
All the barley tea that had just been taken in was sprayed out. Iris didn't care about her own embarrassment and wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue.

Then she rubbed her eyes with an incredible look, and then confirmed again that she was not mistaken.

Oh my god! What the hell! Teacher Xia Qiu really doesn't intend to give others a way out!!!!!

It hasn't been long since then, and there is another new light novel!!! Iris paused. The release of the second volume of Four Lies is coming to an end, and now there is a new manuscript. Is this intended to be a seamless connection?

Iris typed to tell Xia Qiu to let Xia Qiu calm down and think about the new book, but after thinking about it, Teacher Xia Qiu only took less than a week to write the second volume of Four Lies, and the quality was far better than the first volume.

I kept this idea in my heart. Geniuses do exist after all.

Anyway, the teacher sent the manuscript over, and as the editor-in-charge, she had the obligation to review it.

【When I woke up in the morning, I cried for some reason.】

【This kind of thing happens from time to time.】

【I clearly had a dream, but I can't remember it.】


【I just feel like something is missing】

【This feeling will last for a long time even after waking up.】


A flashback technique? It's very innovative. The opening monologue of the male and female protagonists, and what will happen next!

The teacher's strength is getting stronger and stronger~ Acorus sighed slightly.

Then Acorus no longer had the intention of censoring, and immersed herself in the plot of the novel.

After seeing the funny daily life of the male and female protagonists after swapping bodies, and the various strange behaviors after the swap, Acorus suddenly laughed out loud.

Suddenly Acorus thought of this sense of déjà vu, as if she had seen it somewhere!

It seems that when I was watching Four Lies, I was in this state, warm daily life, healing heroine!

And then! Then the heroine was gone!

Damn, the old thief played this set too well, and suddenly I was a little afraid to read on.

But she is the editor-in-charge, even if it is a knife, she will eat it!

With this mood, Acorus finished reading the whole light novel.

Then he exhaled a long breath, and it was still unsatisfactory!!!!

Fortunately, the old thief did not send a knife this time! On the contrary, it should be considered a happy ending. Although the ending is not clear, everyone knows that the hero and heroine will meet again. Whoa~ I don't know who held down Xia Qiu's hand, damn! Seeing a meteorite! Time travel, especially when the hero didn't recognize Sanye, Acorus' heart was clenched

"I still write works that are warm and healing. The old thief obviously writes works that are depressing on purpose."

After sighing, Acorus suddenly realized that the senses of this work were too good! She was completely immersed in it!

"Editor-in-chief! Editor-in-chief! Teacher Xia Qiu is going crazy again!"

May 15th! The weather is fine and the sun is shining brightly.

Kasumigaoka Utaha put on a clean white jumpsuit and put on a light makeup on her face, which was actually just to cover up the dark circles under her eyes from staying up late to write recently. There is no way. Full-time authors are like this. They often stay up late to write, and dark circles under their eyes are normal. Or it can be said that authors without dark circles are not good authors!

When I thought that today was her book signing event, my excited heart was hard to calm down. I wonder if anyone will come...

This is about the future direction of her light novel"Love Metronome"!

Kasumigaoka is very concerned about this. Shiyu is very concerned!

Pulling her thoughts back to reality, when Kasumigaoka Shiyu was about to put on her shoes to go out, she looked at her white thighs.

Should I wear black stockings? It seems a bit weird to wear a white dress with black stockings?

Well, my lovely junior will probably like it very much, but today is a book signing event, so forget it since there are so many people. I'll wear it to my junior next time we have a chance to date alone~

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu pushed open the door.

Five minutes later, she hurried back home.

She changed into black over-the-knee socks, hey~ it should be no problem to wear this out, my junior will probably like it very much(˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )

After a little cuteness, Kasumigaoka Utaha left the house in high spirits.

When she arrived at the signing event of Fuzugawa Bunko, Machida Sonoko had been waiting for a long time.

"Wow, today's poem is so beautiful. I am moved when I see it."

"Uh-huh~ No matter how much you compliment me, it's useless. Go get the contact information of your junior yourself."

""Xiao Shi is bad!""

Tsk! The old woman still wants the contact information of my junior brother, how can I give it to you! Don't think you don't know what her purpose is. She will not do anything that will bother my junior brother. She sat on the chair with a relaxed mood, leaning against the back of the chair.

《The book signing event for"Love Metronome" has officially begun!

Neon's book signing event is also a good way to verify the sales and popularity of this book, and it also allows the author to more intuitively know how many fans his book has.

"Xiao Shi! Xiao Shi, there's such a long queue outside!! I feel like the sales of your second volume of"Love Metronome" won't be much different!"

Machida Sonoko looked even happier than Kasumigaoka Utaha, and was so excited that she almost spoke incoherently.

Kasumigaoka Utaha squinted her eyes, this was just the beginning, if Junior was willing to hold a book signing event, he would probably be more popular than herself.

Somehow, now Kasumigaoka Utaha's mind was full of whether Xia Qiu would come to her book signing event. Although he said he would come, she was still a little nervous before she saw Junior.

The book signing event began, and the readers who had been queuing outside quickly poured in.

When the loyal readers of"Love Metronome" saw that the author of"Love Metronome" was really a great beauty, they felt a little happy. They thought it was false propaganda from the publishing house, and didn't expect it to be so.���What a beautiful lady.

It's a pity that we can't take photos, after all, it's to protect the writer's privacy.

"Hello, Kasumi Shiko! I am a loyal reader of"Love Metronome" and I have read all your works."

The first person who signed seemed to be a boy about the same age as me, wearing black-framed glasses and with an ordinary appearance.

A complete otaku~

"Okay, your light novel autograph is ready. Don’t talk too long, there are people waiting in line behind you."

Machida Yuanzi couldn’t help but urge this chattering boy not to hinder the people behind him.

""Okay, okay."

The boy in front of him realized that he was too excited, and then gave up his seat. He left with his autographed copy in his hand.

The autograph session was going on in an orderly manner. There should be hundreds of people, and it is estimated that the signing will last until the afternoon. In addition to signing, he also had to say a few words to the fans.

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