The black wolf was very fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Although Lu Wei and Xiao Bai were not slow, it was difficult for them to catch up with it. After chasing for more than half an hour, the wolf kept circling around the island.

Lu Wei knew that he would not be able to catch the wolf even after dark, so he decided to split up and chase it.

"Xiaobai, you go over there, I'll go over here."

Xiaobai nodded:"Well, master, be careful. If you can't beat it, just hold it back, I'll be there soon."

Lu Wei smiled when he heard it:"Don't underestimate me."

Although the black wolf's ability is indeed good, in Lu Wei's eyes, it is just that, and it is far inferior to him.

""Well, the master is the best." Xiaobai praised with a smile.

Lu Wei rolled his eyes at her. This compliment was too heartless.

""Let's go."

Lu Wei said, turned around and walked away quickly, while Xiaobai surrounded the island in another direction.

Although the island is not small, it is only about two kilometers long and wide. If the two of them surrounded it together, Black Wolf would have nowhere to run.

Maybe this guy saw that Lu Wei had not made a move, so he thought he was a soft persimmon and ran directly towards Lu Wei.

Lu Wei saw it and laughed immediately. If Black Wolf ran towards Xiaobai, he would still have a chance to escape, but if he ran towards him, he would be walking into a trap.

"Oooooh!"Looking at the human blocking his way, the black wolf roared, trying to scare the other party out of his wits and finish him off with a wind blade.

This trick had always worked when it had used it on those weak prey.

However, what it didn't expect was that this human was not only not afraid, but also ran towards it with a wretched smile on his face.

How could it endure this?

The black wolf shot a wind blade directly.

Facing the wind blade shot by the black wolf, Lu Wei didn't even look at it, and didn't even use his weapon. He just slapped it casually, as if slapping a fly, and slapped it aside.

The speed of the wind blade was indeed very fast, but in Lu Wei's super high spiritual perception, it was just that.

Coupled with his strong physique, as long as he was not hit head-on, this level of attack would not even break his skin.

This scene made the black wolf's pupils shrink, and he realized that this human was not that simple.

He just wanted to open his mouth to spit out bigger and more wind blades, but it was too late.

After getting close to the black wolf for more than ten meters, Lu Wei directly activated the extreme speed ability of his shoes, and with the blessing of super high agility, he left a residual image on the spot.

Appeared again , he was already riding on the black wolf.

These shoes can only be used for short-distance rapid assaults. If they can be used for long-distance running, there is no need to separate from Xiaobai.

Or when he has added up all the points, it will be easy to catch up with the black wolf.

Being ridden on, the black wolf was shocked and angry, and turned around to bite Lu Wei.

The bloody mouth with serrated fangs would break steel in two if it really bit.

However, before it could bite, it was greeted by a big tremor.

Snap! A slap was slapped on the black wolf. Black Wolf's face.

This slap made Black Wolf's eyes go dark and his mind went blank.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Black Wolf was stunned for a moment.

It took him a long time to realize that he was ridden and beaten. It was a great humiliation. He would not be a wolf until he avenged this.

Awooo! Black Wolf howled and kicked his hind legs hard, trying to jump up and throw the person off his back.

However, he was horrified to find that the person behind him was like a mountain pressing on him, making him lie on the ground and unable to move.

"Little black dog, how about you guard the house for me? You will have meat for every meal in the future. If you don’t agree, I will beat you until you agree."The black wolf didn’t understand what the human on its back was saying. It was terrified and angry. It struggled to stand up but couldn’t. It wanted to turn back and bite, but was hit again.

And that human would give it a big slap from time to time, and he couldn’t tell what he was saying.

He couldn’t move, couldn’t fight, and kept getting beaten. The black wolf was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

Even his cry was pitiful.

Lu Wei heard a hint of submission in the black wolf’s voice, and thought it understood what he said and surrendered.

So he got off the black wolf, and grabbed its ear with one hand just in case.

Feeling himself Being able to move, the black wolf suddenly became alert.

Stupid human, look how the black wolf swallows you in one bite.

Snap! Awooo!

How come I can't bite him even though I can move?

Then I'll use the wind blade.

Accumulating power in his mouth, a wind blade was formed in the blink of an eye, but before it could send out the wind blade.


Another big bastard, the black wolf's eyes flashed with gold.

He kept screaming.

The wolf was bullied too much, the black wolf was angry and aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do.

This human was too powerful, and he had no power to fight back in his hands.

Lu Wei turned over and sat on the wolf again. This time he didn't press it hard, but patted the wolf's head.

""Go! Go!"

Black Wolf looked confused, not understanding what this human being riding on him meant.

Could it be that he...

Black Wolf's face almost turned pale with fright!

Fortunately, Xiao Bai finally came over at this time. Seeing this scene, he was confused.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. I plan to tame this black wolf as a mount. It can also guard the house. What do you think?"

When Xiaobai heard this, she was immediately unhappy. Originally, her master only had her as a pet. If there was another black wolf, wouldn't it be competing with her for favor? How could she agree to such a thing ?

"No, Master, if you want a mount, you can ride me. I can run in the water, but it can only run on land, and it is so ugly."When

Lu Weiyi heard this, he knew that Xiaobai was jealous, so he smiled and hugged Xiaobai in his arms.

"Little fool, why are you arguing with it? You are a human being now, not an animal. Although we have a contract, I have never regarded you as a pet, but as my own family.

It is just a little black dog that guards the house, and you will be its master in the future, do you understand?"

Xiaobai seemed to understand and not understand after listening to Lu Wei's words.

She just felt very happy after listening to her master's words.

Then she hugged Lu Wei directly, leaned on Lu Wei, and said in a soft voice:"Well, I listen to the master, and I will do whatever the master tells me to do."

(There are many new friends here, welcome, if you feel that it is not good enough, you can click on my avatar, there is a newly completed book, which is better than this one, and it has been rated 9.2 by millions of people.

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