly, and reached out to pat Yan Shu, "What are you talking about? It has nothing to do with you. Didn't eat? I'll pay the fee and buy you some food. You sit down and help me watch Xiao Erduo?"

Yan Shu nodded and said yes.

Xu Wang glanced at the half-empty drip and went out to pay the bill.

Now Yan Shu was still very reliable in his heart, but why did the child blame himself for the ear disease? It was a bit strange...

But Xu Wang had been tossing and turning all night, and he didn't have the energy to think about it for the time being.

Yan Shu sat down beside the bed and reached out to touch Xu Mi'er's hand where the drip was. There was a hot water bottle next to it, so it was not too cold, but still warm.

Yan Shu's Adam's apple moved up and down, and his throat was choked and he couldn't speak.

He lowered his head carefully and put his face on her hand.

He didn't dare to use force, fearing that if he used force, the temperature would dissipate.

There was an auntie taking care of the child next to the ward. Seeing him like this, she probably thought that the two were relatives or siblings, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay, young man?"

Yan Shu blinked, looked up and said to the auntie that he was okay.

The auntie was obviously a little worried, but in a place like a hospital, how could he really be okay?

In the end, he didn't say much, just said, "I just heard the doctor say that the fever has subsided and I can go home soon."

Yan Shu didn't know if he said thank you.

Anyway, his mental state is not very good now.

It is estimated that there are many people paying the fee, so Xu Wang was gone for a long time.

It was not until she changed the bottle of water that Xu Mier woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Yan Shu standing next to her and watching the nurse change the water.

She moved her mouth but found that she couldn't make any sound, "Yan Shu


But Yan Shu still noticed her gaze, and looked over, his eyes lit up. The nurse reminded him, "This bottle is faster, it will be better in about half an hour."

Yan Shu said thank you.

After the nurse left, he walked to Xu Mi'er, "Are you feeling better?"

"Why is your throat so dry..." Xu Mi'er's throat was also a little dry because of the cold, but she didn't notice it herself.

Yan Shu took the straw thermos cup next to him, which Xu Mi'er usually used at school.

He habitually took a sip to test the water temperature, "Drink some water, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Xu Mi'er was stunned for a moment, "I have a cold."

Yan Shu forced a smile, "Just infect me."

"You still say you want to be a doctor, how can you say such unscientific words, there will be infection, but I am not sure whether I will be better. "Xu Mi'er was still amused by him.

She was helped up by Yan Shu and drank a sip of water from his hand.

Yan Shu lowered his eyes and whispered, "I don't really want to be a doctor."

Xu Mi'er said, "Hmm?".

Her fever had just subsided and her brain was still a little unclear.

Yan Shu obviously didn't want to talk about this, so he quickly changed the subject and touched her forehead, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Xu Mi'er shook her head and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry for making you worry. ”

She started saying this when she was very young. When she was young, her health was a little worse than it is now, and she would often get sick.

Every time she got sick, her parents would be very anxious, so when she was very young, Xu Mi'er had already habitually said this to people around her.

In fact, she grew up in a loving atmosphere, and most children who grew up in such an atmosphere are lively and cheerful.

But Xu Mi'er is always heavy and calm, which is somewhat inconsistent with her age.

The main reason is that she is too sensible, and children who are too sensible sometimes think too much.

Xu Mi'er is like this.

So she is used to not causing trouble to others, and will feel sorry for causing trouble to others unintentionally.

Yan Shu can't stand her saying sorry the most, so he stretched out his hand and pinched her little face, "Who are you saying sorry to? Just be fine."

Xu Mi'er didn't break away from his hand, and smiled at him at this time.

Looks a little stupid, but very cute.

Yan Shu finally felt a little emotional because of the smile on her face.

He repeated in a low voice, "Little Ear, it's more important than anything else that you are fine. "

"Yan Shu, when I have a fever, I always feel like I have a very long dream." Xu Mi'er whispered.

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