Coming out of Dengeki Bunko, Xia Qiu suddenly felt that the hard work of the past few days was rewarding! At least the money was in hand! No more hungry and full meals in the future! I don't need to add ice or water to my happy water!

In short, I finally gained a foothold in Neon. At

2:30 in the afternoon, I stepped on the Shinkansen to go home. Since it was still early, I had taken a special leave today, so I might as well go to Akihabara, which I had always wanted to go to, but had never been to because of my lack of money! I have long wanted to try the maid cafe here! I heard that it is a major feature!

When I watched anime before, Xia Qiu wanted to try the service of the maid cafe.

Now it can be regarded as a perfect dream come true.

After Xia Qiu arrived in Akihabara, he felt that it was big and there were so many otakus! Everywhere was full of two-dimensional elements, and there were dazzling surroundings.

It was simply a paradise for otakus!

"It's a pity that the bonus hasn't arrived yet, otherwise I would have bought some galgames back."

Now there's not much money left in my pocket, so it's impossible to make a big purchase, so I can only enjoy the sight.

However, Xia Qiu was a little hesitant in front of the maid cafe. Although he said nice things and wanted to go in to find out, he would always be a little hesitant when people arrived at the door.

After all, he is not so thick-skinned.

Forget it! What is the purpose of living! Just for the sweet Sakura girl to call me Oni-chan!

So do it! Go for it first!

"Welcome, Master!"

The maids at the door bowed majestically, which frightened Xia Qiu, who had just mustered up his courage.

Suddenly, his courage quickly declined.

As expected, watching anime and experiencing it in reality are two different things after all. It feels so socially dead.

Being led by the maid to an empty table, Xia Qiu wanted to bury his head in the menu and be a quail.

Fortunately, there were no acquaintances around, otherwise where would he put his old face!

"Master, have you ordered? Nana-chan recommends the omelette rice, and today's special QQ Nei's delicious Mee Pu tea."

She's so good! The master shouted out, and Xia Qiu felt a little proud. Sure enough, this trip to the maid cafe was not in vain.

"Then let's have an omelette rice and milk tea."

"Oh? Master, we don't have ordinary milk tea in our store. We have the super delicious Mee Pu tea from QQ Neinei."

Xia Qiu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the cute young maid in front of him with a puzzled look.

I suspect you want to trick me.

"Hahaha, I won't tease the cute master anymore. An omelette rice and milk tea, right?"

It was the first time that such a good-looking boy came to the store, how could I not tease him?

After that, Xia Qiu experienced a social death among social deaths!

You have to recite a cute spell to make the omelette rice more delicious!

Xia Qiu suddenly had a psychological shadow... I have to carefully decide whether to continue to come to the maid cafe next time.

The omelette rice is also okay, just the level of ordinary omelette rice, a little sweet and edible.

Just when Xia Qiu was eating, it seemed that because the business of the maid cafe was a bit good today, there were not enough seats in the store, so a maid asked Xia Qiu if he could share a table with other guests.

Xia Qiu said that it was no problem. Anyway, he would leave after eating and would not stay for long.

Then, led by a maid, a girl wearing a sportswear that was so old-fashioned that it couldn't be more rustic and with golden twin ponytails sat opposite Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and glanced at the girl in front of him, his mouth twitching slightly, sighing that this world is really small

""Xia Qiu classmate!! Um!"

The golden-haired girl with twin ponytails opposite also obviously saw Xia Qiu, and read out Xia Qiu's name with her eyes wide open.

Then she obviously realized that the current situation was not right! She covered her mouth.

In this regard, Xia Qiu sighed helplessly. He just planned to pretend that he didn't know her and just finish the meal and leave. Who knew that this golden-haired lady had to make things so awkward.

Obviously, the person sitting opposite Xia Qiu was Eriri.

The glamorous mixed-blood lady in school! Undoubtedly one of the most popular girls in high school, but who could have known that behind Eriri was actually a otaku girl who dressed in rustic clothes and liked to go shopping in Akihabara like other otakus?

And looking at Eriri's bags of spoils, it was obvious that she had just come here for shopping.

"I I you you……"

Ying Lili was so anxious that she could hardly speak.

Seeing Ying Lili like this, Xia Qiu had no choice but to continue pretending that she didn't know her. He looked at Ying Lili with a puzzled look and asked:

""Do I know you?"

Hearing Xia Qiu say this, Ying Lili was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that her appearance was indeed very different from her image in school. Moreover, although she and Xia Qiu were deskmates, they rarely talked to each other.

So it was normal that Xia Qiu did not recognize her.

Thinking of this, Ying Lili felt relieved, forced an awkward smile and said,"I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person just now, I thought you were my friend."

Hey, hey, hey, Miss, this reason is too far-fetched, aren't you trying to cover up the truth? Am I not the only foreign student named Xia Qiu in your school? My name is not very popular, aren't you telling me directly that you and I should know each other? However, in order to give Ying Lili a little face, Xia Qiu still pretended to agree with this reason and nodded. Then he paid the bill and left the maid cafe.


Ying Lili breathed a sigh of relief, obviously feeling that she had fooled herself this time, fortunately she was not discovered by her classmates.

"But I didn't expect to meet Xia Qiu here. Is that guy also a member of the otaku culture? He doesn't look like one? That face and the way he was dressed up clearly looked like he had just come back from a party. Eh? What is this?"

Eri suddenly saw the contract that Xia Qiu had accidentally left on the table.

It wasn't that Eriri wanted to see it, but the big words"Dengeki Bunko Contract" on it were too eye-catching.

Is it from Xia Qiu? Could it be left by the guests at the table?

Eriri thought about it, picked up the contract and opened it.

She found that this was actually Xia Qiu's contract, and the work signed was actually the light novel"Your Lie in April" which has been popular on the Internet recently.

This made Eriri open her mouth in surprise!

This is really incredible! The novel"Four Lies" was actually written by her classmate, or the person who sat behind her and had never communicated with her.

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