Something big happened today!

Since it's the weekend, Xia Qiu plans to move!

Perhaps because he knew that Xia Qiu's life was tight, the editor-in-charge, Acorus, directly transferred part of the royalties to Xia Qiu's card, putting Xia Qiu's moving plan on the agenda.

Woohoo, I love you so much, Acorus editor! You are simply superman!

So when the royalties reached the account, Xia Qiu decided to move out and exchange a big house with Xiao Qiong!

The location was chosen in a small house near Xiao Qiong's school and Sobu High School.

Originally, Xia Qiu was considering buying a villa directly, but considering the decoration and lack of funds, Xia Qiu thought that it would be better to wait and see about buying a villa. At this stage, it is better to move to a big house.

Looking at the items in the house being loaded onto the truck by the moving company, Xia Qiu felt a surge of nostalgia in his heart.

I feel like I have lived in this small house for more than a year. It would be a lie to say that I don’t miss it. The feeling of nostalgia is only for a moment. I am still happy to move to a bigger house.

"What happened to Xiao Qiong? She looked like she was in low spirits. Are you reluctant to leave? Well, after all, we are going to live a brand new life. It will definitely get better and better in the future, so don't be sad."

Touching Xiao Qiong's head, Xia Qiu comforted Xiao Qiong. After all, she was still a child. It was normal for her to feel reluctant to leave the place where she had lived for a long time.

Although Xiao Qiong had only lived here for about two weeks, what was left here were bits and pieces of their daily life, which were worth remembering.

Xiao Qiong pouted.

I am not reluctant at all. I am reluctant that Ouni will live separately from me in the future.

When Xiao Qiong went to bed at night, she would often open her eyes and stare at her beloved brother Xia Qiu. When she thought about seeing her brother Xia Qiu's face when she got up, she felt so happy!

Now that she is sleeping in a separate room from Ouni, how can she be happy?

Oh, so annoying.

No matter how reluctant she is, life has to go on.

The two officially moved to their new home.

The new home is indeed very large. It is a two-story small house with several rooms, and there are separate bathrooms on the upper and lower floors. It is indeed better than Compared to Xia Qiu's cramped little home, this place is really great.

The first thing to do when moving to a new home is of course to celebrate.

Xia Qiu bought some food and planned to go home and cook a few dishes to celebrate. He also bought some snacks and planned to give them to nearby neighbors.

Neon seems to have always had this custom. When moving to a new home, some homemade or purchased snacks will be given to the surrounding neighbors to enhance the relationship between neighbors.

As the saying goes, a close neighbor is better than a distant relative~ and you have to visit them well.

Before cooking, Xiao Qiong and I went to visit the neighbors hand in hand, starting with the farther ones.

However, there are not many neighbors around Xia Qiu, and they are all older grandpas and grandmas.

Xia Qiu and Xiao Qiong were received with a smile, and some homemade snacks were given.

It's still pretty good, very kind neighbors.

Then Xia Qiu found the last house, which is the house next to Xia Qiu.

"Ding Dong~"

After ringing the doorbell, Xia Qiu said loudly

"Hello, I am your new neighbor who just moved in. I came to visit you today."

""Here it comes."

The door opened a little, and a small figure looked out from the gap with vigilant eyes.

Hey? It's a little guy?

Xia Qiu happily held the snacks in his hand and greeted the little guy.

"Hello." With a snap, the door was closed.


Xia Qiu touched his nose awkwardly. Are you so disrespectful? I don't look ferocious, do I?

Xiao Qiong laughed secretly ~ Ouni-sama is frustrated.

"Mom! There's a weirdo out there!"

"Don't be so rude, Yuzuru! I heard it all, it's a neighbor nearby."

Wait, this voice is so familiar?

Soon the door was opened, Xia Qiu looked carefully, wasn't it Mrs. Nishimiya who met him at Xiaoqiong School that day? Mrs.

Nishimiya was also surprised by Xia Qiu's arrival, and then greeted Xia Qiu with a smile.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xia Qiu. I didn't expect that we would become neighbors. Come in, come in."

Mrs. Xigong invited Xia Qiu in and took out two pairs of disposable slippers from the shoe cabinet.

"What a coincidence, Mrs. Nishimiya, but Mr. Xia Qiu or whatever, I'm still in high school, just call me Xia Qiu."

"Is that so? Well, I'll call you Xia Qiujun."

Walking into Mrs. Xigong's house, the decoration of her house is quite simple, but also very warm.

But what makes me more curious is the little guy standing in front of me, a little Lolita who is only eight or nine years old, a real copper!

The little guy looked at the big brother in front of him with curiosity, then tilted his head and asked aloud

"Brother? Should I call you uncle? Are you the one my mom is dating?"


Xia Qiu was stunned and almost choked.

Xiao Qiong, who was standing next to Xia Qiu, had her pupils shrank and held Xia Qiu's hand even tighter, like a kitten with its fur standing up.

"What are you saying, kid? This is the older brother from the neighborhood, do you know?"

Mrs. Nishimiya blushed and patted Yuzuru Nishimiya's butt, telling the little guy not to say anything weird.

Mrs. Nishimiya with a blushing face is indeed a little cute.

No, no!

How did I become a thief!

Get rid of this terrible idea in your mind quickly.

"But mom? If she is not your blind date, why did you bring a gift?"

The little girl obviously thought the person who gave the gift was her mother's blind date.

But it's normal, there are not so many rules in the world of children.

Besides, Mrs. Nishimiya is really hard-working, and it is normal for her to think about remarrying. After all, one more person means someone to take responsibility.

But judging from what Yuzuru said, the blind date process must have been not smooth.

Indeed���After all, there are two children in the family, and one of them has an ear problem. For such a family, no matter how beautiful Mrs. Nishimiya is, and no matter how cute and obedient Yuzuru and Naoko are, considering the living conditions, they would not choose to marry such a woman.

Oh, it's really hard.

"Xia Qiujun, don't take Yuzuru's words to heart, this little guy is just talking nonsense."

Mrs. Nishimiya's pretty face was slightly red, feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, it was also, it sounded like Mrs. Nishimiya was an old cow eating tender grass.

No one is watching? Single player life is so boring.

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