The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 34 Flashing Spirit

Silence swallows everything.

In the dead silence, Lord Yehan looked at the blood-stained face of the desert witch and chuckled:

I suffer from the puncture all the time, and even sleeping normally is a luxury.

Even so, you remained silent and suffered alone.

You have no hope for the outside world and just want to survive on your own?

But on your own... is it possible?


As soon as he finished speaking, a cold gaze came directly over him, without any emotion at all.

The desert witch opened her eyes!

She stared straight at Lord Ye Han, her eyes like fixed beams of light, and no matter how much time passed by, she never blinked or changed her angle once.

What beautiful pupils and firm eyes. What a pity.

The pupils of the Desert Witch are very, very beautiful. The eyeballs look round, but the pupils are thin and narrow, in the shape of fine needles.

In the relevant knowledge system, this is snake pupil, and the two are the same concept.

It's a pity that these eyes should be golden, cold and arrogant, and inherently superior to ordinary creatures.

What Ye Hanjun saw now was a pair of gray and dark eyes.

It's like being covered by a layer of dust, or like dry river water. It has no bright luster, and some are just turbid.


The Desert Witch slowly sat up and leaned her shoulders against the wall.

With a simple movement, new blood flowed out from the penetrating injury to the chest.

Her breathing was suddenly heavy, but she didn't scream or roar.

The face that cannot be seen clearly reflects the silence and strength that are completely inconsistent with the thin figure.

Lord Yehan looked as usual.

As if he didn't realize it, the eyes cast on him became more and more indifferent.

He even took two steps forward, raised his hand, and was able to touch the black metal railing.

The Desert Witch's eyes narrowed slightly.

A link-shaped black scorpion tail suddenly stood up from the shadows.

Like a deadly poisonous snake about to pounce, the rose-red tail needle at the tip is aimed at Lord Yehan, showing a clear and alert look.

Calm down and don't do anything stupid.

Ye Hanjun chuckled and raised his right hand naturally.

The little finger presses the philtrum, the thumb touches the chin, and the other three fingers seem to play with the strings, forming a strange posture with each other.

You...shouldn't be so degraded that you can't even understand the language inherited by blood, right?


The chain shook violently, and the desert witch's body suddenly trembled. The tail needle on her back lost control and fell to the ground with a clatter.

This is impossible!

Why does a human speak the language of my witch clan?!

The Desert Witch hadn't been so surprised in a long time.

She raised her neck, her cloudy snake eyes widened suddenly, and looked at Lord Ye Han in disbelief.

Nothing is impossible in this world.

Ye Hanjun continued to fiddle with his fingers, and the sound coming out of his mouth was hoarse and weird, like a chorus of pigs, ducks, and cows mixed together.

This is not a human language, nor is it one of those familiar and widely spread alien languages.

In fact, this is not a language that ordinary witches can master, tracing the origin of blood and recalling the origin of the race...

...This is the language of ancient witches!

——Ye Hanjun’s pronunciation is older and more pure than that of the Desert Witch!

This is impossible!

The desert witch's frail body heaved violently.

Yellow sand the size of rice grains is constantly appearing all over the body, seemingly uncontrollable, flying and circling randomly.

Calm down! Lord Ye Han scolded in the language of an ancient witch, I don't want to attract the watcher here casually.

... The desert witch's limbs stiffened, and her previous indifference had long since disappeared.

It took her more than ten seconds to slowly relax, and an astonishing light rose in her dim eyes.

Are you a human or a witch?

The immortal witch clan disguises itself as a human and then blends into human society?

Ye Hanjun nodded slightly, It's a good idea, and it's unconstrained.

But I have to disappoint you. I am not a witch clan, but the most orthodox human clan.

The desert witch lowered her forehead, not daring to look directly into Lord Yehan's eyes, and her tone was filled with unspeakable agitation:

Then how can you speak the ancient common language of the Witch Clan in a human body?

I know that humans have power, but this is not spiritual communication, nor is it those special methods that replace communication.

This ancient and obscure Wu Clan language has been lost in many small and medium-sized Wu Clan tribes. I have never seen anyone of my own race who can speak this language, but I didn't expect to hear it here...

The language of ancient witches represents the origin and the strong and undying bloodline.

The desert witch reacted so violently, which was all within Lord Yehan's expectation.

He pursed his lips and smiled, moved his fingers again, and used the most detailed operation to assist the sound:

In my family, almost everyone knows witchcraft.

There is a relatively powerful Witch Tribe that is an alliance with us and we have had in-depth exchanges with each other.

After a pause and taking a breath again, Ye Hanjun talked and laughed freely and said:

As for can be said to be simple, and it can be said to be complicated.

Although individual powers can easily achieve communication across races.

But we relied on tens of thousands of studies and hundreds of thousands of muscle exercises.

The airflow in the lungs, the vibration of the vocal cords, the opening and closing of the mouth, the movement of the tongue...if these can be analyzed to the deepest level, the sounds that humans can make are beyond your imagination.

The relatively powerful Witch Tribe... The Desert Witch looked confused, This seems so far away to me, so unreal...

These are not important for now.

Ye Hanjun changed the subject, stared into her eyes, and asked:

I ask you, why have you ended up here, imprisoned in this dark and narrow place, silent all day long?

I... The Desert Witch looked down at the pierced chest, as if there were thousands of words stuck in her throat, and she didn't know how to describe them for a moment.

It doesn't matter, I'll give you time.

Ye Hanjun's strong tone slowed down slightly:

You should be able to feel that my appearance has special meaning to you.

I hate deception. Please organize your language and tell me the truth.

The silence lasts three minutes.

The desert witch slowly raised her head. The blood on her face, which had been solidified for an unknown period of time, turned a deep dark brown under the dim light.

I was born near the Giant Frog Pond, in a desert land.

There is my original tribe there, a very small witch tribe consisting of only a dozen witches. It is said that they migrated from distant places and finally settled here.

Can more than ten people be considered a tribe? Lord Ye Han muttered in his heart without refuting in person.

The desert witch's expression dimmed quietly, her eyes were filled with memories, the helplessness in her tone, and the ice-like hatred were not concealed at all:

When I was very young, I was different from my peers.

They are proud, beautiful, and confident. They can cast powerful earth-attribute spells with every movement of their hands. There is no alien race in that desert that can stop their conquest and rule.

And I have been regarded as a shame to the tribe since I was born.

The eldest elder of the Witch Clan, who had a brief moment of kindness, tried to teach me something.'s just the most basic control of sand, it's not even a skill. I learned it for three days, but I couldn't learn it...

The result is undoubtedly that I was abandoned by the elders.

The desert witch paused slightly, shook her head, and murmured to herself:

This also means that all my people have given up on me.

Not long after, I was expelled from the territory and became a wandering miko.

At that time, it seemed that I was not even one year old.

I didn't learn a single skill, lost my shelter, and embarked on the path of survival alone...

Just because of the gray and shiny colors?

Ye Hanjun's eyes were burning and he asked at the right time.

Yes. The desert witch nodded, My tribe said that I was born with a defect. According to the tribe's beliefs, it is naturally regarded as unknown.

They hate me and don't allow young witches to play with me. The eyes they cast on me are always contempt and indifference.

It was only after I came to human society that I learned that humans have a proper name for this type of favored spirit, called Grey Flash.

Gray and shining, also known as the spirit of turbid bones.

There are special living individuals in this world. They belong to the same race, but they are also transcendent from the same race. They are unique among thousands.

Mentioning their official names will definitely trigger a sudden thought in the hearts of any sane master, inducing endless fantasies and flesh-and-blood desires.

——This is the Flashing Spirit!

They are bloodline mutants, but they are different from regular mutations and will not change to other races, and then new species will be born.

They will only be further strengthened based on the original bloodline.

Even the lowest-level Fluorescent Flash has a 90% chance of eventually becoming the leader if they live in a group, making it easy to command a group.

If it were more powerful, Bright Flash and Ultimate Flash would not be on the same level.

If the former does not die young, he will be given the title of Monarch's Favored Spirit. He is invincible at the same level, and fighting across ranks is common.

And the latter...

Lord Yehan was fortunate enough to have read the important ancient books of the clan, and the description above used almost all the words that could praise him in the world.

That is a supreme existence, extremely terrifying and extremely rare.

When young, they are called Emperor, and when they are mature, they are crowned with Emperor.

Wherever you look, the sky will collapse and the earth will crack, and where your power will turn, mountains and seas will turn upside down.

The emperor's beast looks down upon the world and is absolutely invincible at the same level.

In the ancient times that cannot be traced back, it is said that there were such creatures, the most holy gods.

Not only did he become the hegemon of one party, but he also became the king among kings and the emperor among emperors. The child who suppressed the gods of that era could not hold his head high...

Mr. Ye Han knows better than anyone else the meaning behind the words Flashing Spirit.

Being able to contract with such a beloved spirit, even if the beloved master's authority is relatively rubbish, the way of growth is Buddhist-oriented, and the future potential is hard to describe.

The Shining Familiar Spirit will also push the Familiar Lord to become stronger due to the conclusion of the contract.

Flash - means more possibilities!

The desert witch in front of me is of course also a Shining Spirit.

But Ye Hanjun could understand her pain.

Dark and shining, for the world, negative prejudice is integrated into the bone marrow and embedded in the flesh and blood.

She's not getting stronger at all.



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