The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 43 Water Mist Spraying

I think she is so pitiful and want to try new possibilities.

Ye Hanjun half-truthed and half-falsely spoke naturally:

How can one pierce a hole in the chest of a beloved spirit and imprison it day and night?

Whether this is a rescue or another form of humiliation, I think only the witch herself knows.

There is no other way...

Shen Jiaoyun tried to explain, but was immediately interrupted by Ye Hanjun:

It doesn't matter, the contract is done, let the past be done.

As for the future, maybe I'll pay for my arrogance.

But whether it's because the witch lost control and threatened my personal safety, or because her weak skills are difficult to compete with at the same level, or the future is stuck in the clay sculpture's embryo, and even the Kasumi's embryo cannot ascend...

These consequences, these costs, will be borne by myself.

Ye Hanjun, who could roughly guess what the other party was thinking, did not forget to add:

Of course, if I'm lucky, I'll be lucky enough to improve the witch's condition and help her regain stability and health.

Correspondingly, I can also enjoy blessings.

If the magic skills of the witch lineage can be used normally, both the effect and power will be very exciting...

The acupuncture technique has been accurately inserted into the acupuncture points, and Shen Jiaoyun only needs to split a small part of his mind to maintain the power of the spell.

Most of the rest of his mind was filled with the indescribable absurdity in the expression on Ye Hanjun's face when he heard such understatement.

It must be admitted that the extraordinary contract vision indirectly proves that Lord Han is definitely outstanding in terms of personal talents or life opportunities.

But still the same sentence.

This is gray glitter! This is the spirit of turbid bones!

Shen Jiaoyun thought that Lord Han had found some incredible opportunity and had helped the witch make changes.

At such a close distance, acupuncture steadily repaired the witch's wounds.

All she could feel was that the witch's pain had decreased, her mental state had improved slightly, and her spiritual world was no longer so dark and numb.

But what's the use? In a real flesh and blood body, a single chaos is no longer enough to describe.

Dislocation of organs, distortion of meridians, slow blood flow...

I don't even know if it was an illusion, but Shen Jiaoyun actually caught a lingering wisp of death energy in the deepest part of his flesh and blood. He couldn't stop it and wipe it out no matter what, he could only watch it spread bit by bit.

How long will it take before the witch disappears?

Could it be that Mr. Han hasn't discovered this yet?

If that were the case, the confident contract wouldn't have ended up in trouble, right?

Baa baa! Baa~~~

Water Goat is not idle, and is also working hard to treat the desert witch's injuries using the hundred-level water mist spray.

The water element it controls is not an ordinary spring water in nature, but a special liquid that contains healing factors and is sky blue in appearance.

The key position it locked onto was naturally the bloody hole in the desert witch's chest.

Such a shocking injury, with the injection of water mist, dense granulations appeared in the details that were difficult to see microscopically.

They squirmed slowly, but without stopping.

This made the water goat, who was casting the spell with all his strength, soon have his hair wet and gasping for air, which was more laborious than the bison plowing the field.

How sure are you that you can regain the full power of the Witch Clan?

Bing Ji was silent for a long time and then suddenly spoke.

At this time, most of the coldness and coldness on his face disappeared, making it difficult to fathom his true inner thoughts.

Hard to say.

Ye Hanjun thought about it for a while and felt that it was necessary to reveal some information, otherwise it would be inconvenient to escape:

My original intention is very simple. Since the characteristics of dark and shining are difficult to change, then I should find a way to wash away this label and help her mutate her bloodline.

Only in this way can the desert witch get the space for growth that a normal spirit should have, so that she will not be looked down upon by the world.

Bing Ji twitched the corner of his mouth and became quiet again.

There is no objection to the fact that bloodline mutation is the method that lower-level spirits rely on to ascend.

Once the right method is found, the originally indestructible blood barrier may be broken through.

The same goes for Desert Witch.

Since there are flaws in itself, if the gene is mutated, there is indeed a chance to recover and regain a new life.

But change the bloodline to break the situation.

It sounds easy to say, but is it really easy to do?

Both he and Master Shao had actually had similar thoughts.

Including star mentors, including big names at the deputy dean level.

When I first met the witch, I had the same idea, and it was impossible to bypass the option of mutation.

The results of it? Either don't dare to try, or just stop in the middle.

There are very few sighting reports of witch spirits in Giant Frog Pond, so there are naturally very few related studies.

This means that helping the Witch Clan mutate their bloodline is dozens of times more difficult than that of common spirits.

Shen Jiaoyun twisted his eyebrows and analyzed carefully:

Then, for the gray flash.

The only information available shows that their congenital defects are too serious, and no one has ever succeeded in making up for it through acquired methods, no matter which way...

Shen Jiaoyun stopped talking before he finished speaking.

Ye Hanjun understood the implication of her words.

Roughly speaking, if you single out a single problem, it can be regarded as the problem of the century.

The two are superimposed on each other, and the difficulty increases hundreds of times, with no upper limit.

At this level, no matter what the reason, what talent, what experience...

It is really difficult to try to make people believe that it can succeed in the end.

Try it. Ye Hanjun chuckled, As the saying goes, don't look back until you hit the south wall, and don't give up until you reach the end of the world.

My determination was solidified the moment I signed the contract. I will not be shaken by so-called rumors until I have no bloodshed.

Okay. Shen Jiaoyun sighed, We are all adults and we have to bear the consequences of our choices.

Since you have chosen a witch, treat her well.

Her past experience is probably more miserable than we imagined.

If you continue to chill her heart, there's no chance that one day she will turn black, and then she will be buried with you as her beloved, and there will be no place to cry...

Okay, remember Assistant Shen's instructions.

Ye Hanjun nodded. This suggestion was also one of his core ideas and deserved recognition.

By the way, I've always wanted to ask, why do you have the badge of an assistant coach?

The situation stabilized, and Shen Jiaoyun's tense mood relaxed slightly.

The suppressed curiosity is naturally awakened.

You are so young, and you have just signed a contract... Who opened the back door for you to jump to this position?

Oh, Director Jiang Yongnian.

Ye Hanjun didn't want to explain too much, so he just dumped the blame:

If you have any doubts about my identity, you can go to him and he can prove it to me.

The rest is a long story. Signing the contract today consumes too much of my energy, so I won't go into details here.

As he said that, Lord Ye Han faced the person with the most authority on the seventh floor and asked:

Master C, can you let me go?

If you don't plan to ask me to compensate, then you owe me a favor by default.

If the rescue center is in need in the future and I happen to be able to help... I will welcome anyone who comes.


Bing Ji put away the giant sword and walked towards the entrance without looking back.

The indifferent voice circulated among the passages on the seventh floor, and its flavor was profound:

To be a teacher, you must act like a teacher.

This is Canghai Pavilion. Look at the badge on your chest. Don't insult your identity.

Bing Ji is drifting away.

The angry Quyinbat had no choice but to leave with its owner.

Thank you, Assistant Professor Shen.

But this kind of treatment is almost your limit, right? Don't worry too much, let's stop here.

Lord Ye Han thanked Shen Jiaoyun.

At that time, the big hole in Desert Witch's chest had not completely healed.

Thanks to acupuncture, she stopped bleeding.

But more than half of the cuts turned into scars, crooked, horizontal and vertical, uglier and more hideous than a long-legged black centipede.

Okay, the rest is up to you. Shen Jiaoyun did not hold on.

She is indeed a second-level medical dependent, but she has an excessive workload every day.

Active powers like acupuncture will have a certain burden every time they are used, and cannot be squandered without limit.

The same goes for water goats.

Kasumi's Embryo·Dacheng, even releasing Water Mist Spray at its peak, may not be able to cure the Desert Witch in such a bad state at once.

In an incomplete state, after ten minutes of continuous casting, it was already very tired.

If it doesn't soak in the water and take a good rest, it will pass out.

Go back to the contract space. It will also help you recover your body's functions.

Ye Hanjun thought, and the mark on the wrist of his left hand burst out with a ray of light.

The yellow light flashed away, and the desert witch disappeared.

What was left in place was nothing more than dirty blood and fine sand splashed everywhere, littering the ground.

Hey, classmates over there, you've been watching for so long, do you want to come out and say hello?

Lord Yehan was exhausted, but still had a strong willpower and looked towards the passage to the left.

Things are not completely resolved yet.

There were too many witnesses today, and Huazhu was a rare wizard's favored spirit with a dark and shining label.

It can be expected that this storm is only temporarily over, and will then enter the fermentation stage, and it may evolve in any direction.

Haha, what a coincidence, we meet again...

Jiang Haowen, Jiang Meng, Zhou Nijie, and Ye Shu, two men and two women walked out chattering.

Especially Jiang Haowen, although he couldn't hear clearly what was said, he saw with his own eyes that Lord Han and the caretaker were fighting against each other, and looked like they were handling the matter with ease.

Thinking back to the previous time, he looked at the newcomers like a senior, with a lingering sense of superiority hidden in his words. His cheeks were burning, and he really wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

If you can, help me hide the news.

Ye Hanjun didn't say whether he was embarrassed or not, he looked straight and said:

Although it is unrealistic, I still hope that the news of my contract with the Desert Witch will be known to others later.

No problem, no problem!

Jiang Haowen agreed wholeheartedly, and Jiang Meng nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, her eyes filled with curiosity and admiration.

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