Isn't this our lovely Hirasawa Yui?

Cute and adorable, one of the representatives of the useless cute character, a character that is cute, soft, silly and stupid.

She is also a very famous single-core processor. She can achieve great success by focusing on one thing, but the price is that other familiar common sense will be thrown away. She also has absolute pitch, and has Hirasawa Yui, who is known as one of the five virtuous sisters of ACG, at home.

In short, she is a very cute character.

As for the fact that Hirasawa Yui would appear here, Xia Qiu didn't feel it was strange.

After all, K-ON will never be separated. Now, all the K-ON girls except A-Zin-Meow are together.

"So, girls, join us! Tomorrow! A beautiful tomorrow is waiting for you!"

I said this to Ritsu Tainaka, and you almost made the light music club into a club where you can have a bright future if you join it. Besides, this is a blatant fraud, okay?


Hirasawa Yui stroked her chin and thought. This girl's thoughts are very strange, because you don't know what Yui is thinking.

Is she thinking about whether there will be delicious cakes after joining? Or will she become a big shot after joining?

In short, it's weird and cute.

"Um, can I hear those nice songs again after joining?"

Hirasawa Yui raised her hand and asked.

Eh? This answer was beyond Xia Qiu's expectation.

But it was normal. After all, Hirasawa Yui was attracted by the piano music he played, so this child is still very interested in music. So this answer was unexpected, but reasonable.

"Of course, that was specially performed by our president for our club members, which means that only members of the light music club can enjoy this benefit."

Tsuruta Tainaka continued to seduce, and Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi beside her nodded in the role of a supporting actor.

Hey, you are really shameless? I don't know who was shouting that it was so boring~so boring~ and asked himself to play a piece, how did it become a benefit of the light music club?

"So! Then I'll join!"

With a big wave of her hand, Hirasawa Yui wrote her name on the application form. Originally, Yui had been thinking about which club she wanted to join, but she hadn't made up her mind for several days.

Now there is such an interesting club in front of her, where she can listen to good music, drink delicious black tea and eat delicious snacks, why not join?

I am such a clever little ghost.jpg

So, our light music club has added another member, let us especially welcome Hirasawa Yui to join!

"By the way, should I introduce myself to you? My name is Tian Zhongli, first grade, class C, and I am the drummer of the band. That is Akiyama Mio, my good friend since childhood. You can call her Mio, and she is the bassist of the band."

When introducing Akiyama Mio, Mio greeted Hirasawa Yui in a friendly manner. When it comes to dealing with the same sex, Akiyama Mio is a little less shy. After all, she really can't deal with the opposite sex. Recently, she has only become more familiar with Xia Qiu, so she can greet and talk normally.

"That lady with outstanding temperament is a real lady. She is the keyboard player of our band, Miss Tsumugi Tsumugi. By the way, the black tea you drank and the small cake you ate were all provided by Tsumugi."


"And this one!"

At this moment, Tian Zhongli was like a host introducing actors. He took the application form signed by Hirasawa Yui, rolled it up, and came to Xia Qiu.

"This is our most beloved president, the most powerful person in our light music club, and the future leader of our band! Teacher Xia Qiu! Everyone applaud!"



Hirasawa Yui was very considerate and clapped with a small exclamation.

"By the way, the beautiful song you just heard was played by our president."


Hearing this, Hirasawa Yui's eyes seemed to be twinkling with little stars.

"We should have seen it not long ago."

""Ah? Have we met before?"

Hirasawa Yui tilted her head, as if wondering where she had met Xia Qiu before. But her little head was filled with doubts.

Hmm, it seems that she can't remember it? I haven't met the president before?


Xia Qiu sighed slightly. He shouldn't have had hope for the girl's memory. Sure enough, a single-core processor is a single-core processor. They had collided with each other a few weeks ago. Normally, a normal person would have memory.

"Hmm~ I can’t remember it."

Hirasawa Yui said with a bitter face.


After a slight silence, Xia Qiu continued to speak.

"You forgot that we bumped into each other in the corridor not long ago"


The girl seemed to remember something and tapped her palm with one hand.

"Is this true?"


Several girls fell to the ground one after another. This girl seemed a little too confused, right?

Hirasawa Yui remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"Oh, yes! My name is Hirasawa Yui, from Class A, Grade 1. Please give me your guidance in the future."

"I thought Hirasawa Yui would forget her class when she introduced herself."

"I feel like... it's possible."

Akiyama Mio and Tianzhong Ritsu complained.

"I think Hirasawa Yui is very cute, right?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi still had a smile on her face. She felt that the light music club had a very interesting girl join. The light music club was very interesting now.

"By the way, Hirasawa Yui, what instrument do you usually play?

Tian Zhongli did not forget to ask the girl about her usual instrument. He hoped to have a guitarist, as the band was in need of a guitarist.

"Musical instrument?"

"Musical instrument?"

"Musical instrument!!!"

Do you need to be able to play a musical instrument to join the light music club?!!"

Hirasawa Yui suddenly became nervous. If she didn't know how to play a musical instrument, would she be kicked out?

Hurry up, Hirasawa Yui pretended to be calm

"Musical instruments... well, I know a little bit of that, and this, and that, hahaha! I know a lot."

The girl's appearance was not pretending at all. Tian Zhongli and Akiyama Mio looked at each other and immediately understood that classmate Hirasawa Yui didn't seem to know how to play any musical instrument...

But it didn't matter. The light music club didn't require everyone to know how to play anything. It's just that most of the people who chose to join knew how to play some musical instruments. It would look a bit strange for someone like Hirasawa Yui who didn't know how to play anything to join.

But all of this can be practiced.

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