At 8 o'clock in the morning, the bookstore opened, and the eager readers rushed in, just to buy a copy of the second volume of Four Lies! This is the novel they have been thinking about for a long time!

Just to eat the last bite of candy!!!

In a high-end apartment building, Hiratsuka Shizuka walked to the sofa with a paper bag.

"It's really hard to buy. That kid should be so happy now. His light novel is so popular. It's hard for me to imagine that the bad boy who could hardly afford to eat has become a famous writer. I can only say that things are unpredictable."

Rubbing her sore arms, Shizuka Hiratsuka lay on the sofa and took out the Four Lies she bought from the paper bag. After all, it was her student's light novel, so she should support it.

And Xia Qiu's writing skills are really good. Even Shizuka Hiratsuka, who is not interested in youth literature for boys and girls, has gradually been attracted to it. The Four Lies is really good.

Turning over the title page of the book, there is a passage written on it:

【Friend A, April with you is really good. It is the happiest April I have ever had. 】

Looking at the words on the title page of the book, Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled faintly. After all, the immature love of high school students is like this, beautiful and unforgettable.

And Shizuka Hiratsuka also fantasized about having a sweet love.

Damn! I'm getting off topic! How can I have a sweet love!


Then she read on. Shizuka Hiratsuka really wanted to know how the story would develop. Did Kousei Arima overcome his inner demons? And what would happen with Kaoru Miyazono.

But... the more she read, the deeper Shizuka Hiratsuka's frown became!

【"That's my mother's special seat. She's here today."】

【For my mother's sake, in order to make her happy, I must give her the best performance as a gift.】

【"What kind of performance is that!!!"】

【"Didn’t I emphasize that you must play according to the score?"】

【It hurts so much when my mother's ruler hits me. I don't understand why my mother is unhappy. I just want to give my mother the best performance as a gift.】

【"It would be great if people like you died!"】

【The mother used the most vicious words, but Kousei did not see the sad smile on her mother's face.】

【"Kousei him! But I have been working hard just to make you happy!"】

【"I know about this kind of thing!!!"】

【"But I… I don’t have time… What will happen to Kousei? Will he be able to live a good life? Will he be able to make a living from music in the future?"】

【That was the last time I saw Arima Saki. After that, her illness worsened and she became weak and frail.】

【However, when she was on the verge of death, Arima Saki found her good friend Seto Hiroko for the last time and knelt down to her.】

【"Please, please help me take good care of Kousei, Hiroko! That kid must hate me now, and he won't miss me too much even if I die."】

【Arima Saki's face was full of sadness and helplessness, but then she smiled in relief.】



【Under the shining sun, Arima Saki stretched out her hand towards the ceiling, the sun shining on her skinny face.】

【"I think, if I stay with him longer, my baby...can I be happy?"

Unconsciously, Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes were filled with tears, as if they would fall in the next second.

What's going on? Why am I crying?

Hiratsuka Shizuka came to her senses and quickly took a tissue to wipe her tears, then picked up the four lies in her hand, why...why did I cry?

Hiratsuka Shizuka was silent and walked to the window.

And I don't know how long it has been since I cried like seems like a long time.

With a click, I lit a cigarette, trying to suppress the emotions rolling in my heart.

"Oh, this guy is so awesome……"

I have to admit that Xia Qiu's writing style is so powerful that even Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but praise it.

After finishing her cigarette, Shizuka Hiratsuka adjusted her mood, sat back on the sofa, and continued to read the rest of the chapters.


"It's really popular. My level is not enough to be compared with that of my junior. It is thanks to my junior that I can come back to life."

At Kasumigaoka Utaha's house.

The lovely senior sister took off her black stockings, exposing her smooth and white thighs to the air, and then turned on the air conditioner. This summer is surprisingly hot.

Especially in the bookstore, it was crowded. Kasumigaoka Utaha finally got a copy.

Well~ This book must be signed by my junior first! After all, it's the first time! It must be my junior's!

When Kasumigaoka Utaha was about to open the book, she suddenly remembered that my junior had posted a song under his personal account, which was specially used with Four Lies.

It's really amazing. For a light novel, he actually wrote a song specifically.


Kasumigaoka Utaha quickly found the song on the computer and played it.

Then she sat quietly in the chair and watched the second volume of Four Lies.

【Kousei Arima seemed to see Kaori Miyazono standing in front of him, playing the violin and performing the final performance with him.】

【Please, don't leave! Perform with me again】

【Even if it's just Friend A, please don't leave me alone! Come back to me once more.】

【As if she heard what Arima Kousei said, Miyazono Kaoru turned and left, a tear falling.】

【But the next second, the girl's figure was like cherry blossoms in April.】

【The audience was shouting Arima Kousei's name, but he couldn't stop crying.】

【The light in the operating room turned green, and the doctor in a white coat came out and shook his head at Miyazono Kaoru's parents.】

【I can't hold back my crying anymore.】


【I have liked you for ten years, but I spent the whole month of April telling you a lie that I don't love you.】

【Goodbye, friend! a~】

Unable to hold back any longer, Kasumigaoka Utaha clenched the tissue in her hand.

Why is it a tragedy? This is not the ending she expected? A beautiful love is completely different!!!! It's a knife! An absolute knife!

Kasumigaoka Utaha seemed to have turned evil, picked up her phone and texted Xia Qiu.

A series of bloody knife emojis were sent.

At Eriri's house, Eriri, with a sad face, stepped into Sayuri's arms, crying and denouncing Xia Qiu's shamelessness.

What? Did your boyfriend eat everything and not recognize anyone?

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