(Robbery! Hand over your brain!)

"Welcome to the world of island survival, where there are no rules and constraints. You can release your nature as much as you want. The only purpose is to survive.

Warm reminder, the first 3 days are the novice protection period, and you will basically not encounter danger unless you are particularly unlucky.

Here, injuries and deaths are real, and life is only once.

Each person has a 4-square-meter island, which is the basis of your survival and the beginning of your grand ambition.

Work hard to build and expand it, otherwise you can only swim in the sea.

After the novice protection period, the waves will wash away 1 square meter of the island area every day.

Only by constantly upgrading and expanding your island can you avoid being accompanied by sharks in the sea.

After 7 days, there will be"guests" visiting, be sure to be prepared to welcome them, otherwise you can only entertain them yourself.

The tips end here, and everything else needs to be explored by yourself.

Now, open your novice gift bag and start your adventure."

Lu Wei stared blankly at the sea in front of him, listening to the prompt sound in his mind, his face was blank. Am

I traveling through time? Such a popular thing happened to me?

But, I don't want to travel through time.

I have worked hard for more than 10 years, and just got promoted, and I haven't had any unspoken rules yet... cough cough.

I haven't enjoyed the happiness brought by the promotion and salary increase, and it's gone?

Lu Wei looked at the sea in front of him with tears in his eyes.

He was over 30 years old and had just been promoted to the head of the company's department. In order to have more in-depth exchanges with the female colleagues in the company, he took this opportunity to organize a deep mountain camping team building.

Unexpectedly, the bus rolled down the hillside on the road, and the team building turned into a team annihilation.

When I woke up again, I traveled to here.

All around was a The boundless sea, the deep blue water is bottomless.

Only the 2m x 2m sand below can barely accommodate the body.

There is a calf-high statue in the center of the sand.

Lu Wei lowered his head and took a closer look. The more he looked, the more he felt that it was very similar to himself. He didn't know what it was used for.

In addition, the 4 square meters of ground was all yellow sand, and the sun shone directly on it, making it scorching hot.

Lu Wei moved his butt that was about to be burned, and stood up.

He used to read online novels frequently, and occasionally played games to relax.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to understand ocean survival and time travel.

He carefully considered the system's prompts just now, trying to find some useful information.

By the way, what is the standard configuration for time travelers?



As soon as Lu Wei finished speaking, a light blue interface full of technology suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Holy shit, there really is a system? Hahahaha, that’s what I said, since I was a child I’ve always felt that I was different from others, I’m really the child of destiny, hahahaha."

Lu Wei's face was full of smiles. According to his years of experience in reading novels, if there is a system, then it must be the treatment of the protagonist.

In the future, he can go out and have a smooth career, and beautiful women will come to him in groups.

He grinned for a long time, smacked his thirsty lips, and quickly calmed down. Now he can't go out and find some water to drink.

It's so hot and he's on the sea. If he doesn't have food, he can still survive. If he doesn't have water, he will be dried into salted fish in 3 days.

Looking at the system in front of him, there are a total of six options on the interface.

They are: data, production, transaction, friends, information, backpack.

Looking at this system option, Lu Wei frowned. Why does it feel a little wrong?

With doubts, Lu Wei first clicked on the first data.

The interface switched instantly.

Name: Lu Wei

Race: Human (Blue Star)

Level: Level 1

Strength: 5

Constitution: 5

Agility: 5

Spirit: 8

(The above attribute values are 5 points for normal people on average. )

Talent (unique): Lucky Crit Level 1 (3 times a day, except for items obtained through trading, you can get Lucky Crit... click to expand)

Skills: None

Free attributes: 0

Pets: None

Territory: Initial state 4 square meters

Experience value: 0/10

Blue Star? It seems that I have really traveled through time, and it seems that I have come to this game again after traveling through time, which is really unlucky.

However, there is no use in complaining about myself, so I still try to survive.

At least my attribute values are still good, and it is also thanks to my usual exercise that I can barely reach the level of normal people.

My mental strength is much higher than that of normal people, which further proves my fate as the protagonist.

After reading the attributes, Lu Wei clicked on the introduction behind the talent.

I also understood what this"Lucky Crit" means.

It means that when you obtain an item, a random multiple of crit will be generated.

At present, the random multiple of level 1 talent is 1 to 10 times.

There will be two types of crit results.

One is a quantity crit, the number of items obtained × 1-10.

One is the quality critical hit, which can increase the quality of the item by 1-10 times.

This effect is, I have to say, really amazing.

For example, if you get a bottle of water, the quantity critical hit will directly increase to 10 bottles.

If the quality critical hit is increased, then there is no telling what it will become, it may even become the legendary spiritual spring water.

However, such an amazing effect is also limited.

First of all: the two results are also randomly generated, and there is no way to choose them independently.

Secondly, there are only three chances a day, and these three chances cannot be selected. They can only be used when you get items for the first three times. Today’s three chances will not be used, and they will be refreshed tomorrow and cannot be stored.

Also, things obtained through transactions cannot be critical hits, otherwise there will be bugs in the later stages.

Of course, looking at this situation, talents will also be upgraded. After the talents are upgraded, these restrictions should gradually disappear, but how to upgrade the talents is still unknown.

But even so, Lu Wei is very satisfied.

The rest of the things are clear at a glance. Lu Wei took a rough look and found that experience points and the like should be related to leveling up after killing monsters.���

However, in the current environment, he didn't know where to fight monsters, so he could only put it aside for now.

He closed the data interface and opened the next production interface.

This interface is more concise, with just a blueprint, an add material, a decomposition, and a claim option.

Obviously, just use the blueprint to add materials to make items, and then claim them.

Decomposition is to decompose the materials more carefully, such as wood can be decomposed into planks.

Continue to open the next"trading" option, which is still very simple, an auction, an inventory, a transaction, and a search.

Lu Wei clicked on the auction and found that there were actually a lot of things hanging on it.

A coat, starting price: 500ml drinking water.

10 kilograms of sand, starting price: 200ml drinking water.

A pair of socks, starting price: 200ml drinking water or 200 grams of food.

The beautiful girl's seafood panties, starting price: 500ml drinking water.

Aolige 500g, starting price: 100ml drinking water.

Sanitary napkins with blood, starting price: 300ml water.

Sea water...

Lu Wei was speechless. What the hell is this? Apart from the coat, there is nothing serious.

He can understand sand, but what are those Aoli Gei and sanitary napkins? Only a fool would buy them.

However, this is not surprising. After all, in the initial stage, everyone has no supplies and is in urgent need of food and water.

So many people are thinking of trying their best, just in case some fool falls for it.

For example, the seafood pancakes, for some people with special hobbies, it is not impossible to consider.

For example: everyone in front of the screen?

(New book, follow the update, follow the update and follow the update again, this is very important, you who love Ye Zi must follow it. )

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