The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 85 Assistant Coach Han who wants to eat rabbits

Next, the students went up to kill the rabbits one after another.

Except for a few powerful people who dared to choose small clay sculptures of red-eyed carnivorous rabbits as prey like Liu Xin, Li Jingming, and Wang Xinfei, the rest were all clay sculptures.

Even so, more than half of the students still showed varying degrees of panic.

What's more, someone who clearly has an absolute advantage gets scratched by a rabbit because of a mistake.

Tong Xuan, who was watching, never gave as much evaluation as before.

But he saw it all.

With slightly twinkling eyes, he was clearly memorizing each student's authority and spirit, and at the same time, he was giving corresponding scores and rankings based on their performance.


A breeze blew by, and Tian Sai rushed across the twenty-meter distance and stood beside Ye Hanjun.

The corners of his mouth raised in a vague arc, his slightly aggressive eyes looked directly into Lord Ye Han's eyes, and he laughed softly:

Assistant Professor Han, look, Assistant Professor Lin is almost autistic.

You said your field experience is pretty good, why don't you go up there and give it a try and show us your skills?

That's a good idea!

Wei Hongying stood on a branch more than ten meters high and watched students hunting rabbits.

When it landed, there was very little noise, and not even much dust was thrown up.

She stood on the left side of Lord Yehan, like a humanoid cheetah, with muscular lines that carried strength, always showing a wild beauty.

And when such a person smiles, there is naturally a bit of a wild charm to it, which is completely different from ordinary people.

Assistant Professor Han, don't worry about safety.

Even if Mr. Tong and Director Zhi are not here, any one of us can keep you safe and sound!

Ye Hanjun smiled half-heartedly and glanced at the two of them.

Black bamboo rice balls and the like are mainly used to condition the body and replenish the missing life essence.

One meal a day, no matter how full you are.

But this red-eyed carnivorous rabbit is different!

This kind of spirit never eats vegetarian food, which makes its meat particularly chewy!

Especially the hind legs, roast them slowly over low heat until the oil seeps out and the skin turns crispy golden brown... Take a bite and you will be able to savor it for at least two or three minutes! !

Ye Hanjun is greedy...

He can beat his teeth as a sacrifice, and he can also play tricks on these ill-intentioned assistants.

There is a high probability that it can also help Hua Zhu and Su Mei unlock new fighting incarnations.

Being chased and bitten by turtles all the time can indeed lead to shadows.

If it were a rabbit with red eyes, it would still feel fresh for several days, right?

Ye Hanjun swallowed quietly.

Then, with a smile as bright as spring breeze, he said to Tian Sai and Wei Hongying:

What you said...makes sense!

Really? I think so too!

Tian Sai chuckled, the light reflected in the depths of his pupils seemed to be sizing up a fool.

Then I'll go.

Ye Hanjun raised his feet, as if he remembered something, and did not forget to remind:

By the way, protection is not necessary.

It's just a rabbit, there should be no problem.

Huh? Tian Sai was happy.

Just a rabbit...what a loud tone!

None of the 29 students here dare to say such a thing.

Lord Han opened his mouth to come, how dare you?

Hey, let's look forward to Assistant Coach Han's performance~

It just so happens that we are also curious about the combination of the witch and the trainer's authority, and what level it has reached now...

Killing a rabbit doesn't seem that complicated, right?

Tian Sai's grin suddenly froze.

He heard Mr. Ye Han muttering softly, and then he didn't even put down his luggage bag, and just walked towards the place surrounded by students as if nothing had happened.


Several glances fell in succession. They were not students, but teaching assistants.

Ying Xia, Shen Jiaoyun, Wu Chong...the six teaching assistants did not stand with the students, but concentrated on watching from a distance.

With their insightful abilities, it was naturally impossible to ignore the voices of normal conversations between each other.

Lord Han... are you going to hunt rabbits?

Wu Chong, who was standing tall and striding, was the first to show an interested expression.

Lin Qingyun did not give in, although there was always a gray and gloomy look on his face.

But when he heard that Lord Han was going to kill the rabbit, his eyes that were in a daze lit up, and he slowly turned his gaze until he locked on the final target.

This kid...

Wei Hongying's eyes froze and she looked at it carefully.

As second-level hunters, there is no doubt that her and Tian Sai's vision is at the very top of the same level.

From outside the base to inside the base.

On the way here, they had been observing Han Jun's breathing frequency, steps and posture... using a series of subtle traces to analyze this unprecedented new assistant coach.

Then, all conclusions showed that he was not faking it at all. The feeling of weakness and weakness was deeply imprinted on his limbs.

In other words, no matter how calm and composed Mr. Han may be, the fact before him is that this boy's physique is no better than that of any student.

Just this, plus the dark and shining desert witch, plus the non-combat type of trainer's authority, isn't it adding more waste to the waste?

If you encounter a wild loved spirit at random, you should be able to force him to feel like he is facing a powerful enemy, and it is very normal for him to break out in cold sweat.

However, what is very contradictory is that Lord Han's calmness does not seem to be fake.

Right now, he's walking forward.

From the lifting of the toes to the landing of the heels, it gives people a casual feeling of walking in the garden, as if they don't care about the upcoming hunt at all.

Is he... so oblivious to danger?

Or does he have absolute confidence and really thinks that the red-eyed carnivorous rabbit is vulnerable?

Wei Hongying felt that she could no longer think of the answer just by relying on her own brain.

She and Tian Sai looked at each other, and they both climbed up the tree trunk with extremely dexterous movements, then stood on the slender branches and looked up.

At this time, three hundred meters away, it was another overlooking perspective.

The two of them are the best audiences, and their focused gaze is like a searchlight, closely following Ye Hanjun's every move.

What? With such an arrogant tone, in the end you don't dare to choose a small clay sculpture, and you only dare to bully the clay sculpture?

Soon, Tian Sai let out a cold snort, feeling unhappy as if he was being teased.

In his opinion, since Mr. Han dared to speak big words, he should at least take the witch with him and kill the red-eyed carnivorous rabbit made of small clay sculptures in a more aggressive manner.

Only in this way can he prove that he is not exaggerating and that he really has a certain ability to survive in the wild.

The results of it? Lord Han just walked through the crowd and finally stopped in front of the cage on the other side.

He looked around and seemed to be still picking a target.

When they continued to move forward, their orientation had not changed substantially. They were still the clay sculptures of Xu Yin, the youngest and weakest red-eyed carnivorous rabbit.

Eh? Isn't that a teaching assistant?

It's impossible not to be noticed when you're in a crowd.

Tong Xuan and Zhi Zhengqing were already one step ahead of the students, keeping an eye on Lord Ye Han silently.

Pu Chenlong, Chen Guangtao, Su Mei, Zou Lan... some are curious, some are honest, some are pretending to be stupid, or some are at a loss.

As the first student who asked a question pointed out the location, all kinds of eyes quickly aligned on the same place.

Don't worry about me, I'll make some breakfast.

Ye Hanjun swore that this sentence was 100% golden and not a single word was false.

Unexpectedly, Pu Chenlong, who was hospitable and helpful, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted with all his strength towards the classmates who had not yet fully noticed:

Come and see, Assistant Professor Han is going to hunt rabbits!

He is very powerful. You must not miss this opportunity to learn. Hurry! Hurry! Come and watch!


There were a total of ten eyes that were not looking at him at first, but because of this shout, they all turned towards him.

At this point, two tutors, six teaching assistants, and twenty-nine students...all have been assembled.

Ye Hanjun:? ? ?

He now has a bold idea...

Pu Chenlong, shouldn't he find a chance to practice?

The ton of pigs called fat tigers should run around a few more times and make a few more trips to the hospital, right?

Pressing down the slightly bulging veins on his forehead.

Ye Hanjun took a breath and took off the blood-sucking dagger from his waist.

His movements didn't change much, they were still casual and unconcerned.

The students didn't notice it in time, but the six teaching assistants and two tutors frowned in unison.

——Until this moment, Lord Yehan still hasn’t summoned the desert witch.

He had already walked to the cage, leaned down, and pulled out the fixed iron nails with his bare hands. The whole action was as natural as eating and drinking.


The mesh falls off.

The red-eyed carnivorous rabbit, which is smaller than an adult man's knees but still larger than an adult man's knees, grinds its front teeth hard and roars before rushing out.

Subconsciously, the students had already imagined that the owner of those red eyes was about to launch the claw attack skill and directly greet the assistant.

Almost everyone in front of me is like this.

The only difference is probably that they will release the contracted spirits outside, allowing the spirits to be in front, while they quickly distance themselves to ensure that they will not be injured.


Thinking like this, what was reflected in everyone's eyes was a dagger with a black handle and a red blade. As if predicting the flying route of the red-eyed carnivorous rabbit, it penetrated directly with absolutely silky movements and an absolutely light angle. into its forehead.

Impartiality is the most central position above the eyebrows.


The blood-red pupils of the red-eyed carnivorous rabbit were originally filled with burning hatred, mania, and greed...

But they are short-lived and fade faster than they appear.

The pair of claws that had not been fully raised were frozen in mid-air.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even lift it one centimeter, and I couldn't touch the body of the prey at all.

Rest in peace, I will cook you well and eat you all!

The smiling Lord Yehan seemed to have smelled the aroma of barbecue.

With just a slight exertion of the wrist, the life gate of the red-eyed carnivorous rabbit, which is a crystal core the size of a red bean hidden deep in the brain, completely shattered.


The red-eyed carnivorous rabbit trembled for a few seconds, and the blood from the corner of its mouth did not spurt out, but slowly dripped out.

It fell straight down, without any trace of life.

Ye Hanjun casually pulled out the dagger and carefully wiped the blood drops accidentally stained on the back of his hand with a white handkerchief.

Under the sunlight, the dagger blade in his hand only emitted a faint red light.

But in everyone's eyes, this red color was dazzling, dazzling, and vaguely filled with unspeakable fear.

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