The all-powerful He He! I still have a deep impression of Xia Qiu. After all, she is He He. She has been a good friend of Dai Wei since childhood, and she is also the behind-the-scenes hand of the light music club!

Hehehe, it’s not that exaggerated, but He He did help the light music club a lot, and she is more like a mother to Dai Wei.

She is a girl who can easily leave a deep impression on people.

"As for Weiwei, she has been smiling a lot more recently, and she often shares with me interesting things in the light music club. I feel that Weiwei now has more things to care about than before."

Manabe Kazu thanked Xia Qiu with a smile for being willing to play with the childish Daiwei, and was also grateful for the tolerance of everyone in the light music club towards Daiwei.

That child often does a lot of ridiculous things. He is a silly idiot who can do a lot of nonsensical things when he is not supervised.

And adults can vaguely remember the scene when Daiwei almost ate the crayon when he was a child, and the bathtub of crayfish. Whenever he thinks of this, Manabe Kazu always can't help showing a kind and slightly helpless smile

"Thank you for the compliment. Dai Wei is a very hard-working child, and with her in the light music club, there are a lot more laughter and joy."

"Dai Wei… puchi~ It really fits Wei Wei’s nickname."

At this moment, Xia Qiu and Manabe Kazu were like two adults sharing parenting experience with each other, telling each other about the stupid things Dai Wei often did.

Compared to the"lively" side, Yukino next to Xia Qiu seemed cold and deserted. After all, she was the second young lady Yukinoshita who had no friends, isolating everyone’s existence

"Hi! We need to choose someone to be in charge of this school festival, so is there anyone who raises his hand?"

Just when everyone was quiet, Shirokai Patrol clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and stated the purpose of this meeting, which was to find a person in charge of the school festival. It sounds good, but in fact... it's just dumping the job on other people, which really fits the character of this student council president.

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Shirokai Patrol's face turned bitter. Is there really no one who plans to take responsibility? This is a good opportunity to compete for the student council president in the future!

Everyone knew that this was a thankless task, and the title of the person in charge sounded quite misleading, but that was all.

Just as Senior Shirokai Patrol blinked and was about to skip this proposal, Yukino raised her hand without surprise.

"If no one comes, I will take charge of this matter."

"Eh? Who are you? Oh! You are the younger sister of senior Yang No! Great! Then the person in charge of the campus festival is Yukino! I believe that as the younger sister of senior Yang No, Yukino must have done a very good job."

Uh... I have been stepping on landmines. Xia Qiu glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino and found that her face was very ugly, especially when she heard the title of Yang No's younger sister, she was shocked.

Speaking of which, Yukinoshita Yukino has always been aiming to surpass her sister. She wants to prove that she is better than her sister in all aspects, and she also wants to prove that she is not just Yang No's younger sister, but Yukino of the Yukinoshita family.

So when it comes to the person in charge, Xia Qiu knows that if nothing unexpected happens, Yukino should take over this difficult job.

After all, Yukinoshita Yukino's sister has served as the person in charge of the campus festival before, and she held it very beautifully.

With the person in charge, the next meeting became very simple, and after a while, it was over.

"By the way, Xia Qiu, your light music club's performance list has not been handed in yet.

Before leaving, Manabe suddenly called Xia Qiu.

"Ah? I should have asked someone to help me with this matter... Never mind, I know."

Xia Qiu clenched her fists. She knew at a glance that it was Lulu, the idiot, who had forgotten. Xia Qiu still remembered her"criminal record"

"Sorry, I will give you the list later."

Manabe nodded, indicating that he understood.

He scratched his head and said that he would teach the idiot Lulu a lesson when he returned to the light music club. He forgot such an important thing and did not report to the student union. He would not be able to perform later. What an idiot.

Just when Xia Qiu was about to return to the light music club, he met a guy on the road who surprised him.

"Oh! So Yang No-senpai will come to visit too? That's great!"

Jiu Huan Xun seemed very excited, looking at the young and beautiful woman in front of him, he looked like a little fangirl.

"Well, after all, it is my alma mater, and my sister is here too, so ~ I will come to visit when the time comes."

Judging from her conversation, attitude, temperament, and appearance, Yukinoshita Haruno is really one of the most beautiful girls.

But... the heart hidden under the bright and beautiful appearance is a very twisted inner self.

If Xia Qiu were to evaluate Yukinoshita Haruno, perhaps the word"indescribable" would be very appropriate.

Yukino's expression did not look very good. When she saw her relatives, there was no smile on her face, but a bit of disgust, and her eyes seemed to be questioning, what was she doing here?

""Oh my, Yukino-chan has also become the general manager of the school festival! I believe you will do better than your sister."

People who don't know her personality and look at her from the perspective of others may really think that they have a good relationship.

For example, the somewhat slow-witted senior sister Johkai Patrol

"Yes, yes, after all, she is senior Yang No's sister. As senior Yang No's sister, her abilities must not be too bad, so senior Yang No's sister will definitely do an excellent job in this campus festival."Huh~

She stepped on the landmine very accurately!

Xia Qiu almost couldn't hold back the expression on her face when she was watching from the side.

Obviously, when Yukino heard what senior Shirokai Shun said, the expression on her face did not seem very happy, but rather very gloomy.

Forget about Yang No's words, Yukino has been accustomed to this guy's weird tone, but senior Shirokai Shun's words... It seems that she has been telling Yukino how outstanding Yang No is, and as her sister, you must be very outstanding too, no! You must be very outstanding!

Although senior Shirokai Shun herself has no ill intentions, this guy really can't read the atmosphere, oh... This guy seems to be a bit careless.

"Senior Cheng Huixun, I have something I want to talk to you about, can you come over?"

Hearing someone calling her name, Cheng Huixun turned around and shouted"I'm coming, I'm coming", and then left, leaving the two sisters alone to communicate with each other.

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