"Speaking of which, I’m also curious about what the writers’ exchanges are like."

""It's settled then, junior, don't stand me up."

After winking playfully, a sly smile appeared on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face. Shiyu put her hands behind her back, and her cheerful back gradually disappeared from sight. She is really cute and full of temptation.

In fact, Xia Qiu's knowledge of Shiyu is only through anime and fan fiction, a sharp-tongued and black-bellied senior.

This is the label on Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but in fact, Shiyu is not like this. She still has the cuteness of a girl of this age, and she will also say some irrelevant words to tease you.

Sure enough, reality is reality, and it cannot be confused with the second dimension.

All impressions come from engraving. It's just a superficial understanding.

After the afternoon class, Xia Qiu did not go to the light music club, but said hello to the girls in advance.

He still had to pick up Xiao Qiong to go home. This was Xiao Qiong's first time to go to school! Xia Qiu couldn't help but worry about this little girl. He wondered how she was doing in school? Did she eat well, listen carefully, and so on.

Alas, the old lady was everywhere. His current mentality reminded him of his mother in his previous life, who would also ask questions and fear that he would not have a good time in school.

Maybe ~ this is the love from family.


The mobile phone in his pocket rang. Xia Qiu picked it up and saw that it was a call from Mrs. Nishimiya.

"Moshi Moshi? Is that Xia Qiujun? Sorry to bother you at this time. I may have to work overtime today and will be home later, so can you please take Shaozi and Yuzuru with you when you pick up Xiaoqiong?"

In the company, Mrs. Nishimiya looked at the cumbersome documents on her workstation and knew that she might be busy until seven or eight o'clock today before she could go home.

In the past, she asked the teachers in the school to take Yuzuru and Shao back. Occasionally, if she got off work early, she would let her daughters wait for a while in school, and then pick them up after work.

Mrs. Nishimiya often worried about her daughters.

Now that Xia Qiu is here, Mrs. Nishimiya has to trouble Xia Qiu.

"Of course there is no problem. I was just about to call you to ask if you would like me to help take the whistle and Yuzuru home."

Xia Qiu said there was no problem, it was just taking care of a child.

"Thank you so much! I will bring some souvenirs when I come back. Thank you so much for your help."

"It's okay, it's okay."

After hanging up the phone and sitting at her workstation, Mrs. Nishimiya sighed.

With Xia Qiu's help, she had fewer things to worry about.

He was just an 18-year-old high school student, but he was very reliable.

Somehow, Mrs. Nishimiya thought of what Yuzuru said, that Xia Qiu was her blind date, and her face suddenly turned red.

Then she slapped her cheeks hard.

What are you thinking about? He's just an 18-year-old high school student, how could you think like that!

Yaeko! You're really depraved.

On the other hand, Xia Qiu didn't know that Mrs. Nishimiya had fallen into some unspeakable fantasy because of him.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the school gate, taking Xiao Qiong in his hands.

"Oh, is Mr. Xia Qiu here to pick up his sister? Xiao Qiong performs very well in school, but she is a little behind in her studies. But it should be because she has never been exposed to it before, so she seems to be struggling. But Kasugano Qiong is very smart and can learn many things in one go."

I chatted with Xiao Qiong's class teacher for a while. Xiao Qiong is indeed not bullied in school. She is just a little behind in her studies. Apart from this, there are no other big problems.

"By the way, Teacher Miwako, which class are Yuzuru and Naoko in? I was asked by their mother to come and pick up the two little ones.

Mrs. Nishimiya must have called in advance.

She quickly picked up Naoko and Yuzuru.

"Big brother!"

Seeing Xia Qiu standing at the school gate, Glass and Yuzuru seemed very happy.

They ran all the way to Xia Qiu's arms. They had not been together for a long time, but they seemed so intimate. Well, the world of children is still very simple. If you are good to her, she will be good to you. It's that simple.

Seeing Ouni touching their heads, Xiao Qiong on the side felt jealous.

She pouted.

She didn't even go to Ouni's arms to act coquettishly, but they got there first!

Damn it! She just wanted to be a little reserved and didn't want her brother to think that she was the kind of child who liked to act coquettishly, but in the end, she was beaten to it by outsiders.

How hateful!

Xiao Qiong complained secretly in her heart, but her hands didn't stop moving. She pulled the corner of Xia Qiu's clothes.

"Hi, of course I haven't forgotten my most lovely sister, you have a share too."Haha, not forgetting this little jealous person, Xia Qiu also put his big hand on Xiao Qiong's head and rubbed it.

This made the little guy feel a little less angry.

And sister...

Ouni... is like a stupid brother.

In this way, the four of them, one big and three small, walked towards home.

If Xia Qiu hadn't come to pick them up today, Shaozi and Yuzuru would probably have to wait in school for a while, or ask their class teacher to take them back.

"By the way, your mother has to work overtime tonight. How are you going to solve the problem of Xiao Xiao Yuzuru eating later?"

Xiao Xiao Yuzuru couldn't hear it, so Yuzuru had to answer this question.

"There are ready-made meals in the refrigerator. Just heat them up in the microwave. My sister and I both have dinner this way."

Indeed, even a child can operate a microwave, so it's not very dangerous.

However, the food heated up in the refrigerator doesn't taste that good, but it can fill your stomach.

"I see. Then Yuzuru and Nozomi should come to my brother's house for dinner."


"Of course there is no problem. It is better to have a lively home."


While cheering, Yuzuru did not forget to write down what Xia Qiu had just said in his sister's notebook.

Xiao Gaozi was also very happy, but she could not speak and could only express it with actions. She held Xia Qiu's hand and showed him a bright and healing smile.

Wow! What a little angel!!!!

If I want to have a daughter in the future, I want to have a daughter as innocent, well-behaved and cute as Gaozi!

"Xiao Qiong agrees, right? Glass and Yuzuru are coming to visit our house.

Xia Qiu did not forget to ask Xiao Qiong's opinion.

""Of course, unnie."

Xiao Qiong nodded, indicating that she had no problem. As friends, Yuzuru and Naoko could still be close friends, and there was no problem with them coming as guests.

But! Brother's love will not be shared with you!

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