Rose looked at Lu Wei suspiciously, thinking to herself: He agreed so easily, he doesn't have any idea about me, right?

If Lu Wei knew what she was thinking, he would definitely give her a big cock.

"However, I don't recommend you to join now. You can wait until after the competition. Maybe you can get a regional ranking."

Rose hesitated and said,"Will this affect the results of the Kyushu Corps?"

Lu Wei smiled nonchalantly and said,"What impact can it have? There are only a few thousand people in your guild at most. It won't affect anything."

Although Lu Wei was telling the truth, Rose felt hurt. What's more uncomfortable is that her guild now has less than 1,000 people. Lu Wei said too much.

"Well, you are the president, I will listen to you. If there is a regional ranking reward, the prize will also be yours."

"We'll talk about this later. If there aren't enough people, we can transfer some over from the guild."

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."Rose stood up and said goodbye. She also saw that Lu Wei and Jian Jia had a complicated relationship, but it had nothing to do with her, so she wouldn't ask any more questions.

""Okay, I won't see you off." Lu Wei nodded. With his status, he would not see his subordinates off.

Jian Jia stood up and said with a smile,"I'll go and give Rose a gift."

Lu Wei nodded and said nothing. It was just right for Jian Jia to go.

After a while, Jian Jia came back and looked at Lu Wei with a smile.

"How about it? Have you considered taking in a mistress?"

Lu Wei shrugged and said without hiding:"If she agrees, I certainly don't mind."

Jian Jia heard this, angry and amused, and rushed forward to throw herself into Lu Wei's arms, hugged Lu Wei's head in her arms, and said angrily:"You greedy guy, I'll suffocate you to death"

"Um... Um, you are useless, so you can blame me?"

"Today I will let you know what a juicer is"


From singing loudly to being hoarse and weak, the battle lasted until the evening.

Jian Jia was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

She wanted to upgrade from a mistress to a real one, but she tried her best and was still no match for Lu Wei.

"You, just accept your fate. What's wrong with being a mistress? You have everything except the status. Besides, don't you think it's exciting to do it secretly?"Jian Jia heard this and tried to open her eyes and rolled her eyes at Lu Weiyi.

"I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me." After saying that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in seconds.

Lu Wei shrugged and opened the regional chat channel. He found that the regional chat channel was particularly deserted today. Except for a few advertisements selling various strange items, there were basically no people talking.

On the contrary, the chat channel in the guild was very lively.

After watching for a while, Lu Wei seemed to understand what was going on.

Now in the entire 01438 area, almost everyone is a member of the Jiuzhou Guild.

Except for those small gangs headed by the Flying Dragon Gang and the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group.

In this way, it is better for everyone to chat in the guild channel, and some guild secrets will not be leaked.

"Hahaha, brothers, look, what is this?"Someone posted a parchment scroll

"Holy shit, Fireball? Where did you get that?"

"Brother, your sister-in-law made dumplings and asked you to come over to eat them, come quickly"

"Is your dumpling decent?"

"Hey, let me tell you, this is from a bronze treasure chest."

"Damn, a bronze chest can actually give out Fireball. I've opened three or four of them, but none of them have."

"Brother, would you like to exchange your water arrows? I will give you 100 plots of land."

"Who is stupid? Magic skills, can they be measured by land?"

When Lu Wei saw the fireball spell, he was also moved. He didn't have the fireball spell yet, maybe he could use the water arrow spell and exchange it with him.

The water arrow spell and the fireball spell are magic skills of the same level. Although the damage methods are different, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Moreover, the power of the water arrow spell will be greater in places close to the water.

So, he sent a message to that person.

"I will use a book of Water Arrows and 200 copper coins to exchange for your Fireball. Do you want to trade?"

Lu Wei added 200 copper coins because he was the one who proposed the deal.

The other party can choose to trade or not, after all, there is no difference between the two skills.

Although the other party is a member of his guild, he can force the other party to trade with pressure.

But he would not do such a tasteless thing. It is better to spend some money and let the other party willingly trade.

Besides, he has plenty of money.

After a long time, the other party sent a message.

"Wow, is it the president? I just received too many private messages, and I couldn't read them all. I'm really sorry. Do you need the Fireball Technique, too? If you need it, I'll just give it to you, no need to exchange it."

Lu Wei looked at it and raised his eyebrows? Give it to me?

It's not like he didn't know how rare it is for ordinary people to get a Fireball Technique nowadays.

Is the other party so generous?

However, he wouldn't take this thing for nothing. If he really accepted it, he would owe you a favor.

So Lu Wei replied,"I certainly can't take your things for nothing.

I'm your president.

It's not easy to ask for your things for nothing.

You keep the Water Arrow Technique and 200 copper coins, and I'll give you a fish hook.

As your president, I will definitely not let you suffer any loss.

" The person on the other side was also a smart person.

When he heard Lu Wei say that, he also replied,"Then I'll listen to you.

President, you are the richest man in the world, so I'll take advantage of you and accept it with a thick face.


"Hahaha, eat whatever you want. As long as you have the ability, I have plenty of things here."

Then the two completed the transaction. Although it was just a short conversation, Lu Wei had a good impression of this person.

After completing the transaction, the other party announced the news directly in the guild chat group after obtaining Lu Wei's consent.

"Dear brothers and sisters, Fireball has been traded out, please stop private messaging me"

"Brother, why are you in such a hurry to trade? I can offer a higher price."

"Damn, this is so stupid, that's a magic skill, how could it be traded?"

"If it were me, I would not trade even if I was given 1,000 plots of land. With the skills, I can earn back so many plots of land."

"Who bought the Fireball spell? I'll buy it at a higher price. Message me privately. The price is negotiable."

"Everyone, don't think too much, the Fireball Technique is traded to the President"

"Damn, President? Never mind. No matter how high the price is, it can't be higher than the world's richest man."

"I'm just curious, what did the president use to trade?"

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the man who sold the fireball technique directly showed off the things Lu Wei gave him.

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