What was the most anticipated thing during student days? It was undoubtedly the weekends.

I slept in for a rare time, looked at Xiao Qiong's peaceful sleeping face beside the bed, and sighed at how cute my sister was. A beautiful day began.

Now Xiao Qiong is getting more and more familiar with life in Xia Qiu's house. She is no longer as taciturn as when she first came. She talks a little more. It seems that the liveliness and cheerfulness of a child gradually makes Xiao Qiong active.

After breakfast, Xia Qiu took Xiao Qiong to go shopping. Last time, they were in a hurry and didn't buy many things, such as children's vests, clothes, etc. By the way, they also want to buy Xiao Qiong a mobile phone, so that she can contact him at home if something happens in the future.

""Let's go!"

The little hand held the big hand and they headed for the mall.

They stopped in front of a bookstore, Xiao Qiong paused and pointed at the advertisement sign and said to Xia Qiu:

""Ouni, look."

Oh~ Isn't this the cover of the light novel of Four Lies? The release of Four Lies is getting closer and closer, and the cover of Four Lies' promotional book can be seen in many advertising spaces. It

's good, but the purpose of going out on the street today is not for this.

Xia Qiu took Xiao Qiong to the mall, intending to buy some clothes for Xiao Qiong.

Xiao Qiong is really cute! She looks good in anything! It really let Xia Qiu experience the fun of dressing up dolls.

""Hey? Isn't this the great writer in our class?"

This teasing tone... This familiar voice made Xia Qiu's expression pause.

What was the most annoying thing in school days? It was undoubtedly meeting your class teacher when you were out on the street on a happy weekend.

I believe no student would be happy about it.

Including Xia Qiu

"What's that expression? Are you still unhappy to see your teacher?"

"Happy, I'm really happy"

"Then smile more."

He patted Xia Qiu's back carelessly. This woman's hands were really strong!

If it weren't for his training skills being upgraded to level 2 and his physical fitness having improved greatly, he would have been hard-pressed to withstand the torture of this old woman.

"Wait, how come you are in a children's clothing store? Do you have that kind of habit?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was greeting Xia Qiu, suddenly realized that the boy was in the rest area of the children's clothing store.

"Ajing, you can doubt my character, but you can't doubt my habits!"

"Really? Then whose pen name is Ai Lolita or Ai Legal Lolita?"

"Ahem, that was just a joke. By the way, Shizuka Hiratsuka, you are still following this online."

Although Lolita is very fragrant, she is also very cruel!

"Hi, as your class teacher and Chinese teacher, of course I have to pay attention to your career. When the novel is released, remember to send me a copy. I want a signed copy."

Bah! You even want to take advantage of your own students! Shameless old thief!

"Oh, don't interrupt me! What are you doing here?"

The topic went off track, and Shizuka Hiratsuka immediately turned the topic back.

"As you can see, I am here to buy clothes for my sister.

Xia Qiu pointed at Qiong who was wearing a dress and looked so cute.

"You have a sister? You are not an international student? No, no, your sister came from the other side of the ocean? That is not right... With your living conditions, your family is willing to let your sister sleep in a pigsty with you?"

Xia Qiu listened to Hiratsuka Shizuka's nagging, and his face almost turned green!

It made my daily living environment very poor... Never mind, it was indeed very poor before, and I couldn't afford to eat.

""Is it okay to adopt him?"

Xia Qiu then told Hiratsuka Shizuka about Xiao Qiong's situation and explained why he didn't go to school that day.

After listening to Xia Qiu's explanation, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Xia Qiu with a strange expression.

"After all this time, you pretended to be sick and didn't come to school that day because of this reason. But even if you are doing good things, as a teacher, I have to criticize you. Adopting a child is not as simple as adopting a cat or a dog. You need to pay and bear too much."

The teacher is worthy of being a teacher. He can preach in any situation.

"Also, if it was your previous living conditions, I would definitely ask you to send the child to an orphanage, but now you are rich and a great writer, so I won’t say too much. Since you have chosen to be the guardian of this child, you must take responsibility."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was telling the truth. Adopting a child is not an easy thing at any time.

You need to take care of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, etc. Hiratsuka Shizuka knew that Xia Qiu had a large amount of royalties and a brighter future, so there was no excessive obstruction in this regard. She just wanted Xia Qiu to make sure that he was clear whether he really wanted to adopt this child, and not make an impulsive choice because of a momentary kindness.

"Don't worry, Jing. Since this child has chosen me, I will definitely not abandon her. Even if I become poor and can't afford to eat in the future, I can always find Jing. Teacher Jing, support me!"

"Humph, come on~ You made a lot of money, shouldn't you treat the teacher to a meal?"

Patting Xia Qiu on the shoulder, Shizuka Hiratsuka narrowed her eyes and began to think about where to make money from this kid! Is it reasonable for a teacher to eat the students' soft rice? Of course it is reasonable!

"Goodbye, Ajing. How can I get the money to treat you to a meal when the book hasn’t been sold yet? Why don’t you treat me first, and then I’ll treat you to a good meal when I get the royalties?"

"Come on, don't lie to me, kid."

In the end, after the two of them argued, it became Hiratsuka Shizuka who invited Xia Qiu to eat barbecue.

"Hehehe, Xiaoqiong, come here quickly, there’s a sucker who wants to treat us to a meal!"

"You kid!!"

In a barbecue restaurant in Neon, where the per capita consumption is not cheap.

Throwing the menu to Xia Qiu, Shizuka Hiratsuka shouted domineeringly,"Order whatever you want."

Speaking of which, Shizuka Hiratsuka's family is very rich! On weekdays, she drives a sports car to work and lives in a big villa.

As expected, she is the first choice of rich women!

"Your name is Xiao Qiong, right? That's so cute! Do you want to live with your sister? Look, your brother can't afford to support you, so why not live with your sister?"

Hey, hey, hey, I'm still next to you. Can you speak softly when you belittle yourself? And why do you call me sister? Aren't you an old woman who is almost 30 years old? Is it really okay to act young in front of a child?

Forget it, this guy has treated me to barbecue, so I won't expose Shizuka Hiratsuka for the sake of barbecue.

Cute creatures will make girls have no resistance, even an invincible iron fist saint like Shizuka Hiratsuka is the same!

Especially such a cute Xiao Qiong!

Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled and pulled Xiao Qiong to sit next to her.

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