"This generation of netizens is so abstract."

My phone has been vibrating since the beginning, making me feel like I have a toy hidden in my pants.

I picked it up and found that Dengeki Bunko had sent a message about the release of four signed copies not long after I left.

Just as Xia Qiu was flipping through the comments of netizens, Kasumigaoka Utaha's avatar was jumping.

【Kasumigaoka Shiko: Do you miss me, junior? Are you waiting impatiently?

This woman is really narcissistic, but she does have the premise to be narcissistic. I have to say that Kasumigaoka Shiko is really beautiful. But as a person, you still have to be tough.

【The first attacker of the dump garden: No】

【Kasumi Shiko: Really? I've been preparing for this date for a long time, and I've come wearing black stockings that I like. 】

Hiss! How does this person know that I like black stockings?

Although Kasumigaoka Shiko's pair of black stockings are indeed eye-catching, I didn't stare at them like a fool, I just glanced at them occasionally and looked at them with admiration.

【Kasumi Shiko: Hehehe~ I guess, junior, you are very surprised now how I knew this? (*^▽^*) , Junior, don't underestimate women's intuition, then~ look back. 】

Xia Qiu raised her head and looked behind her.

The beautiful senior sister in a white dress was standing behind her. Her smooth and delicate white thighs were exposed in front of her eyes, which made people sigh that these were really a pair of amazing legs.

But... what about black stockings?

But if you wear this kind of jumpsuit, it looks better with bare legs, and it would look a bit awkward if you wear black stockings.

"Junior, you are really thinking about senior sister's black stockings, right? Senior sister, such a beautiful face, you don't care about it, but only care about my legs."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu tilted her head slightly, and there was a smile in her eyes.

But there was one thing she said that was true. Kasumigaoka Shiyu did prepare a lot for today's date.

"What a bad-humored senior sister, oh~ I hurt my junior brother's young heart."

Xia Qiu pretended to be sad and covered her chest.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu blinked her bright eyes, leaned close to Xia Qiu's ear, and whispered softly

"If you want to see it, I will wear it for you next time."

"Really?" You're a bastard if you don't take advantage of an opportunity."

Kasumigaoka Utaha said nothing, with her hands behind her back.

Who knows?

As expected, this woman is still attractive, giving people a sense of contrast. Those who are not at a high level can easily be led by Kasumigaoka Utaha.


The exchange meeting will start at 2pm. Before that, the two of them will go to a nearby cafe to sit for a while. It would be meaningless to go too early.

In the cafe.

Although Kasumigaoka Utaha likes to tease cute juniors on weekdays, her daily conversations with Xia Qiu are still very serious about light novels.

"I'm a little worried... If the sales of"Love Metronome" are not good, it is very likely to be cut in half. Although the editor and I think that the second volume of"Love Metronome" is better, who can say for sure about the sales?"

The metal spoon stirred in the coffee cup, making a crisp sound.

Kasumigaoka Utaha's face was full of sorrow.

For her,"Love Metronome" is no longer a simple debut work, but more like her child. Kasumigaoka Utaha hopes that her child can grow up healthy and normal, and also hopes to give"Love Metronome" a perfect ending.

《Love Metronome is scheduled to be released in mid-May. Although Kasumigaoka Utaha is very satisfied with the content of the second volume, it is really hard to predict the sales.

Xia Qiu has learned from the past, so she is not worried about the sales of Four Lies.

But Kasumigaoka Utaha is different. Before the results come out, she will always feel uneasy.

"It's okay, don't worry too much, the sales of the second volume shouldn't be bad."

I've also read the second volume of Kasumigaoka Utaha, and at least compared to the original content, the newly revised"Love Metronome" is indeed a good work.

"I really appreciate the comfort from my junior."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's red lips lifted slightly, and the corners of her mouth rose.

With Xia Qiu's comfort and the judgment of the author of the Four Lies novel, her impatient mood improved a little.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stared at Xia Qiu's face, and thought,"It would be great if my junior could only belong to me." Kasumigaoka

Shiyu couldn't help but have such thoughts in her mind.

Indeed, she was just a normal girl in adolescence, and she looked down on those classmates in school just because the gap between their status was too big.

How could Kasumigaoka Shiyu look down on a boy who laughed and joked in school and did some boring things to attract the attention of girls?

Compared with her peers, Kasumigaoka Shiyu has already surpassed them by a lot and achieved certain achievements.

You know, girls are generally upward-looking, so in comparison, junior brother Xia Qiu is really excellent in all aspects, and is indeed very worthy of being moved.

I took a sip of coffee, but I don’t know what the junior brother thinks~

Kasumigaoka Utaha is still very confident in her own charm.

So Kasumigaoka Utaha is not so anxious for the time being to take the relationship between the two a step further. She also wants to know more about the junior brother...

Just like in her"Love Metronome", the male and female protagonists slowly approach each other, and finally live happily together.

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Utaha's heart can't help but be a little more beautiful, and even the taste of coffee has become a little sweet.

I don't know why, it seems that Utaha seems very happy today

"By the way, junior, have you finished writing your four lies?"

"I've finished writing it. There are only two volumes of Four Lies, and there are no sequels or extras. I'm currently preparing a new novel, and I've already written about 30,000 words."

So fast?" Kasumigaoka Utaha was a little shocked, but she was relieved to think that this guy only took less than seven days to finish the second part of Four Lies.

This guy is indeed like a monster in this respect! It's simply a tentacle monster!

"Junior, are you interested in asking me for advice?"

Kasumigaoka Utaha winked playfully.

Of course, there is no problem with this. Xia Qiu also wants to know whether the adapted version of"Your Name" suits other people's appetite. You know, the original"Your Name" is just a movie. I don't know if I can fully retell it with my level 3 writing level.

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