It's still early.

Xia Qiu suddenly realized that it took him less than half a day to go to the elementary school with Xiao Qiong during the day, so what should he do for the rest of the day? I can't just carry my schoolbag and go to school, right?

I don't want to~ Typing or something, Xia Qiu is still thinking about what to write for the next light novel, and he already has a few general topics to choose from.

But I don't want to type now, I'd better wait until the second part of Four Lies is released, otherwise I will send out three volumes of light novels in less than a month.

Even if there are more volumes, it will be amazing in Japan, so I still have to slow down the speed and leave enough time for the editor-in-chief Acorus.

By the way, is the second part of Four Lies so shocking to them? I heard that many editors in the editorial department over there are planning to cut him, and many editors asked Acorus through their connections if Xia Qiu could go to Dengeki Bunko to sign something.


Sima Zhao's intentions are known to everyone.

"Is it time to cut my hair?"

Touching the bangs that were not above my eyes, Xia Qiu suddenly realized that he hadn't had his hair cut for a long time.

Thinking of this, Xia Qiu turned his attention to Xiao Qiong. It was okay for a little girl to have longer hair, and Xiao Qiong looked better with long hair.

As a boy, I would feel more comfortable with shorter hair.

Especially since summer is approaching, it would be really hot to have long hair.

Thinking of this, Xia Qiu and Xiao Qiong found a barber shop and walked in.

"Do you want to have your hair cut?"

"Yeah, don't you think my hair is a little too long now? I look like a gloomy otaku."

Indeed," Xiao Qiong nodded in agreement. To be honest, Ouni is indeed very good-looking, but that hairstyle hides Ouni's beauty.

Xiao Qiong only caught a glimpse of Ouni's beauty when Xia Qiu took a shower and blew his hair.

Ten minutes later...

Xiao Qiong suddenly regretted it...

She should have said that Ouni would still look good even with long hair, and she shouldn't have let him get a haircut.

Ouni with short and messy hair is obviously more beautiful, and the beauty covered by the long bangs is displayed without reservation.

Even Xiao Qiong thinks that Ouni is so handsome!

But what if Ouni is approached by a strange girl in the future? Will Ouni refuse?

Besides, she has never seen Ouni have a girlfriend. Xiao Qiong believes that there must be nothing wrong with Xia Qiu's sexual orientation, but how can a boy who has reached puberty not have fantasies about girls?

What if Xia Qiu is abducted by another woman?

Unconsciously, Xiao Qiong began to worry and even hugged the rabbit doll in her arms tightly.

"Not bad."

Looking at the face in the mirror, Xia Qiu nodded with satisfaction. He was still as handsome as in his previous life.

After paying the bill and leaving, Xiao Qiong was entangled in the future at this moment. Finally, he decided! A creature like sister-in-law must never appear in his and his brother's home!

The next day

"You are Xia Qiu? ?!!"

Ying Lili looked at Xia Qiu who was sitting behind her blankly, her eyes full of inquiry and disbelief.

"What? I just took a day off and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Xia Qiu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

" is too..."

Eri was speechless. How could someone become a completely different person just by cutting their hair? Whether it was the change in appearance or temperament, Eri felt that the current Xia Qiu was completely different from the previous Xia Qiu.

At the same time, other people in the class were also secretly looking over here. There was no doubt that everyone was gossiping about the changes in their classmates. In addition, not long ago, there was something about Xia Qiu and Senior Sister Kasumigaoka.

It made everyone very curious whether Senior Sister Kasumigaoka and Xia Qiu were dating.

Now it seems that it is very likely.

After all, if a boy is willing to make changes, there is no doubt that he is in love! As long as he has a partner, he will definitely pay attention to his image.

In an instant, the class was filled with gossip.

Obviously, Eri also heard the name Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and she was immediately unhappy!

What's there to say about that fat woman! Venomous tongue and black belly!

And Eri was still a little upset about the last time the two of them went out. Although I don't know what Eri was upset about, Eri was just unhappy.

With a snort, she ignored Xia Qiu.

"These people are really gossipy. What do you think, Eriri? It's just to give Kasumigaoka Utaha an autograph."


Eriri suddenly realized that Kasumigaoka Utaha also knew Xia Qiu's identity. The two were both light novel writers, and they did have a common voice in some aspects. Eriri also remembered that Xia Qiu helped to complete the second volume of Kasumigaoka Utaha's Love Metronome.

So that woman just wanted to ask Xia Qiu for an autograph?

Thinking of this, Eriri suddenly became happy.

Then she turned around and met Xia Qiu's teasing eyes.

"I...I...I don't really care about what happened between you and that woman. I just want to ask if you have finished the next volume. I don't have any illustration work recently, so I am very free."

Ying Lili's pretty face turned red, and she began to explain, but in Xia Qiu's eyes, she looked like she was being stubborn.


Okay, okay, just tease the little golden retriever a little, it will really bite if it gets angry.

Ying Lili's little canine teeth look very sharp, and it must be uncomfortable to be bitten

"I have already finished writing the second volume and sent it to Ayame, but Dengeki Bunko is still considering when to release it. It is expected to be around June."


Eriri just wanted to find an excuse to get away with it, but she didn't expect that Xia Qiu actually finished writing the second volume of Four Lies!!!


At this moment, Eriri suddenly felt that Xia Qiu was a monster. How could someone write so fast? Doesn't he really need to use his brain? How long has it been since the first volume of Four Lies was released?

This person is too... unbelievable.

However, Dengeki Bunko has decided to release it before June, so there must be no problem. It also proves that Xia Qiu didn't rush the second volume.

Staring at Xia Qiu with incredible eyes, Eriri suddenly realized that she seemed to be able to see the second volume she had been thinking about!

It was all because of this guy, who was stuck at a critical climax! She kept thinking about whether Arima Kousei was with Kaoru!

Thinking about it this way, this man is really sinful!

But it also indirectly proves that Xia Qiu's level is high, and he has a good grasp of the plot.

Eriri had to doubt, is this guy really a newcomer?

"Can you show it to me? As an illustrator, I should be able to see the second volume, otherwise it will be difficult to draw the subsequent characters."

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