Just as Tai Yuan was about to rush to Penglai, on the clouds, Tai Yuan saw streams of light heading towards Yingzhou.

Seeing this, Tai Yuan was also curious in his heart and stopped a cultivator who rushed to the direction of Yingzhou.

"Daoist, poor road is polite!" Tai Yuan asked politely, "Wuguan countless immortal families rushed to Yingzhou, I don't know why?" "

The one who was stopped by Tai Yuan for questioning was a scattered cultivator, and he was about to reprimand, but when he saw the golden light of merit faintly behind his head, he knew that it was a great power who stopped him, so he also became polite.

"Daoist friends don't know, poor Dao also heard that Taiyi of the demon clan led the demon clan army to conquer Yingzhou, wanting to unify the four seas. Now the Prince of the East is also gathering the immortal families of the three mountains and five mountains to go to Yingzhou together to fight against the demon clan. "

That person told Tai Yuan that it turned out that the demon clan was fighting with the Yingzhou forces.

Speaking of Yingzhou, it can be said to be the largest force overseas. It was an alliance formed by the scattered cultivators led by the Eastern Prince, which was originally intended to fight against the demon clan.

After all, the overseas cultivators are not like other places, if the demon race invades in a big way, it is difficult to fight the demon race with the strength of these scattered cultivators.

As the strongest person here, the Prince of the East was naturally slowly elected as the leader by others.

Of course, the Prince of the East himself must be very happy to be this leader. The demon race has caused great dissatisfaction in the flood wilderness for the world, especially Dijun and Taiyi called birds and beasts, fur and armor, and wet eggs as the demon race, and offended a large number of flood wilderness gods.

With the provocation of the Eastern Prince, the cultivators who have been bullied by the demon clan for so many years have gradually gathered into a considerable force.

Di Jun and Taiyi naturally saw the hidden dangers, so they had this battle.

For the conflict between the demon clan and the eastern prince, Tai Yuan did not have the idea of watching the people lively, and just when Tai Yuan was about to continue walking towards Penglai Island, he was blocked by a group of demon soldiers.

"Stop coming!"

What stopped Tai Yuan was a tiger demon who was a golden immortal with the appearance of a tiger-headed person. The faint black qi on his body knew at a glance that he had created a lot of killing karma.

The road to the public, regardless of cause and effect, regardless of right and wrong. But Tai Yuan, as a living being, has to distinguish cause and effect, right and wrong, and Tai Yuan is not happy with these evil demons from his heart.

He said bluntly: "Where did Ru come from, and he dared to block the road of poverty, and he who knew the face quickly got away, otherwise..."

Hearing Tai Yuan's words, the tiger demon was immediately furious.

Although he is not ranked in the demon clan, he has been good and bad for so many years. With the protection of the demon race, I don't know how many things that hurt the heavens and reason, but because of the protection of the demon race, I have not suffered any calamities.

He Cheng wanted to see this person today so disgusted with face, and did not put the demon race in his eyes at all.

"Hmph, I think you must be the subordinate of the Prince of Nadong, since you dare to oppose our demon clan, it is a dead end!"

"Little ones, kill me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! "

The demons drank loudly and killed towards Taiyuan.

The strength of these little demons is not strong, but the karma on their bodies is not low. Tai Yuan sighed slightly: "It is also the will of heaven, it is appropriate that these evil obstacles fall into the hands of the poor road, good and good!" "

As soon as the words fell, Tai Yuan's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "All Heavenly God Thunder!" "


With a loud bang, a purple thunder descended above the nine heavens, directly covering the demons.

Without waiting for the demons to react, the Heavenly God Thunder fell among the demons, turning them all into powder. The flesh and the Yuan God fell in an instant, and even the true spirit was completely wiped out, and there was no chance to enter reincarnation.

As early as when Taiyuan was blocked, there were many immortals from the three mountains and five mountains around it, but none of them dared to step forward.

They all think that Ether Yuan's strength must not be able to deal with these demon races, not to mention that they don't know Tai Yuan, so there is no need to help Tai Yuan. But when Tai Yuan turned his hand and destroyed the group of demons, everyone woke up to the fact that Tai Yuan's strength was so strong.

There is a feud with the demon race, and he is still such a powerful power, isn't that the person they need.

As soon as Tai Yuan was about to leave, a group of scattered cultivators came forward, one of them had a strange face, carrying a sword behind his back, and said to Tai Yuan: "Pure Yang Daoist of Poor Dao Abbot Island, I have seen Daoists!" "

Abbot Island, isn't this where he left earlier.

Looking at this Pure Yang Daoist, he found that his strength was already in the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and judging by his solid foundation, he must have reached this realm a long time ago.

If you have a little chance, you can go further.

Moreover, this person's body is pure and has no karma, and Tai Yuan is not bad for his senses.

"Taoist friends are courteous!" Tai Yuan Dao.

"I don't know where Youxian Township is? This time the Taoist friend killed the group of demons, the news will soon be learned by the demon clan, although the Taoist friend is a profound cultivator, but the demon clan is very powerful, there are countless powerful people, Taoist friends may wish to join me and others to fight the demon clan together. "

Seeing that Tai Yuan's cultivation was powerful, the Pure Yang Daoist immediately began to think of wooing.

Where does Tai Yuan not know the other party's mind, but the demon clan is powerful, but so what.

If Di Jun and Taiyi dare to live with themselves without knowing whether they are dead or alive, then Tai Yuan will have to take the place of Tianxingdao. As for those demon soldiers, they were not put in Tai Yuan's eyes at all.

Tai Yuan smiled lightly and said, "Poor Dao Qingdu Mountain Taiyuan Daoist, as for the demon race that Daoist said is powerful, Poor Dao doesn't think so. "

"Oh?" Chunyang Daoist was slightly surprised to see Tai Yuan say this.

You need to know that the power of the demon race is great, even if it is that Pangu Sanqing and wants to give three points, what can this Taiyuan Daoist rely on.

"I don't know what your views are? You must know that only the two Lich races in this heaven and earth are powerful, and they can be called the protagonists of heaven and earth, and Taoist friends don't seem to be very optimistic about the demon race. The Pure Yang Daoist asked.

Tai Yuanyan said: "You need to know that prosperity and decline are days. Although the demon race is prosperous, it is only a temporary time after all, and the protagonist of heaven and earth can not be afforded by a small demon race. "


Tai Yuan's words really surprised everyone, and it seemed that his words did not put the demon race in their eyes at all.

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