"Ding, the Jiuzhou Guild's base has been established. The base defense battle will begin in 3 days. Guild members, please prepare yourself to face the challenge."

"Wow, we have a base now, hahahaha, the president is awesome"

"Now that we have a base, can we live here forever?"

"Is it difficult to defend the base? Can we win?"

"With the president here, it's no problem"

"You should be able to live in the settlement permanently, right? Provided you are not expelled by the guild."

"I definitely won't. If the president tells me to hang myself, I won't jump into the river. If he tells me to stick my butt out, I won't open my mouth."

"Brothers, where did you add your attribute points? I'm so confused"

"Of course, it is to add strength. Great strength can make miracles happen."

"Improving your physique and living longer is better than anything else."

"I really want to go to our base, but unfortunately the president hasn't given me permission yet."

"Mr. Chairman, when can we go to the base to have a look?"

"Mr. President, can we settle down in the guild residence?"

"You are so beautiful. There are so many people. Where can we accommodate them in the station?"

"What a shame! I thought I could live in the base in the future, so I don’t have to worry about developing my own island."

""President Lu, please let us join your guild. We are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and we can do anything."

Lu Wei looked at the chat screen with messages quickly scrolling across the screen, clicked on"Mute All", and then sent a message.

"Don't worry, everyone. After the results of the guild ranking competition are announced, everyone can come to the guild residence to rest or even settle down.

The speed of practicing and recovering from injuries in the guild residence is twice as fast as outside, and it is also safe enough.

Therefore, if you want to settle down in the guild residence, you need to pay guild contributions as rent.

Guild contributions can be obtained by completing guild tasks, such as physical labor such as farming, building city walls, reclaiming wasteland, and digging canals.

It can also be obtained by donating basic materials such as steel, cotton, cloth, fish, and land.

Each guild member has a one-month free residence period. Members who are loyal enough to the guild and make great contributions can obtain permanent residency."

This is an idea that Lu Wei came up with temporarily. Although he wants to protect the guild members, he can't let them be parasites who only know how to eat and wait for death.

Therefore, it is impossible to support them for nothing. They must pay corresponding labor to obtain the right to live.

The same is true for food. They must find a way to make money to buy it themselves.

After Lu Wei sent this message, he lifted the ban, and his speech instantly filled the entire screen

"Ah! No, President, please don't charge me the rent. I still want to be a new generation of lying young people."

"Shit, lie down, are you going to let the president support you? That's wishful thinking."

"The president is so rich, so please don't charge rent. We are so poor."

"Alas, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer"

"Fuck, you bastards, if it weren't for the president, you wouldn't be alive now.

Why don't we charge you rent?

Did you contribute to the construction of the base? Or did you contribute anything?

Who do you think is your boss? We have to support you unconditionally.

If you don't want to pay rent, you can stay on your island. No one is forcing you to go."

"We are all from the same guild, all from Kyushu. The guild leader is so rich and powerful, it is easy for him to make money. Even if we don't collect rent, it won't affect anything, and everyone can live a little easier."

"If we don't charge you rent, and you all just lie down and act like masters, who will build the base? Do you think you are playing house?

This is a world where you can lose your life if you are not careful. If you don't work hard, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

If you don't care, don't drag others down."

"Having money is not a reason to support us. No one has that obligation. We should be grateful that the president can provide us with a safe environment. You just got an attribute value for free, but you are not grateful and even complained."

For a while, there was endless debate in the chat channel, and Lu Wei just watched quietly.

He did not take any action, nor did he kick out those who were resentful.

He had long known the complexity of human hearts, and he had foreseen such a situation.

Moreover, don't think that those who speak for him are sincerely defending him. This is not necessarily the case.

If it were before, it would be difficult for Lu Wei to distinguish between the good and the bad of these people, but now that he has the jade seal and the gold seal, everything is simple.

These people will eventually pay the price for their actions.

Lu Wei can tolerate low loyalty, after all, he cannot require everyone to be loyal to him.

But if there is resentment, don't blame me. I will let you experience the good life on the island, and then kick you out.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's too cruel to think about it.

After closing the system interface, Xiaobai just came back from swimming. Looking at the newly appeared large houses, he opened his mouth in surprise.

"Master, I have just been away for a while, where do all these houses come from?"

"Forget about the house for now. Come on, you've worked hard today, I'm going to reward you well."A lotus flower emerges naturally from clear water without any decoration. Looking at Xiao Bai who had just finished taking a bath, Lu Wei's heart was moved. He held her in his arms and whispered softly.

When Xiao Bai heard that there was a reward, her eyes lit up immediately:"Really? That's great, but don't reward her too much, it will be very tiring."

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