"I'll leave these two newcomers to you."

After saying hello, Shizuka Hiratsuka slipped away.

Originally, she was responsible for bringing these two girls who were interested in joining the Light Music Club here. The next thing was not her responsibility, and Xia Qiu could do it. It was also a good opportunity to find something for this lazy boy.

It's not easy to be the president of a club. Since you have decided to become the president of a club, in addition to what you have to do clearly, there are club activities.

There must also be a certain number of members, and the ability to contribute to the school.

Otherwise, what is the purpose of the club activity funds that the school allocates every year? To raise parasites?

There must be gains and rewards for the efforts.

The two girls brought by Shizuka Hiratsuka, one had short brown hair and a wide forehead, and the other was a standard JK girl with long black straight hair.

Seeing these two girls, Xia Qiu vaguely realized their identities.

"Hello, President!"

"Hello... Hello."

Compared to the quiet and reserved girl with long black hair, the girl with short brown hair was more lively and cheerful, and greeted Xia Qiu openly.

"President, I am Tian Zhongli from Class C of the first grade. Please give me your guidance in the future."

"Hello, I'm Akiyama Mio, and I'm in the same class with Ritsu.——"

Because she was too nervous, the girl named Akiyama Mio bit her tongue accidentally and cried out in pain.

Aren't these the Law Team and Lan Bai Wan?

Xia Qiu couldn't help but think of it, or should have realized it a long time ago, after all, even the single-core processor was in the school, how could these two people not be there?

K-on will never be separated, okay?

But to be honest, I should have taken over their territory first.

Realizing that she had embarrassed herself in front of strangers, Akiyama Mio squatted down with her face covered and her head in her arms in shame.

""Hahaha! You're too lame, Mio."

As a good friend, Tian Zhong Ritsu immediately laughed out loud, which made Akiyama Mio immediately angry and slapped her on the forehead without saying anything. Is this girl's hand strong enough? The slap almost made Tian Zhong Ritsu's soul fly out.

She is really tough...

It's as if the girl who was embarrassed because of the mistake in her self-introduction just now was not her.

"It hurts so much! Mio is too much, it really hurts!"

Covering his injured head, Tian Zhongli immediately accused his friend of violence.

Oh, right! Now is not the time to hurry up.

"President Mio is like this, she is quite shy. We used to go to a girls' junior high school. Since transferring to Sobu High School, Mio still hasn't learned how to get along with boys, so please don't be surprised, President."

""Okay, okay."

Xia Qiu laughed awkwardly, and then the three of them sat in their respective seats, looking at each other, and no one spoke.

The awkward atmosphere began to spread.

Several people stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Um, I'm Xia Qiu, the current president of the light music club, from the first-year class B. So you guys want to join the light music club?"

Xia Qiu then opened the topic and asked straight to the point.

To be honest, he didn't want other people to intrude into his territory, but... since they were willing to join, there was no way Xia Qiu would refuse.

The consequence of refusing would probably be that the old woman Shizuka Hiratsuka would raise a pair of invincible fists and angrily grab him into her office. He couldn't give Shizuka Hiratsuka a reason to teach him a lesson, right? Xia Qiu said that he still wanted to stay alive, and he had no reason to refuse the two of them from joining.

"Let me make it clear in advance that although I am the president of the light music club, I don't usually organize any club activities. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't tear down the classroom."

"And the current light music club is still short of one club member, so it may face the possibility of being disbanded."

Tian Jingzhong Ritsu said that he had no problem with what Xia Qiu said, nodded and continued

"Mio and I have considered it, so our choice is to join the light music club."

""Well... me, me too."

Akiyama Mio raised her hand and said softly.

Well, since the two girls said so, Xia Qiu had no reason to refuse. She immediately took out two forms from the drawer and handed them to them.

After the two signed, the light music club successfully added two new members.

"But the president said that we are short of one person. Didn't the president recruit new members?

Tian Zhongli blinked his eyes and asked Xia Qiu curiously.

Recruit new members? What? I would rather no one join.

Of course, if it's like this, it's fine to think about it in your heart, but you can't say it out loud.

"Oh, I just took over the light music club not long ago. The previous president and members all quit, leaving only an empty club classroom."

Is that so...

Tianzhong Ritsu nodded. Fortunately, it was not because no one joined, but because there were no new club members.

Oh, right! Now is not the time to think about this.

Suddenly, Tianzhong Ritsu's eyes lit up.

"What's the name of the song the president just played? It's so nice!!"

Hearing her friend's words, shy Akiyama Mio also looked like an expectant and curious baby, staring at Xia Qiu's face.

Although Tianzhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio have already decided to join the light music club, if the club president's personality doesn't suit their taste, they can only join other clubs helplessly.

But when they were brought to the entrance of the club by teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka and heard the moving piano music, Tianzhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio, the two childhood sweethearts, knew that they had made the right choice!

"Piano music, do you mean again?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's this piano piece! It's really, really nice to listen to!"

What a touching piece of music! Its opening is like a deep look back in the long years, and those past events that have been buried deep in memory surge into the heart like a tide, bringing endless warmth and beauty.

Then, the music gradually rose, as if it was a story told in a leisurely manner, full of unwillingness, uneasiness and hesitation.

When the middle melody sounded, it seemed to have the courage to face the difficulties and move forward bravely. Although the road was rugged, it was firm and persistent.

Finally, at the end, everything was settled, all regrets were relieved, and people left quietly with a calm and peaceful mood.

The whole piano piece seemed to be telling a story of sadness, redemption and breakthrough.

It deeply attracted the two of them.

At the same time, Akiyama Mio and Tianzhong Ritsu also realized that their president might not be an ordinary person, and such a level of music was beyond the reach of the two of them.

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