The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 91 Random Airborne, Wrath of Cone Wolf

Group it and it’s done in ten minutes.

Pu Chenlong failed to get what he wanted in the end. At the beginning of the second round, he was selected by Qin Shui.

Although... Lord Yehan won't want him either.

Having already brought Su Mei with him, none of the remaining candidates could be recognized by him.

In order to assemble a five-person team, Ye Hanjun's selection method was extremely simple.

Don't want those who are prickly, don't want to be pushy, don't want those who are timid...

On this basis, contracted spirits can be ridden, and those with higher mobility will get extra points.

The contracted spirit is strong and not easily defeated, extra points.

Contracted spirits don't emit strange smells, and they don't look particularly dirty or tidy, which is a bonus.

In this way, three candidates were born.

Huang Shanshan, this person has short yellow hair like steel needles, and thick and long leg hair.

He is not good at words and has a dull personality, but every time the instructor assigns a task, he tries hard, persists, and has good perseverance.

An athlete with an F-level authority, the contracted spirit Big-Eyed Deer has average combat, and is characterized by a thick health bar and the ability to ride.

Zhang Wu, a young man with a shaved head, well-developed limbs and a simple mind, is also a person who talks little and does things quietly.

Like Gu Guangtao, he is an F-class soldier, but the contracted spirit is more suitable and is a common species called Iron Wolf.

Such spirits can also be ridden, but only for short distances, not long distances.

Like the armored horse, it is a type with outstanding defense, and its overall resistance to beating is higher than that of a big-eyed deer. Lord Ye Han especially appreciates this.

As for the last person, she is a woman.

She is five centimeters shorter than Su Mei and has a lot of freckles on her face. Among the crowd, she is a little transparent among the little transparent.

Ye Hanjun seriously doubted that among the 29 students present, she might be the only one who could call her by name.

Zhao Li is a scout with F-level authority, and the contracted spirit is a broom ghost.

With Lightness and Visual Enhancement as her passive powers, her reactions are quite sensitive and her alertness is high.

As for the broom ghost, although it is a relatively rare ghost of the underworld among the trial crowd, it is an undead belonging to the ghost faction.

But the skills it masters are too general and its combat power is limited.

The only two advantages are that he can lurk in the dark and act as the eyes of the team.

On the other hand, the broom ghost moves faster, and even if ordinary physical attacks hit it, it will be difficult to cause much damage.

Being able to conduct long-distance reconnaissance and having a certain ability to protect himself were the reasons why Ye Hanjun chose Zhao Li.

I can actually follow Assistant Teacher Han! What a surprise!

Zhao Li, who was standing around Lord Ye Han, had red cheeks.

It was not the girl's shyness, but the overwhelming surprise that she clenched her hands together and didn't know where to put them.

I don't know what happened, but Assistant Professor Han actually chose us...

Huang Shandenfeng and Zhang Wu were two boring gourds, looking at each other and completely confused.

You will follow me for the next seven days.

Ye Hanjun said calmly without giving an explanation.

Outside the team, students were spying on his behavior and selection strategies from time to time. Some were confused and some were thoughtful.

Speaking of which... the instructor just said so much, but he didn't seem to tell us, what kind of spirit has Assistant Teacher Han contracted?

That's right... Is there any spirit contract that will make people feel weak? This is very crucial information. The sooner we know it, the more accurate our judgment on Assistant Teacher Han will be...

There was much discussion, whispers, and lingering.

Unfortunately, before useful clues could be integrated, Tong Xuan stood up and motioned for everyone to follow him and walk up the back of the rhinoceros crane.

It's such a ferocious form. The crane's eyes are as big as half a meter! It's so scary!

Look at these wings. They are as hard as iron when you step on them. One strike of the wings should be able to split the earth easily, right?...

In response to Lord Yehan's suspicion, in a short time, he was replaced by this powerful flying spirit.

The rhinoceros-horned crane is the child of Yuying after all!

Although the fetus of clay sculpture has ascended to the fetus of Xia Zhao, the changes in race, appearance, bloodline...all aspects are limited.

In a popular sense, the Familiars refer to it as a little ascension.

But from Xia Zhao's fetus to Yuying's fetus, it was a complete change.

This stage of ascension can be called the great ascension.

The more official name is Ascension Evolution.

This is a super transformation that breaks through the original bloodline and evolves into a more powerful form. It is also the first milestone turning point in the growth of the beloved spirit.

Some spirits can ascend and evolve with their original bloodline, but many more require other opportunities, such as mutation or bloodline grafting.

Rhinoceros Crane, it should be the latter.

According to Lord Yehan's understanding, this kind of spirit is born as a jade baby, and its genes are naturally strong.

Tong Xuan should find ways to replace the original contracted spirits to this track, so as to help low-level spirits that lack evolutionary forms and have serious bloodline barriers to impact higher life forms.


The rhino-horned crane took flight.

Whether students or teaching assistants, everyone is on its back.

A magical tool like a scepter appeared in Tong Xuan's hand, standing in the center.

So faint light patterns rippled to everyone's feet, as solid and reliable as tree roots digging into the ground.

There is also a layer of ripples on the outer circle to alleviate the strong wind. There is no need to worry about the rhino-horned crane fluttering its wings at random and throwing a student into the sky.

Whew - so high! So exciting!

At this time, the students had completely stopped talking about Ye Hanjun.

They were staring at the lush mountains and green hills with their eyes wide open, enjoying the thrill of riding the jade baby's womb and soaring into the sky. Three or four out of ten were excited, and six out of ten were scared and fun-loving. seven.

The direction we came from was to the east. There is a training base guarding it. It is the safest.

Both the north and south are surrounded by large swamps. This is a common terrain in Giant Frog Pond. Those who like to live in swamp areas generally will not leave easily. There is no danger if you don't get close.

With the strong wind howling in his ears, Tong Xuan shouted loudly and suddenly pointed straight ahead:

But... have you seen the peak to the west?

That's the Black Rock Mountain, which stretches for hundreds of miles. It was once full of ore, but now it has been reduced to an abandoned land because of all the mining.

There is a black forest on the other side of the mountain, which is very dangerous.

The fetuses of clay sculptures can only be reduced to food there, and the fetuses of Xia Zhao are more likely to be the fetuses of Xia Zhao. Only the fetuses of Yuying can dominate there.

For this trial, we will use this mountain as our boundary.

I will arrange for two assistant coaches to be stationed there later to take charge of security.

Tong Xuan no longer had a smile on his lips, pointed to the black mountain at the end of his sight, and emphasized again:

You are not allowed to go any closer in that direction.

Others can be used as the main area of ​​the trial.

The terrain in the area is diverse, but because of the lack of resources, most of the survivors are clay sculptures and clay sculptures.

There are also Xia Zhao's fetuses, but trials are held regularly here, and they are often raided by assistants and mentors. The number of survivors is very small.

As for the common species here, there are basically no ones that are particularly insidious, particularly murderous, or particularly flexible. So even if you encounter wild spirits that exceed your level, as long as you don't provoke them and observe carefully, the possibility of avoiding them is very high. …”

As for me, Director Zhi, and the other four assistants, we will patrol the main area. On the one hand, we will continue to hunt for the spirits that pose a huge threat to you. On the other hand, because of our mobility, if you encounter an accident, you can light the weapons that will be sent out later. Fireworks, we will rush over as soon as possible to support...

As a reminder, if you use fireworks and accept our help, people with stable injuries can continue the trial, while people with serious injuries or endangered species can only withdraw passively. No matter which situation occurs, the coins will be settled with the team in the end. After deducting a lot of money...

Tong Xuan used the fastest speaking speed to explain the key points that need to be paid attention to during the trial.

Ye Hanjun listened attentively and wrote everything down.

Then, Zhi Zhengqing began to distribute props.

Everyone was given a pocket pyrotechnic gun, as well as a five-in-one landing vest.

That's almost it. The rhinoceros crane is already circling the outer circle of the trial site. You can choose the landing point in order.

Remember, after landing, explore the center from different directions together. Don't look in the wrong direction...

Yes! The students nodded in response.

Qin Shui took a deep breath, and when the air filled his chest, his invisible courage seemed to have reached its peak.

People from Team 5, dance with me!


Some people were scared, but after being lightly kicked by Zhi Zhengqing, they naturally went down.

Lord Yehan glanced down and saw a rhinoceros-horned crane cruising in the sky, but no flying spirits dared to approach it.

The height he was at now was about one thousand meters. Because of the white mist that covered it from time to time, he couldn't see clearly the specific appearance of the landing point even if he used his vision to the extreme.

Team 2, follow me.

Li Jingming shouted.

This team was relatively straightforward. Even though they were afraid, they still jumped together with their eyes closed.

Wait about one minute.

Ye Hanjun patted the shoulders of the four team members one by one, then pushed them... and jumped down together.


The strong wind roared strangely and hit my face, making it hurt.

The five-in-one landing vest always connects five people stably.

In the early stage, it was completely free fall, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

But close to the ground, at a height of about a hundred meters, a huge bubble popped up in the vest. The strong buoyancy pulled the five people, making them slower and slower until they fell steadily to the ground.



A group of gray-green wolf pups howled, their sharp voices like human babies crying loudly.



A louder and more piercing wolf howl sounded from not far away.

In the dense jungle, rustling sounds kept appearing.

Accompanied by more than a dozen sounds piercing the sky, a group of gray-green cone wolves that were more than one meter long, grinning, formed an encirclement in a fan-shaped manner, and step by step surrounded the five uninvited guests who fell from the sky.

(〝▼ plate▼)(╬◣д◢)(〝▼ plate▼)

(〝▼ dishes▼)(〝▼ dishes▼)(〝▼ dishes▼)

(〝▼ dishes▼)(〝▼ dishes▼)(〝▼ dishes▼)


This, this, this... it seems we have fallen into a wolf's den?!

Zhao Li took off her vest as quickly as possible, followed the example of the surrounding players, and threw it to the ground.

Her face paled slightly, her eyes wandering left and right, extremely convinced.

These approaching cone wolves, of this size, are all made of small clay sculptures!

The one at the end is nearly one and a half meters long, and is probably the wolf king made of clay!

The instructor also said just now that the most common ones are false clay sculptures and small clay sculptures...

This start of luck...isn't it too bad?

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