...Hunderds of years after humans had inhabited this vast land, called earth...

A land vast enough they thought it's as big as the place they came from, heaven!

So beautiful, so calm and yet, so wild..

However, the father of all lived a different life than the rest...

Adam had seen enough now to know that it's nothing like where he used to be,

there isn't a day when he does not regret and asks for a chance to return..

His sons and daughters, as much as they see how Adam's body is shinning light, and his heavenly aura and powers. Do not fully grasp the situation, which was the reason why bad and good started along with them.

Adam and Eve, having lived in heaven for so long,

Wishing whatever pleases them.

Eating from its heavenly fruits, drinking its Holy water.

Has gained them powers that surprasses the human mind, which they'll later on pass to their descendants.

Adam lived for about a thousand years, only two things got most of his time.

Prayer, and his wife Eve!

Never he took the role of a leader, not that he didn't want to.

But the feeling of guilt always overwhelmed him, he just would not love life as we now know it...

Thus letting his sons, who were inflicted much more than him with the lower level of the physical realm. To take that role.

Having approximately more than a thousand child.

Some who stayed where they were born and others were destined to expand human's terriroty..

Life was quite easy for them, discovering their powers was something of nature. Just like someone discovering puberty.

Some whom strength was enough to build homes and forge them alone!

Some who could heal the sick!

Others who could teleport to other dimensions...

Each with a power slightly different than another.

Adam, accompanied with Eve in his last stages of life, would leave what was called later on, Babylon!

And pass what was left of their lives together, It was said that he went to what is now called India..

Generations passed and the belief of Adam's creation story began to be questionned by the later generations, seeing how powerful and mighty they are.

"We ourselves are the Gods!! " said some of them in their mind.

This was the triggering point that caused empires and civilizations to start.

Given that the Earth was still yet unhabited for the most part..

Each decided to build his land.

The land of shem, Land of Mesapotamia, Land of Israel and the Canaanites..

Then Egypt, Persia and India...

Slowly but surely, The earth was being filled with men.

And the strong had always in his mind the strongest. God!

A complex that he could not let go of.

Who's to save their day? You guessed it right!


The one half responsible for this whole situation.

Who was plotting in his first hundreds of years an eternal plan, a plan that will only get stronger with time.

Thus, giving men the idea of being worshipped, the idea of being not only Gods of themselves, but Gods of all.

And it worked!!

Easier was it for him to persuade humans who were still at the time, powerful and mighty.

Satan's plan wasn't just to disrupt God's order on earth.

He knew he'll later on be challenged in that. But he wanted to destroy that heavenly touch in them.

It was the only thing he feared

And again, succeeded in what he desired.

The might of man significally dropped from before..

Losing their heavenly side bit by bit, resulting in weakening them as well.

Satan would only keep people of power in positions of power.

Wherever a man or a woman is born with incredible potential, he'd get them to join him, letting them taste the pleasure of being worshipped..

While in fact he enjoys it even more, being worshipped by the already worshipped!

Religions based on rulers started to appear, all plotted and written by the hands of the demons.

The Mother Goddess, The demiurge, Ptah, Tammuz, Zeus, Osiris, Ares, Oden, Saturn..

All were worshipped arround the globe, as the true rulers and creators!!

During the years of the rise of Pagan religions, The minority is now suddenly, the believers of Adam! At first they weren't attacked and were simply left to their own...

But as the world was getting corrupted in a fast speed, they could not co-exist no more.

Killing entered the scene, threatened for their lives, they were pushed to cease.


A savior came from the heavens...

A man from within, called...


One of the Ten Pre-Deluge Patriarchs. An Archprophet of the highest echelons.

Enoch will be a man like no other before him, one who speaks words that bends mountains.

the first hands to sew clothes, but more importantly.

The first hands to write!

Satan had no answer for him, as he was Godly protected and guided.

Enoch will first start with the common men, those being ruled by the elite. His words brought light to their hearts again, and soul to their empty bodies. His words rejuvenated the powers burried deep inside them, and made it stronger.

The presence of God slowly regained itself, as a way to encounter that.

The rulers, led by Saturn started a mass extention to whomever disobeys them.

However, Enoch was warned by a divine revelation of the evil plot, days before it happenned.

He'll collect his people and escape the land..

It was not that Enoch could not fight them on his own.

At the time, none was stronger than him.

Beside his knowledge and wisdom. Enoch could teleport himself freely in all 4 realms.

The human realm, The realm of time and space, The realm of the Metaphysical,

and last The realm of the dead!

But shedding blood wasn't the wisest choice.

Humanity had a lot left to do for him to stand on its way..

After months of running and escaping...

A promised day has come!!

Enoch and his people found themselves surrounded by 4 Land armies, faced only by the sea..

With no other choice but to cross it.

But how could they?

Everybody thought its their end, they could hear the armies footsteps from so far away!!

Enoch remained calm and silent,


God's promise to his Prophet was indeed true!

An island big enough to get them all on top, rose above water from the deepest parts of the sea.

And in a great speed, came close to them.

The scene was so surreal, even for the superhumans of ancient times that even some have fainted.

Long ago, Enoch was promised a city of his own, in where God's word and order is applied with no nuance or disruption.

He wasn't aware of how he would get it before. But he knew right away that this is it..

It was the only way to escape from the furocious corrupted rulers..

Enoch ordered everyone to get to the island before they'll catch up to them.

Men and women, old and young!

Some were able to fly their way into it, some could walk and run on water, some just swimmed their way.. And All helped one another!

Until everyone landed his feet on its gold sand.

Then, it disappeared from sight in no time!!

The armies, led By Saturn arrived an hour late, thinking the game stops here, and to them is the final say.

Unable to find or track them, they thought that each has gone in a seperate way and left their lands.

Once and for all..

Having all the land to themselves finally. They got back celebrating their conquer!!

But the story had just began...

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