Pushing a small cart, Dai Wei happily shuttled through the supermarket. Although Xia Xia would treat her to delicious snacks, Dai Wei would not be greedy. She only took a little of what she usually wanted to eat. After all, it was Xia Xia who treated her!

She wanted to marry Xia Xia home as her wife! Of course, she had to save some money for herself and her wife!

Just buy a little.

At the same time, Xia Qiu also held Xiao Qiong's hand and shuttled through the food area with Mio to pick some food for the evening.

Mio was accompanying her. Seeing Xia Qiu holding Xiao Qiong's hand, Mio couldn't help but become curious about what it would feel like to be touched on the head by the president or to hold the president's hand.

Speaking of which... When I met the president before, I only knew that the president was very powerful, and I didn't think about so many things, but feelings always arise inadvertently.

The longer you get along, the more inadvertently you will find that you suddenly care about someone around you and always can't help but think of his every move.

You will be distressed by something he said, and this! It means that you may fall into the vortex called love inadvertently.

Mio vaguely remembers that when she first met the president, the president played a very nice piano piece in the light music club, and Mio's heart skipped a beat at that time.

After that, the president would play with them. Even if Lulu asked him to join the band, the president would just smile and say that he would join after the band was complete.

Such a powerful president would spend time playing with them on such things, and would work hard for their dream of going to the Budokan. He would also write songs and go on roadshows to make money because Dai Wei didn't have a guitar.

You know, those songs are very powerful when put on the music platform, and they should make a lot of money if they are sold, but the president just took them out for roadshows.

But such a president is enough for her to like him. Isn't Xia Qiu excellent? Of course he is excellent, as dazzling as the shining stars in the sky...

It's just that the atmosphere has been a bit strange recently. The relationship between Dai Wei, Tsumugi and the president seems to have changed inadvertently without her knowing it.

Lulu is the same, she often sticks to the president...

Has everyone's relationship with the president become so strange?

Miomio has come close to the truth, but she will not guess in that direction, because it does sound incredible.

I really want... the president to touch my head and say that Mio is also working hard.

After selecting the ingredients to buy, Xia Qiu turned around and saw that Mio seemed to be in a daze. He walked up to greet him, but found that the child did not respond. Is he daydreaming? He waved in front of Mio, and it was not until Xia Qiu approached that Mio came back to his senses and apologized to Xia Qiu embarrassedly.

"Sorry, President, I was distracted just now."

"It's okay. I just saw that you were a little absent-minded, so I came to ask you. Besides, we don't have to address each other so formally when we go out. Just call me Xia Qiu." Xia Qiu waved her hand to show that she didn't mind, but there had to be some changes in the address. It was okay to call him president in the light music club, but it would be a bit restrained outside.

Lu Lu usually calls him president, which sounds funny and fun.

Does the president want me to call him by his name?

Thinking of this, Mio's face turned red with embarrassment. If she calls him by his name, then would it be time to confess? And then it would be natural for them to be together.

Mio thought a lot without realizing it, but it was also very crooked. In the end, Mio said Xia Qiu with a blushing face. Xiao Qiong glanced at Akiyama Mio with a strange expression, thinking that this guy must be interested in her own Onii-chan, but what about her progress? Xiao Qiong looked at her with a strange expression.

Shida can be ignored, he is just loser number two who doesn't even have a name.

What? You ask who number one is? Of course it's the golden-haired girl! She exudes the aura of a loser from head to toe, and Xiaoqiong can't ignore her.

After selecting the ingredients for dinner, Dai Wei waved at the checkout and was already waiting. Of course, Lu Dui and Kotobuki Tsumugi were there too, but they only took a few snacks, and didn't shamelessly take more just because Xia Qiu asked them to pick whatever they wanted. On the one hand, Lu Dui was not that thick-skinned, and on the other hand, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi didn't lack these snacks at all, and the small cakes she brought to the light music club were all high-end products.

After helping with the checkout, the girls in the light music club consciously helped Xia Qiu to share some of the burden, carrying a bag of Another bag of food was returned to Xia Qiu's residence.

Wow! Is this where the president lives? It's really big? Wouldn't it be a waste for two people to live in such a big place?

The girls in the light music club didn't know much about Xia Qiu's life. They only knew that the president was an international student and had a cousin here, and he lived with his cousin.

So this was the first time for everyone to come to Xia Qiu's home.

Of course they were curious about the things inside. Xia Qiu said that this was just the beginning. He was going to buy a big villa with a swimming pool in the future. There happened to be a villa for sale nearby, and Xia Qiu planned to make some money to buy that villa.

It wasn't too far from where he lived. Instead, it was very close. Just a few steps away. It was just a short walk away. Xia Qiu happened to see it when she was coming home from school not long ago, so she paid attention to it.

Xia Qiu carried the ingredients to the kitchen. They sat on the sofa as if they were at home, unpacking snacks and drinking tea.

Xia Qiu, who was leaning against the kitchen door, had to remind them to eat less snacks, otherwise they would not be able to eat dinner later.

Xiao Qiong looked at her and Onii-chan’s love nest with a cold face, which was invaded by these hateful women! It was so hateful!!!

Oh~ But there was nothing she could do, after all, they were all Onii-chan’s friends, and Xiao Qiong had no choice but to watch her love nest being invaded.

She curled up in pain, holding her rabbit doll and watching with her eyes!

"By the way, Xia Xia, didn’t you say there was a surprise? So can you tell us about that surprise?"

Dai Wei suddenly remembered that before going on stage, in addition to the fact that he said he would come to Xia Qiu’s house for dinner, there was another thing. At that time, everyone was very curious about what the surprise was that Xia Qiu mentioned.

However, as the stage was approaching, this matter had to be forgotten. It was not until Dai Wei mentioned it that everyone remembered it.


Xia Qiu turned around and said to everyone while beating eggs with one hand

"You should know that there were two strangers sitting next to the school leader today, right?"

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