"By the way, He He! Why are you in our light music club? Did the idiot Lu Lu forget to hand in the program again?"

Dai Wei looked at Lu Dui curiously.

Lu Dui felt insulted. What do you mean I am an idiot? Aren't you an idiot? Bah bah bah! You are the idiot! I am not!

"No, we came here to watch the rehearsal of the light music club’s performance. The general manager plans to schedule your show as the finale, so we came here to observe."

Lord Kazukazu rolled his eyes and said.

After hearing this, the girls first said"oh", and then suddenly exclaimed in surprise!!!

The finale! It's actually the finale!??

It's amazing! Even in the school festival, being the finale is really amazing!!!

"But why did He He let us be the last one?"

Dai Wei asked cutely. Her single-core processor couldn't handle such a complicated matter.


Team Lu flicked her head in annoyance.

"Didn't I just say that the person in charge of the school festival said that our program should be the finale?"

The law team lectured angrily, but Dai Wei forgot what he just said, which really made the law team angry and funny.

"Ugh! Lulu is bad!"

Dai Wei covered his forehead in dissatisfaction.

"But why did the person in charge schedule our show as the finale?"

"Of course this...that? This...hmm! Did the president betray his appearance?"

Pa! Pa!

Two different slapping sounds were heard, causing the team leader to cry out in pain.

Looking back, it was the president holding a small notebook and slapping his head twice.

"Hey, hey, President, I didn't say anything nonsense! Was it all Weiwei who said that?"

The lawyer team smiled foolishly and raised their hands in surrender!

"Idiot, do you really think I didn't hear it? As for Dai Wei's question just now, Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka knew about us, so she recommended our program. It's not like I sold out my body."

In that case! Everyone understood! Suddenly they were motivated, standing in their respective positions, planning to have an excellent rehearsal!



A few minutes later, several girls breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that their rehearsal this time should be perfect, after all, they had practiced for so many days.

""Wow!!! So amazing! I want to be your fan!!!"

Senior sister Shirokai Mizuki shouted in front of everyone, looking very excited. She didn't expect the girls' rehearsal to be so good? And this was without the blessing of the stage!

How come her school is so full of hidden talents, and there is a band of this price?

She could feel that Dai Wei was very happy to be in this light music club under the gentle gaze of adults He He. It was great that her Dai Wei had grown up, had her own good friends, and had things she wanted to do.

Yukino nodded seriously and wrote down the light music club's program on the program. It was an excellent performance. In her opinion, there would be no problem in performing it in public. It was indeed the finale of the school festival.

It's just... why did teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka tell her... She, put Xia Qiu's program at the end of the list?

The finale and the end of the list are two different things. The finale is usually the second to last, while the end of the list is the last program.

Is this Xia Qiu really that outstanding?

Yukino doesn't know much about music, but teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka said so, and she also watched the performance just now. She thinks it's okay, so let it be.

After that, Yukino left without hesitation. She still had a lot of things to deal with. It must be said that she was really decisive.

Before leaving, she dragged away senior sister Shirokai Patsuna, who stayed here to drink tea. Hey, this guy thought he had found an outsourced one, but he didn't expect to find himself a boss. Haha~

Xia Qiu stared at Yukino's back and thought, this guy is really not afraid of dragging his body down.

"Eh? Qiuqiu cares about Yukino?"

Seeing Xiaqiu's expression, Kotobuki Tsumugi asked Xiaqiu curiously.

Indeed, Yukino is very beautiful in terms of appearance, and is indeed a goddess in the eyes of boys. She thinks it is normal for Qiuqiu to like Yukino. Boys...……

"I am a little concerned"


You actually care!!!" Kotobuki Tsumugi was troubled. Qiuqiu fell in love with Yukino? This is not normal? Qiuqiu doesn't seem like the kind of person who would like Yukino? What should I do? How can I tell Qiuqiu tactfully that Yukino is not that easy to get along with?

"I care about when this guy gets tired. He does everything by himself. I have seen him working overtime for the student union several times. It is really hard to have such a president."

Xia Qiu answered with his arms crossed.

Oh! So you care so much, then it's okay.

Kotobuki Tsumugi thought so

"But why does Yukino have to work so hard on herself? Can't she arrange for others to do many things?"

Listening to Kotobuki Tsumugi's words, Xia Qiu lowered his head and thought for a while. What should he say? He couldn't say that he had read the original work, right?

"Well, it was probably on the day of the meeting that I met Yukinoshita's elder sister. It seemed that Yukinoshita had a feeling of rejection towards her elder sister, and Senior Sister Johwagami mentioned that Yukinoshita's elder sister had done a great job in organizing a school festival before, so I guessed that Yukinoshita and her elder sister didn't have a very good relationship."

Oh! That's amazing!

"Besides, with Yukinoshita's personality, do you think she would ask for help from others? She probably couldn't find anyone to help her, so she had to do everything by herself, which led to a backlog of work, longer working hours, and ultimately a drag on her health."

"So that's how it is?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi nodded seriously. She didn't know much about the Yukinoshita family. She only knew that she had a very outstanding sister. The one that people around her talked about the most was Yukino's sister. She didn't expect there were so many twists and turns.

There was another thing Xia Qiu didn't say. Yukino's goal was just to surpass her sister.

"Well, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

Xia Qiu waved her hand indifferently, and then touched Kotobuki Tsumugi's head.

Recently, I feel that I am becoming a head-patting monster.


Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi lowered her head and smiled foolishly. Today, Qiuqiu touched her head again!

"Wow wow wow! ? ? That's too much! Xia Xia, touch mine too!!!"

Seeing the young lady being touched on the head! Dai Wei shouted and wanted it too!

Xia Xia's head touch felt very comfortable, just like touching a dog on the street. A wonderful metaphor from Dai Wei

""Objection! I want one too!"

The Law Team came over and joined in.

In the end, only poor Mio was left looking at the scene in a trance.

What about mine?

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