"So, my boyfriend, are you interested in submitting your work to our Fuzuigawa Bunko? The treatment is generous. You and Xiaoshi came to the exchange meeting, so you must be interested in light novels."

Machida Yuanzi still did not forget to drag Xia Qiu into the water.

This woman is really...

It seems that she is the one who caused the whole Fuzuigawa Bunko to be in turmoil, right?

Xia Qiu and Kasumigaoka Utaha looked at each other at the same time, and then they smiled at the same time.

Hmm, you said that you are just a senior and a junior, but I think you two look like a couple.

Machida Yuanzi muttered in her heart.

"Oh, I don't know if I can produce another great author like the lolita love teacher! Damn it! Why did that good thing get taken away by that guy Acorus! Woo woo woo, I also want to produce a great writer under my own hands!"

"Acorus? Is it Kagurazaka Acorus?"

Xia Qiu couldn't help but ask when she heard the familiar name.

"Yes, does my boyfriend know her? She is the editor-in-chief of Dengeki Bunko. We were best friends in college, but after graduation, she went to Dengeki Bunko and I stayed at Fuzugawa Bunko. After the sales of Four Lies exploded, she called me immediately. Humph, what kind of good best friend is that? I think she just called to show off."

Speaking of this, Machida Yuanzi got angry. How could that girl be so lucky that such great authors were picked up by her. She was clearly a failed editor who had no hit authors not long ago. She finally had a high-quality author like Xiaoshi to show off to, but then Four Lies came into being, and she was really shown off to the public.

After the complaints were over, everyone walked into the hall of the exchange meeting.

Many authors had already arrived, holding a glass of red wine, communicating with each other like upper-class people.

In fact, if you lean over and listen

"What? Your light novel is going to be adapted?"

"Damn it! We agreed to fail together, but you took off first! Can you please stop showing off in front of your brothers? You will really become famous!"

"What? You got a girlfriend who is an illustrator? Can you stay away from me? My brothers are still single, you should get out of it first!"

Abstract speeches like this are everywhere.

Of course, there are also groups that have normal exchanges, but those are all authors with good sales, and the unsuccessful ones can't get involved.

Xia Qiu lost interest after listening for a while. Anyway, he came here to accompany Shiyu to participate this time, so he just wanted to listen to the experience exchanges of authors in the industry. There are not many people who talk about practical stuff.

"How is it? Is it a bit boring?"

Sitting on the sofa, Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw Xia Qiu turn around twice and come back with a lack of interest.

"It's normal. Instead of holding such a boring exchange meeting, I'd rather go home and write. If it weren't for the invitation from Fuzugawa Bunko, I wouldn't want to participate."

Kasumigaoka Utaha has participated once before. Her"Love Metronome" had just been released. She was quite interested in the exchange meeting of her peers.

But the result was ~ very boring, really boring, and the topics they talked about were all meaningless.

"It's really boring."

Xia Qiu nodded in agreement.

"It's normal. My suggestion is to improve the welfare or come up with something substantial. These old guys just like to do some empty things."

Machida Yuanzi complained. Even she thought that this kind of exchange meeting was just a waste of time, but the old guys in high positions thought it was necessary for formalism.

Machida Yuanzi was just a small editor, so she could only participate.

"Hey, it would be great if we invited the lolita lover to come and participate, just look! Just by sending a message about the release of the signed version, it caused an uproar on the Internet! It's really amazing!"

As she spoke, Machida Sonoko took out her mobile phone.

The hot search on it was the message sent by Dengeki Bunko, and there were tens of thousands of comments below.

The hot scene made Machida Sonoko stunned.

Recently, the popularity of Four Lies has just dropped a little, but it has risen again.

I believe that it is not impossible to sell 500,000 volumes per volume.

What's more, if the second part of Four Lies is not bad and it is adapted into an anime, if it is completed normally, it may be possible to sell more than one million volumes per volume!

When she thought of such a terrifying author in the hands of her best friend, Machida Sonoko felt as sour as eating a lemon!

"Oh, by the way, my boyfriend may not understand how powerful the lolita control teacher is. Let me tell you.……"

Kasumigaoka Utaha smiled and said nothing, just watching her editor bragging about how awesome the author of Four Lies was, not knowing that the author was right in front of her.

Kasumigaoka Utaha felt embarrassed for her editor.

But she was just watching for fun~

"Hey, Teacher Xia Qiu? Why are you here? Are you interested in this level of exchange? You should have said it earlier~ I thought you were afraid of trouble, so I didn't invite you to the Dengeki Bunko exchange meeting. After all, you even turned down the celebration party last time."

Just when Machida Yuanzi was talking about how awesome the lolita control teacher was, Kagurazaka Ayame came to the side of the few people without knowing when.

She felt that Xia Qiu's back was familiar from a distance, but when she got closer, it was really Xia Qiu!

Then when Ayame got closer and heard her best friend bragging about how awesome Xia Qiu was and how awesome the work Four Lies was, Ayame almost couldn't hold it back!

My goodness, is it really okay for you to brag in front of her?

""Ayame, why are you here too?"

I looked at Ayame curiously. Logically, isn't she the editor-in-charge of Dengeki Bunko? Why is she here to attend the author exchange meeting of Fuzugawa Bunko?

"Hi, the editorial departments of each company actually communicate with each other, and occasionally participate in the exchange meetings of their own libraries. This time I was sent here by the editor-in-chief, but I also���Let's see if there are any authors worth poaching."

Chang Pu waved his hand. This kind of situation is actually very common.

"Moreover, Yuanzi is also my best friend, so I thought of coming here as a public travel, although the two libraries are not far away"

"In that case, we won't bother you any more."

After that, Xia Qiu and Kasumigaoka Utaha left. They just went out to get some fresh air. It was really meaningless to stay in this boring exchange meeting. It would be more pleasant to go out and have a cup of coffee.

Machida Yuanzi was completely confused!

What's going on? How could her best friend be so familiar with her boyfriend?

Could she be the author signed by her best friend?

Then didn't Ayame hear her poaching behavior just now?

Damn it! Why did she act a step too late!

In this regard, Machida Yuanzi looked at Kagurazaka Ayame with resentment.

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