"It's so delicious~ How nice it would be if I could lock up my junior for my own enjoyment."

Kasumigaoka Utaha wiped her mouth. After eating the meal made by Xia Qiu, she had a clearer understanding of Xia Qiu.

He writes good light novels, cooks delicious food, and looks handsome.

What kind of treasure boy is this~

"Hey, hey, hey, senior sister Shiyu, please don't have such horrible thoughts, don't talk about me like an object"


Could this guy be a yandere? Looking at Shiyu's wine-red pupils, Xia Qiu shuddered unconsciously. Yanderes are so scary.

I will hit the yanderes in the second dimension hard, and I will avoid the yanderes in the third dimension.

Yanderes, just imagine them.

"Junior, the second volume of my"Love Metronome" is coming out soon. It is expected to be released in mid-May. A book signing event will be arranged at that time. Junior, do you want to support the sales of Senior? This is the result of our joint efforts."

Although it was a request, Shiyu stared at herself, as if to say that you can refuse it and see if I will lose my temper.

"Book signing event? I'll go, right?"

Xia Qiu thought about it and agreed to go.

"That's good, but hasn't Xuedijun thought about holding a book signing event? It must be on a large scale. Recently, Xuedijun has been praised as the rising star of the light novel industry on the Internet."

Shiyu thought of the overwhelming praise on the Internet recently, and felt a little jealous. However, when she thought of the quality of the content of Four Lies, she knew that she couldn't be jealous.

Because it was already excellent, and that level was really not something she could achieve at this stage. It's not surprising to say that he is the rising star of the light novel industry.

"The morning star of the light novel world? What a weird name. It reminds me of Sawamura-san. Isn't she called the morning star of the erotic world?"

Speaking of this, Xia Qiu wanted to laugh.

Who told Eriri to become a good girl and start working as a full-time illustrator?


Hearing Xia Qiu's evaluation of Eriri, Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help laughing.

But~ She was even happier that Xia Qiu called Eriri"Sawamura-san", which also meant that their relationship was just average.

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly felt better.

It seems that the dwarf is no better than this.

"Oh, by the way, how is the preparation for the second part of"Four Lies" going? Do you need a senior sister to help you with some advice?"

Shiyu is also a loyal reader of"Four Lies". Naturally, she cares more about the ending of the second part of"Four Lies" than others, especially when Xia Qiu is stuck at a climax of the plot, which makes people unable to sleep or eat.

"There is no need to bother you, I have finished writing the second volume and have sent it to the editor. I guess after your second volume is released, there should be news about the release of my second volume."


Kasumigaoka Utaha opened her beautiful eyes wide, staring at Xia Qiu's face with an incredible expression.

What's going on? The second volume has been written? How long has it been?

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling stuck in her chest.

Then Utaha laughed at herself in her heart. She is really a genius.

To be honest, Kasumigaoka Utaha is a girl who is far ahead of everyone else in high school. After all, she was able to write a script that won an award at the campus celebration and debuted as a light novel writer. The first volume was famous for its 5,000 sales in a single week. Although it doesn't sound as good as Xia Qiu, 5,000 sales alone is a rare achievement for a newcomer. It is already considered very impressive among the writers.

And you should know that many new light novel writers’ first volume sales are not even a few hundred, and then they face the end of being cut short, so it is enough to show that Kasumigaoka Utaha is very impressive compared to her peers.

But now, there is a good example in front of her.

With Xia Qiu, Kasumigaoka Utaha suddenly felt a little hit.

But soon Kasumigaoka Utaha sorted out her mood.

After all, he is the junior she likes. If he is not amazing, she would not pay so much attention to him. Anyway, let it be~

The lunch break is almost over, Xia Qiu suddenly thought of something, and said to Kasumigaoka Utaha before leaving

"Senior, if the sales of the second volume are not good, don't be discouraged, there will always be miracles."


Standing behind the door, looking at the back of the boy leaving, the breeze brushed through her hair, reaching out to smooth the hair by her ears, the girl then put her hands behind her back and smiled sweetly~

Really~ Why is the junior brother so handsome, it makes the senior sister a little moved.

After washing the lunch box, Xia Qiu returned to the classroom and then spent an ordinary afternoon class.

Then came to the Light Music Club, well~ It seems that I can't be a homecoming club now. After all, there are two new people in the club now. As the president, Xia Qiu has to stay in the club.

Before entering the club, Xia Qiu had already heard the lively discussion inside.

Girls are really talkative when they chatter.

In sharp contrast, the next door Service Club is really deserted. Xia Qiu's eyes swept across the classroom next door.

Well~ It has nothing to do with me anyway, and then Xia Qiu pushed open the door of the Light Music Club and walked in

"Wow, the president is here! Hey! President, you have a new hairstyle, so handsome! I am moved! Woohoo, don't hit my head, Mio, it will really make me stupid."

As soon as Xia Qiu came in, she saw Akiyama Mio knocking on Tian Zhong Ritsu's head. The fights between the girls were really something to watch.

But who is this?

Xia Qiu's eyes were fixed on the girl next to the two girls. She was a girl with a quiet temperament, as quiet as a young lady who came out of nowhere.

But her eyes were on the two girls who were fighting, and her eyes were filled with envy and other emotions.

Wait? Envy? What are you envious of?

Xia Qiu probably knew her identity, and then lamented the impermanence of fate.

Isn't this Tsumugi Zhuangzhuang, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi?

The iconic thick eyebrows are impossible to ignore, just like a symbol.

Speaking of Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi, her family background cannot be ignored. She is a standard young lady! Her family is so rich that it's outrageous, and she has a gentle personality and is a little naive.

Compared with the young lady next door, Miss Tsumugi Zhuangzhuang is like a little angel.

"Hello, President Xia Qiu."

Turning her attention from the two girls to Xia Qiu, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi greeted Xia Qiu in a friendly manner, her behavior revealing a good standard of elegance.

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