This loud shout caused the entire Blood Clan Cave Void Road to shake.

One after another, the figures came towards Su Lie’s side!

“Tens of thousands of bloods?”

Seeing the dense, countless blood tribes, Su Lie’s eyes lit up, seeing so many blood tribes, he not only did not have any fear, but was surprised!

Not bad!

Just a surprise!

Tens of thousands of bloods!

What a huge number!

That’s a myriad of free attribute points!

“Arrogant human beings, they dare to break into our blood clan’s cave void! Kill! ”

“Kill this one human!”

“Don’t rob anyone from me, I’m going to suck the blood of this human being!”

All the blood clans were frantically attacking Su Lie, for fear that if their movements were slow, they would not be able to suck the blood on Su Lie’s body.


Su Lie shouted, and attacked countless blood clans with a punch.

Su Lie’s whole person seemed to turn into a black bull demon the size of several zhang, directly rushing into the blood tribe, frantically killing these blood tribe warriors.

Whether it was the Martial Artist Realm or the Martial Master Realm, in front of Su Lie, they were as vulnerable as ants!

Moreover, all the blood tribes rushed over, and it was not too easy to kill, and every move had at least dozens of blood tribes die at his hand speed.

In less than a moment, hundreds of blood clans died at the hands of Su Lie.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One after another figures appeared in the mid-air, and this figure was all the Viscount of the Blood Clan at the level of the Great Martial Master Realm!

The Great Martial Master Realm level blood clan actually exceeded fifty!

Standing in the front, a figure exuded an incomparably terrifying aura, this is a blood viscount whose strength is far superior to that of the Hebrews, and the aura on his body is powerful and terrifying, as if it is enough to crush everything!

This Viscount of the Blood Clan frowned and said coldly: “Hebrew this waste! With twelve viscounts to kill into the human world, they all failed! ”

“Hebrew is indeed a waste! A great martial artist realm peak had even failed to invade the human world! Not only did it fail, but it also allowed a human to kill into our blood clan’s cave void, which is simply a shame for our blood clan! ”

A blood clan with an icy breath said coldly.


The most powerful Viscount of the Blood Clan looked at the cold Blood Clan and said: “This Blood Clan genius is good, if he can kill more than five thousand of our ordinary clansmen, you will personally take him down!” ”

“Joseph understands! Please rest assured, Lord Augustine! Joseph will not disappoint you! ”

Joseph replied and said respectfully.

“Remember, such a powerful Terran genius, in addition to killing, we have another way, that is, to turn him into our people!”

The corner of Augustine’s mouth outlined a playful color, and his eyes looked at Su Lie playfully and said: “Think about it, if we turn this human genius into our clan and let him slaughter human beings, is it a very interesting thing!” ”

“Very interesting indeed!”

Hearing Augustine’s words, all the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm level viscounts showed interest.

“So, Joseph, don’t hurt this Terran genius!”

Augustine said lightly.


Joseph said respectfully.

For Augustine, these Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm level martial artists, Su Lie naturally did not know that he had already devoted himself to the battle of killing the Blood Clan.

No way, there are too many blood tribes, it’s completely like killing inexhaustible.

Every time he kills one more blood clan, it is possible to contribute a little more free attribute points to himself, why is he willing to stop?

Su Lie’s mind kept ringing the mechanical prompt sound of the strongest point system, constantly reminding himself that he had obtained attribute points, and this voice did not stop at all!


Su Lie drank low and crushed all the blood tribe warriors!

In less than a moment, the blood clan that had reached the number of 30,000 was actually killed by Su Lie alone, which means that ten thousand blood clans had already been killed by him!

“Gee, it’s really interesting, it actually killed 10,000 of our ordinary clansmen! This Terran genius is even better than I thought! Joseph, you shoot him! ”

Augustine looked at Su Lie with a look of amazement and said.


Joseph replied, like a bolt of lightning, towards Su Lie, a blood-colored battle axe in his hand slashed towards Su Lie, and a terrifying force fell towards this side.

Joseph’s move attacked not only Su Lie, but also countless blood tribes!

The main thing is that the range of his attack is too large, I am afraid that it is within tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters, all within the range of his attack, but he does not have the slightest hesitation, which shows that in the eyes of these blood tribes, ordinary blood tribes are not worth anything at all!

“Did the Great Martial Master Realm make a move?”

Seeing Joseph attacking towards him, Su Lie’s eyes flashed a murderous intent, he was not angry at himself, but he was very angry with the ordinary blood clan!

These ordinary blood clans are all their own attribute points, if you kill them, won’t I not get these attribute points?

As soon as Su Lie’s feet moved, the whole person had already disappeared in place.

Seeing Su Lie disappear, Joseph’s face changed slightly, he didn’t even find out how Su Lie disappeared!

“Joseph, be careful!”

Augustine’s face changed slightly, he didn’t expect that this human being, who was obviously only at the level of the Martial Master Realm, would actually have a clan faster than Joseph, a clan at the peak of the Great Martial Master Realm!

You know, what their blood clan is best at is speed!

In terms of strength, the blood race is a little worse than other races, and may be at the same level as humans, but their speed makes up for this flaw!

However, now he actually saw that even a Martial Master Realm human was faster than the peak of their Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm, what a terrifying thing it was?

Hearing Augustine’s words, Joseph became alert.


Right now!

Su Lie seemed to appear behind Joseph out of thin air and punched Joseph’s body.

A huge and incomparable blood hole appeared on Joseph’s body, directly piercing his body, and all his internal organs turned into blood mist!

The look in Joseph’s eyes quickly died and he fell from mid-air.

One move!

With one move, Su Lie killed a great martial artist realm peak blood clan whose strength was not weaker than that of Hebrew!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the blood tribe warriors who looked at Su Lie became extremely frightened, they had already developed a sense of fear of Su Lie after being slaughtered by Su Lie before.

Now seeing that Su Lie killed Joseph at the peak of the Great Martial Master Realm with one punch, how could these ordinary blood tribe warriors not be afraid of Su Lie? How not to be afraid?

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