Xia Qiu naturally didn't care that Eriri had almost finished her lunch. It was just a few dollars, and he wasn't that stingy.

Seeing Eriri eating so deliciously, Xia Qiu felt that his cooking skills had not regressed, and he still maintained his usual high level!

Of course, Xia Qiu didn't refuse the lunch that Eriri pushed over. After all, he couldn't go hungry.

Eriri's lunch tasted pretty good. It seemed that it wasn't that she didn't like it, but that she couldn't eat good food. The lunch prepared by this young lady's family was not as sloppy as the one in the convenience store.

After lunch, Eriri left a message that she would send the manuscript back to him in the evening, and fled.

After all, she was embarrassed in front of Xia Qiu, so how could Eriri stay any longer?

When she came to her senses, Eriri realized that she seemed to have always been embarrassed in front of Xia Qiu, from the beginning when she was known as a otaku, to the identity of teacher Hakumu Eri, and today she ate up other people's lunch like a glutton.


Beside the sink, Eriri squatted down as if she was ashamed. It’s over! My image!!! Eriri felt uncomfortable sitting in her seat all afternoon. She always felt that Xia Qiu was staring at her back, which made Eriri think of the scene at noon.

After school in the afternoon, Xia Qiu packed her schoolbag and prepared to go home.

Club? What club? Why don’t I remember I have a club?

Oh, the Light Music Club!

I am the leader of the club anyway, and there is no one in my club, so it’s okay to go back early.

So~ Walking on the way home, Xia Qiu began to think about the important life event in the evening!

What should I eat?

Cook by myself?

I don’t feel like cooking tonight, mainly because I don’t want to wash dishes and pots. When I move to a bigger house

, I must buy an automatic dishwasher! How can I use my hands, a great writer, to wash dishes?

Fast food from the convenience store?

Forget it, I’m tired of it, next one.

Order takeout?

This is good! This is good! Xia Qiu suddenly remembered that there was a small restaurant nearby, and the chef there was pretty good at cooking, so he ordered takeout.

Thinking about it, Xia Qiu couldn't help but glimpse a girl squatting on the side of the road.

She was a skinny girl with sickly white skin. Her long silver-white hair was divided into two ponytails, and she looked cute and adorable. She was holding a black rabbit doll in her hands. The only flaw was that the little girl looked dirty, her face was covered with dust, and her white dress was dyed gray. Her expression was timid and tender, which made people feel pity.

God's Generation Girl?

A term immediately emerged in Xia Qiu's mind.

This refers specifically to girls who run away from home and use their bodies to exchange for rewards to stay overnight, but how old does this girl look? Elementary school student? Junior high school student?

Is this a crime?

Although Japan's lolita culture is very widespread, in fact, their laws are not vegetarian. That really starts with the death penalty.

Could it be that the girl ran away from home because of a conflict with her family?

It was normal for Xia Qiu to think so. The girl had no luggage and her clothes were dirty, as if she had been away from home for a long time.

Oh, how anxious her family must be, leaving such a young girl outside.

Then I should be a good person to the end...

Squatting down, Xia Qiu said with a gentle expression:"Little sister, can't you find the way home? Do you have a family phone number? Or an address or something."

The girl opposite was obviously very alert. She raised the black bunny in her arms to block her sight, as if to say,"You can ask, but I just don't want to talk."

"It's a bit difficult.……"

This girl is quite alert. She won't easily talk to strangers, nor will she easily accept the kindness of strangers.

It's just that Xia Qiu just doesn't want such a child to stay alone outside. You know, it's going to be dark soon. Xia Qiu is a little worried about leaving such a half-grown child alone.

He doesn't think he is a great good man, but he should have the most basic righteousness, morality and empathy.

Seeing that the little girl didn't speak, Xia Qiu didn't ask any more questions, so he sat for a while and ordered two takeouts. The strange big brother...

With his face covered by the black rabbit doll, he looked at the strange big brother next to him through a little vision.

Qiong has met adults who have strange ideas about him, but without exception, they were scared away by his p (a loud alarm tool). Qiong also knows their disgusting thoughts.

Qiong is not the kind of child without common sense, but... the money he brought with him has been spent, and there is no place to go. He can only squat on the side of the road, thinking about whether to go to the Metropolitan Police Department...

But Qiong doesn't want to go home... doesn't want to go back to that cold home.

Suddenly, a fragrance came, which made Qiong's stomach, which had been hungry for a day, react a little.

Looking for the source of the fragrance, the strange big brother was enjoying the food with relish.

I'm so hungry...

Qiong swallowed his saliva. He hadn't eaten for a day, and his stomach was really a little hungry.


Just when Qiong felt that she was about to faint from hunger, a hot meal was handed to her.

Qiong looked at Xia Qiu with doubtful eyes.

Seeing this little girl like this, Xia Qiu felt a little funny.

"Don't worry, I ordered takeout. It's impossible that I would drug myself."

Xia Qiu raised the lunch box in her hand, using this method to reassure the girl.

Qiong was silent for a while. The hunger in her stomach was too much for this young child to bear. She put down the rabbit doll in her hand, took the lunch box and started eating.

This is the right way.

People only care about filling their stomachs and sleeping well. What would it be like to be hungry?

After a long time...

Qiong felt that she was very full, so she put down the lunch box in her hand.

She said thank you in a very low voice.

Then she continued to curl up, hugging her rabbit The doll continued to squat on the side of the road, as if the girl who had just eaten heartily was not her.

It was difficult to deal with... This girl seemed to have closed herself off. How could she go on like this? Should I call the police? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Not very good. What if I called the police and the little girl ran away? He knew how stubborn the temper of a girl who ran away from home was. It was not something that could be persuaded to go back with a few words, and she would run away again.

So... I'll just stay here with her for a while.

Who said that I, Xia Qiu, was handsome and kind?

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