Boom! There was a loud bang.

The huge fire dragon, which had grown to more than ten meters, crashed into a hill a hundred meters away.

In an instant, flames filled the sky, and dirt and rocks were blown up to a height of a hundred meters.

When everything was gone, the hilltop was flattened, leaving a large pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

The rocks at the bottom of the pit were melted by the high temperature and turned into glass.

Lu Wei shook off the dirt on his body with a gray face, and stared at the destructive power of the fire dragon in amazement.

He himself did not expect that this fire dragon would be so powerful.

If one was released during a fight, who could bear it?

In the future, when encountering a goblin tribe, there is no need to bother using a spear.

One fire dragon technique will kill them all, and if it doesn't work, two will be used to ensure a clean kill.

Of course, ordinary fire dragon techniques are definitely not so powerful.

The reason why Lu Wei's fire dragon technique is extraordinary is that his own mental power is strong enough.

Hundreds of points of mental power, plus his fire spirit body, so it has such great power.

However, the consumption of this Fire Dragon Technique is a bit high. One Fire Dragon Technique directly consumed one fifth of his mental power.

In other words, it takes 20 points of mental power to release a Fire Dragon Technique.

This consumption is not available to many people.

Put out the fires around to avoid causing a fire. After all, this island will be his in the future.

After dealing with the scene, Lu Wei continued on his way.

While walking, he sent out the video he had just recorded.

Of course, the final robbery... the process of punishing those people was not recorded.

It ended when they begged for mercy and cursed Feilong.

After the video was sent out, the entire chat channel immediately became a hotly discussed

"The president is mighty and domineering. The scum of the Feilong Gang should be completely eliminated."

"President, were those last dozen people released?"

"No way, it was probably handled secretly by the president and not released."

"After watching the video, I suddenly felt a little cold in my neck. What’s going on?"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one feeling this way"

"Thank you President Lu for not killing me. I will never forget your kindness. I will definitely be a good person in the future."

"It seems that the president is merciful and let them go."

"He is indeed a man who can be the chairman. He is decisive and quick when he should act, and he is not cruel and murderous when he should be merciful."

"Wow, the president is so handsome. I envy Zhang Ruoruo so much for having such an outstanding person like the president to protect her."


Lu Wei watched for a while and then closed the chat channel.

Because they were all flatterers, and it was easy to get carried away if you watched too much.

There were a few people who sang the opposite tune before, but now even the Flying Dragon Gang and the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group dared not show up.

Ninety-nine percent of the remaining people were his subordinates, so how dare they say that he was wrong.

More than half an hour later, Lu Wei arrived at the top of the mountain.

Along the way, he met many people, who nodded and greeted him one after another.

Lu Wei responded at first, but as more and more people came, he simply pretended to be aloof and didn't reply to anyone who spoke.

Seeing the top of the mountain, Lu Wei found that the cabin he made yesterday was still intact, and no one dared to enter.

Lu Wei went into the house and took a look. It was the same as yesterday, so he turned around and walked out the door and headed straight for the temple.

Opening the door of the temple, Lu Wei walked in directly.

After watching the familiar process of the level-breaking process, the 9th door slowly opened.

And Lu Wei had already prepared his new skill, the Fire Dragon Technique.

As soon as the door opened, Lu Wei threw the fire dragon in.

A huge fire dragon flew out at a very fast speed, no slower than the fireball. In the blink of an eye, it flew straight into the gate.

"Boom! There was a loud noise.

It was accompanied by the roar of a wild beast.

The roar sounded terrible, but what surprised Lu Wei was that the monster in the ninth level should not be dead.

It didn't die even with such a powerful force?

Lu Wei frowned, his expression was a little solemn. It seemed that the monster in the ninth level was extremely strong.

Then, a huge figure slowly walked out of the door.

This was a monster with a height of more than four meters and two heads.

The whole body was dark red, with bulging muscles and exposed fangs. It looked a bit like a giant gorilla.

What is this? A two-headed King Kong?

Although the two-headed King Kong looked a bit scary, it was obviously at the end of its strength.

There were burns all over the body, and there was a big hole between the chest and abdomen, and even the internal organs fell out.

The moment he saw Lu Wei, King Kong used up his last strength to roar.

Then he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Ding, congratulations on killing the two-headed blood demon King Kong, and gaining 3500 experience points. Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 2 lucky crit 1/1, level 1 lucky crit 4/5"

"Use level 2 Lucky Crit"

"Ding! Congratulations on triggering the level 2 lucky critical hit, the experience value critical hit is 25 times, and the experience value is 87,500."

Hearing that it was only 25 times, Lu Wei shook his head regretfully. This multiple was a bit low.

It would be great if it could be 50 times.

The body of the two-headed blood demon King Kong slowly disappeared, leaving a silver treasure chest in its place.

It was a bit like a silver treasure chest, but the color was more beautiful and the shape was more exquisite.

After Lu Wei picked it up, he found that it was a platinum treasure chest, one level higher than the gold treasure chest.

Resisting the urge to open it, Lu Wei put the treasure chest into his backpack.

If you are lucky, you can get legendary items from a platinum treasure chest. If you are even luckier, you can get mythical items with a critical hit, which will make you invincible.


Lu Wei smiled bitterly and shook his head. With his luck, it was good enough to get an epic item with a critical hit.

Moreover, the higher the level of the equipment item, the greater the gap. The last critical hit was purely dog shit luck.

The Jade Seal and Gold Seal were originally top epics, and with their special attributes, they became legendary.

Otherwise, with epics and legends, The huge gap between the two levels may not be overcome by a 50-fold critical hit.

After putting away the treasure chest, Lu Wei was not in a hurry to leave the temple. He wanted to see what the tenth level was.

Anyway, he could admit defeat and quit at any time. Why not take this opportunity to test the strength of the monsters in the tenth level.

If he can deal with it with his current ability, he doesn't need to upgrade after he goes out.

If not, then he can upgrade his level and then deal with the tenth level.

The opening speed of the tenth level is obviously much slower.

Lu Wei stood in place, condensing the fire dragon in his hand and waiting quietly.


The door of the tenth level slowly opened.

Lu Wei's eyes condensed, and the fire dragon in his hand flew out instantly, roaring and rushing straight to the door.

Just as he approached the door, a huge fireball suddenly flew out and collided with the fire dragon head-on.


With a loud bang, the whole temple was shaken by the impact of these two huge forces.

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