After spending some time with Zhang Ruoruo, Lu Wei hung up the phone and prepared the food he was going to make.

This thing cannot be made in a short time, so it must be prepared in advance.

That's right, what Lu Wei wants to make is bear paws. For bear paws as big as a pot lid, Lu Wei first has to boil water to scald the hair, remove the hair, and then cut the bear paws into pieces.

After cutting, add honey and cook them in the pot.

This cooking will take the whole night, and it may not be cooked thoroughly.

After dealing with the bear paws, Lu Wei can finally take a break.

Xiaobai has been following Lu Wei, helping with some odds and ends.

When she heard Lu Wei say that she could take a break, she ran directly to the sea to swim.

As a mermaid, she would feel uncomfortable if she left the water for a while.

Except when she was doing certain things, it was an exception.

Looking at Xiaobai playing happily in the water, Lu Wei called Jian Jia.

Although she is a mistress, she can't just ignore it.

At the same time, somewhere in the endless ocean, the elf princess El Yuexifu was nervously waiting for the temple gate to open.

At the same time, in the depths of the vast ocean, the elf princess El Yuexifu was waiting for the temple gate to open slowly with a nervous and expectant mood.

As an elf, she is gifted, accurate in archery, and has a deep affinity with nature. Even if her strength is sealed by a mysterious force, she is still far better than ordinary people.

As time goes by, the extraordinary items she collects increase day by day, and the power hidden in her body is gradually unlocked, allowing her strength to reach a higher level.

Although El Yuexifu has not yet completely passed the temple, she is only one step away from the final victory.

As long as she can successfully pass the last level tonight, she will have the hope of getting a place in this guild ranking competition.

However, for the first place, El Yuexifu did not dare to have the slightest extravagant hope.

She knew that the man named Lu Zhenghai was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of others, and the first place was destined to be in his pocket.

Since the first place is not possible, we must strive for the second place and win some opportunities for our people.

Not only the elves, but all the forces in the Endless Ocean are actively preparing for war.

Including the Xiaobaga nuclear-recruiting people who also came from the Blue Star. They are a nation with wretched looks, gloomy temperament, extreme thoughts, disgusting and cruel.

At this time, on the Xiaobaga public island, some people were sitting together for a meeting.

They did not have the strength to pass the temple, so this island was still a public island and everyone could come up.

These people were the leaders of various guilds.

Since the difference in strength was not big, no one would submit to anyone.

"Everyone, we, the people of the nuclear nation, must unite, otherwise, how can we fight against Kyushu in the national war in 7 days?

We have an irreconcilable deep hatred with them, and they will definitely target us."

"I agree with what Shotaro Pin said. We must unite. After 12 o'clock tonight, the results of the competition will be announced. We must hurry up and not let the Kyushu guy who taught Lu Zhenghai a lesson get first place."

"I propose that we elect a leader to be our president, and the rest of us to be members."

"Then who will be the president?"

"I think Pin Xiang Sang is the most suitable"

"I support Kikumoto Seiichi-san"

"Daxiangwan, if you support me, you can do whatever you want with my wife tonight."

"Yoshi, I support Kikumoto Seiji-san."

Finally, after the discussion of the little bastards, coupled with Kikumoto Chengri's"lady diplomacy" strategy, he successfully won the position of the first president.

After the president was elected, the next step was to concentrate supplies, hoping to get a good result in the competition.

Lu Wei naturally would not forget that the results of the competition would be announced tonight, but he didn't care at all.

Or to be more arrogant, he didn't take those people seriously at all.

Now, whether it is land area or property, even if Lu Wei only uses one, he can beat everyone.

The only difference may be the number of people.

However, even in terms of number of people, he has the most among all.

After talking on the phone with the giant rabbit Jian Jia, Lu Wei smacked his lips and missed the two giant rabbits a little.

Although small rabbits are good, there is no man who doesn't like big ones.

Forget it, let's do business first.

Lu Wei took out the golden treasure chest.

Today, there is only one last level 2 lucky crit left, which is just right to open this golden treasure chest.

Without saying a word, he opened it directly, and a golden light flashed.

Lu Wei saw what was inside clearly, and at the same time, the system prompt sounded

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Guild Base Construction Token, do you want to use Lucky Crit?"

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